And in front of the abandoned mines in sin city.

The tragic death of Leicester made Griffin bow his head humbly. He even wanted to kiss Xue an's toes.

As a demon, he knew better than anyone the difficulty of killing a blood aristocrat.

You can imprison them or destroy them physically, but as long as there is a drop of blood, they will be reborn!

But just now, Leicester is completely turned into fly ash, which means that it has disappeared forever!

And this is just the result of Xue an's random action.

At this moment, Griffin was completely submissive.

As for Carter and others, they were all stunned.

Carter, in particular, was full of self-confidence. He thought that with the power of blood, he could even unify the city of sin and become the dark king of the city.

However, he did not expect that the powerful blood clan in his mind was killed by the Chinese man.

This man, how terrible!

Thinking of this, Carter shivered all over, and then quietly backed away.

But Griffin was clearly not going to let him go.

"Oh, my dear Carter, what? Do you want to leave now? " Griffin said with a sneer.

Carter looked stiff, and then forced to smile: "Lord Griffin, betrayal is a very normal thing in the city of sin. Didn't you say that?"

"That's right, but it can only be me to betray others, not others to betray me!"

Then Griffin said to xue'an, "my Lord, these guys are all heinous. Please kill them together."

Hearing Griffin's words, Carter was scared to death and ran away.

It's not just him!

Even those who followed ran away.

But just as they ran several tens of meters away, they saw countless vehicles driving to the gate of the waste mine.

Carter and others couldn't open their eyes when the glare of the car lights was shining.

When they were terrified, countless men in black came down from the car.

These people all exude the bloody and fierce air, it seems that they are all the elite criminal.

Carter was dumbfounded.

"This This is the bell family

And in the middle of a retro old car inlaid with gilt edged, old bell slowly walked down.

As soon as he appeared, all the men in black stood in awe and did not speak!

Such a situation, let Carter and others are all scared.

After a while, Carter squeezed out a flattering smile, "Godfather! The person you are looking for is over there

Old bell, with a smile on his pale face, nodded at the card character, "Carter, thank you."

And old bell went in.

Carter quickly bowed his head.

I was a little excited.

Old bell is out in person. Are you still alive?

Carter just wanted to look up after old bell had gone.

Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his back. Carter was surprised and wanted to fight back. But the next second, a sharp dagger pierced his throat.

With Carter, and his men.

After a few breaths, all of these people became corpses, and even before they died, they could not even scream.

At this time, all these people went into the abandoned mine.

Old bell was at the front, and his men followed closely behind.

All of them wore a white flower on their chest.

Such momentum made Griffin pale.

Xue an's expression is indifferent, even the eyelids are lazy to lift.

Old bell stopped and looked at Xue an quietly. After a long time, he said in a hoarse voice.

"Chinese, I'm surprised you didn't leave the city of sin."

Xue an faint smile, "leave? Why should I leave? Just because you killed your son? "

Xue an's words, let these men all stir up, many people glare at Xue an.

Old bell waved his hand, and the crowd was quiet, and his face grew paler.

"Little Baer is a good boy. He has a lot of excellent things. In time, he will even be a dark giant better than me!"

"But you killed him yourself

Old bell's face showed a cruel look, "so even though you are highly cultivated, I will kill you! At all costs! "

Then old bell stepped back.

All of the men behind them raised their guns.

Endless bullets poured in, dense like a barrage!

But in the face of the bullet that could destroy a mountain, Xue an just laughed, then raised his palm and whispered, "ten thousand swords belong to the clan!"

With Xue an's voice, countless sword Qi came out of Xue an's palm and turned into a white torrent, which directly blew the bullets into powder.And then he ran straight to bell and others.

But at this time, several black shadows suddenly appeared in the air, and then they all roared. Shengsheng blocked the Haoran sword.

The sword Qi dissipated.

Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly and looked up into the air.

In the middle of the sky stood three men in cloaks. They could not see their faces clearly. The only thing they could see was the evil eyes under their cloaks.

Griffin exclaimed, "dark Night commander

Night commander!

The most mysterious existence of sin city.

It's also the best card of the bell family!

But Xue an's eyes grew colder and turned to look at old bell? Now I'm curious. Which demon God in the demon world has you reached an agreement with

Hearing Xue an's words, old bell's expression changed and he looked at Xue an in surprise.

"Chinese people, you have a wide range of knowledge. Yes, our bell family is a loyal believer of the Lord of Samar!

After that, old bell pointed to Xue an and said, "kill him!"

The three night commanders disappeared in the same place, and then appeared around Xue an.

Then the three men joined hands to strike.

Xue'an was shrouded in the endless dark atmosphere. With his strong power and even the aftershocks, everything turned into powder.

A happy smile appeared on the corner of old bell's mouth.

In his opinion, Xue an must die!

After all, it was a joint attack of three night commanders!

As for Griffin, he was rolling away from the blow, and he was on his knees trembling.

The dark night commander's suppression of evil Qi made it difficult for him to even move his finger.

My lord Are you dead? Griffin thought in despair.

But at this time, a slender and slender hand reached out of the evil Qi and tore up the barrier of the evil Qi.

"Do you know why I want to ask which demon you are cooperating with?" Xue an came out of the evil spirit and asked lightly.

Old bell was shocked. He couldn't believe that Xue an could easily break the blow.

"Because The original Lord of the demon world has been subject to my feet , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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