The man's accent has a strong British flavor, and his expression is extremely arrogant.


At this time, one side of Griffin was sweating and kneeling on the ground.

The man turned his head and looked at Griffin, frowning in disgust. "It's a lowly lower devil!"

Griffin's face was pale, his eyes showed the color of humiliation, but he could only helplessly lower his head.

Because it's repression from the bloodline level.

He couldn't resist.

At this time, the blonde man said, "Chinese, I'll give you ten seconds. If you don't disappear, I'd like to taste the blood from the East."

With that, the blonde man smiles, revealing two terrifying fangs.

Blood clan!

Higher beings in the dark race.

With nearly eternal life span and strong strength, he once ruled Europe for thousands of years.

But in the face of such a strong man, Xue an just slowly opened his eyes, and then slightly frowned.

"Go away!"


With the word Xue an uttered, an invisible shock wave suddenly spread.

The golden haired man, as if he had been bombarded by a shell, flew back and forth until he knocked down a heavy truck.

Then the golden haired man's face twisted and snorted: "Chinese, you dare to attack the noble blood clan! Today, I will make you my blood slave

After that, two huge black wings sprang out on the blonde's back, and the whole man floated into the air, sending out a very strong momentum.

"Chinese people, this It is the consequence of your exasperation of the noble count of Aldington Leicester

After that, the count of the blood race turned into a red light and rushed straight at a very fast speed.

The speed is so fast that it even leaves a shadow behind.

The most terrifying thing about blood clan is their speed.

Before and after rushing close, Lester's mouth appeared a grim smile.

This Chinese is very strong, but he is not afraid because of his racial talent!

But it was in his hand that he was about to touch Xue an.

Xue an, raise your hand and flick your finger!


Leicester was blasted out at a faster speed, and half of his body exploded in the air and turned into a cloud of blood.

The bullet between the fingers, nearly let this strength comparable to the SangXian blood count perished.

Leicester stood in the distance in the middle of the sky, looking suspicious.

And his smashed half of the body also began to grow at a very fast speed, and in the blink of an eye, it recovered as before.

The most proud immortal of blood clan!

"Very well, you are really strong. It's worth using my real strength!" Leicester said in a deep voice.

the whole man's momentum soared again! And then rush again,


With a deafening explosion, the air was punctured by leicesterson.

This Leicester actually broke through the sound barrier with pure physical force!

Then there were two loud noises in succession!

Triple the speed of sound!

This astonishing speed makes Leicester an invincible weapon.

In a moment.

Lester rushed to see Ann.

"Go to hell!"

Lester yelled, prompting the family secret, a huge and incomparable blood claw came straight.

But even in the face of such a terrible attack, Xue an still did not get up, just stretched out a hand and directly grasped the blood claw.

Lester is very happy.

This blood claw is attached with a curse from the blood clan. Once contacted, it will be infected with various negative curses.

But his joy only lasted less than half a second, then solidified.

Because Xue an's hand suddenly rises a pure white flame.

Under this flame, blood claws are like ice and snow under the scorching sun. In a blink of an eye, they melt!

Lester exclaimed in horror, "holy flame! No... "

Then he turned and ran.

And it's going to run at five times the speed of sound.

This flame has a natural suppression of the dark race, which makes him full of fear.

But with a wave of his hand, a sword light flew straight by, cutting Lester's body in half.

And this time, no matter how Leicester struggles in the air, he can't heal his body!

The sword began to slowly erode Lester's body.

His momentum waned rapidly.

The count of blood clan, who has survived for hundreds of years, felt the breath of death for the first time!

"No Please, don't kill me! I can give you endless wealth. Please spare my life Lester screamed in horror.Xue an was not moved by it at all.

At this time, Leicester has fallen down, the whole person began to aging rapidly.

He knew that he was finished, so he yelled before he died: "you killed a noble blood count. My family and the whole blood clan Council will seek revenge on you! You will become the lowest blood slave and be enslaved by my blood family for generations to come

With Leicester's voice, a mark of gray light appeared on xue'an's hand.

Lester laughed. "This is my curse! You can never erase it. "

But Xue an just looked down at the mark on his arm, then brushed it with his hand, and a gray light ball was suspended in Xue an's palm.

Lester's eyes are about to pop out.

"Why How is that possible? How can you get rid of the curse of blood clan

Xue an shook his head. "Is this your curse? It's so simple! "

In the world of heaven and earth, there are those who specialize in the art of cursing.

Those most profound curse skills, even can curse the immortal directly!

Even xianzun, encounter this kind of curse will be headache!

Compared with that kind of curse, the curse of the blood clan is as simple as a piece of white paper.

"Let's show you today what the real curse is!"

With that, Xue an points with his hand, and the gray glow suddenly turns black, and then flies directly to Leicester, directly imprinted on his forehead.

Lester did not even have time to send out the scream, and it turned into fly ash and disappeared.

At the same time, Europe is thousands of miles away.

In an old castle in country y, a dozen members of the Aldington family who are tasting blood suddenly begin to decline.

A few weak barons even did not utter a voice, they were directly out of their wits.

This scene of blood shocked many people.

"A curse! Come on, please invite the owner

At this time, a powerful momentum directly driving in the castle.

A blood clan with long golden wings appeared in the air.

Many blood clans knelt down, "my Lord! Please help me

At the moment, David, the head of the Aldington family, had a sinister look on his face.

He was sleeping, but suddenly he was entangled by a powerful curse. Finally, he had to spend a hundred years of his life to strengthen and untie it!

Who is it!

How dare you curse my Aldington family!

At this time, the presence of these blood clan people painful cry a few, then have turned into fly ash, body dead on the spot! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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