With Xue an's voice, a white flame rose from the feet of the three night commanders, covering it in the blink of an eye.

All three of them let out a roar of pain.

And then, like a candle, it was born and melted by the flame and disappeared.

All the people watching this scene were stunned.

Old bell even exclaimed, "how How could it be? "

Those are three night commanders!

But she was killed by Xue an!

The result chilled his heart.

Xue an faint smile, "in my here, nothing is impossible!"

After that, Xue an took a step.


The power of this step makes heaven and earth shake.

Old bell's men were directly shocked by the foot.

Although old bell was not dead, he was also hurt by the vibration.

At this time, his face showed a color of horror, and finally understood how strong this man was.

In a moment, old bell's face showed a look of cruelty and madness.

Then he took out a black dagger from his arms and stabbed it directly into his chest.

No trace of blood flowed out, and all the blood seemed to be absorbed by the dagger.

Old bell also began to age rapidly.

But he roared.

"Please come here

With his roar, the ground burst into a big crack.

Then a powerful momentum emanated from it.

A ten meter high God rose slowly from the ground.

Old bell was dying at the moment, but his face was full of surprise and exclaimed, "Lord Samuel, please kill this man!"

The evil god's face was full of arrogance. First Jie Jie and Jie laughed a few times, "bell family, do you call me here with your life sacrifice, just to kill a mortal?"

Old bell nodded. "Lord Samuel, this man is very fierce. Please help me kill him!"

Samel nodded. "Your family has been consecrated to me for generations. I will help you once today."

He turned to look at Xue an, first a Leng, and then greedily licked his lips.

"What a powerful Qi and blood! What a perfect tonic

After that, he said arrogantly: "mortal, you kneel down now, I can consider to let go of your soul, as long as your body!"

In his strong momentum, even the ground began to shake slightly.

But Xue an just looked at him faintly. After a meeting, he shook his head. "No wonder you don't have an impression of your name. It turns out It's just a medium demon

Samuel turned pale. "What do you say?"

Xue an raised his fist. "I mean Since you are here today, don't want to leave! "

Say it, blow it out!

Samuel's arrogance had never been taken seriously.

With the strength of his demon body, there are few things that can hurt him in this world.

But when Xue an blows out this blow, he is shocked.

"No way!"

Can word just export, Xue an's punch has been close.


Samuel was blown away by the blow.

When he stopped, his face was very bad.

"What is your cultivation? How can I be hurt? "

Xue an, however, was too lazy to answer his questions and raised his fist again with great interest.

"Can you take me? Good, then come again


Samel was blown out again.

This time, one of his arms was smashed, and the evil spirit began to shake slightly.

But Xue an didn't give him a chance to breathe. He rushed up again as fast as lightning.

So there was an amazing scene in the air.

A huge demon God with a height of 10 meters was flying around by Xue Anbang.

Old bell, who had believed in the victory of the devil, had no faith in his eyes.

Is this still the omnipotent God in your eyes?

Why is it that under this man's fist, like a ball, he is beaten everywhere?

Finally, Xue an's figure stood still.

Looking at Samuel, his whole body was broken, his appearance was extremely miserable, and his eyes were full of fear.

"You Who are you? You will never be mortal, otherwise you can't hurt me

Xue an faint smile, "who am I? The fist will tell you! "

With that, Xue an slowly raised his fist.

This time, he stopped playing.

"One punch The moon is stepping on the sun! "

The fifth form of the six forms of killing God was finally displayed by Xue an.Boom.

Xue an's fist seems to appear under the sun, incomparably bright light covers everything.

Samuel gave a roar of pain, and then, as if he remembered something, he trembled and screamed, "you You are... "

Xue an nodded, "yes! I am! "

Then the light exploded.

Samuel thought that even if he was defeated, he was only driven back to the demon world.

I didn't expect it would be this man! If you know it's him, I dare not come anyway!

"Ah, ah, ah!" He was not willing to roar.

Then, the voice stopped suddenly!

This unfortunate demon God was completely eliminated by Xue an.

At the moment, old bell is not dead.

But the whole body shivering paralyzed on the ground.

Xue an bent down and looked at him, "what else do you want to say?"

"Who are you?" Asked old bell, trembling.

"Me?" Xue an smiles, "I am Xue an!"

With a flick of his finger, a sword will blow up old bell's head!

At this time, Griffin, covered with bruises, got up from the ground, knelt down on the ground, and cried out in great fear: "my Lord!"

Xue an's fist just now hurt him as a demon!

Here, "Xue an nodded."


Xue an was impatient with these people's repeated provocations, so he turned into a streamer and flew back to the city of sin.

In the black building where the bell family lives.

The remaining members of the bell family are talking and laughing.

In their opinion, the three night commanders and old bell's in person!

No one can beat such a lineup.

Just at this time, several masters left behind felt a startling momentum, and were approaching rapidly.

Before they could react, Xue an was already on the top of the building.

"Who are you?" These masters followed and flew to the top of the building, and asked solemnly.

Instead of answering them, Xue an looked around and nodded.

"This is it!"

"Kill him!" These experts rushed together.

Xue an did not pay attention to these people's attack, palm empty grip, light way: "borrow the moon of the city a use!"

With his voice.

The moonlight shrouding heaven and earth suddenly changed and turned into boundless sword Qi.

These masters didn't even cry out, so they were directly blasted into powder by the sword.

Moreover, even the buildings at the foot of the building were all swallowed up by the sword and turned into powder. As for the bell family inside, it was completely destroyed.

Then these sword Qi soared into the sky and turned into a huge sword curtain, covering the whole city!

Wensinan was healing her wounds in her headquarters. Suddenly, her face changed greatly and she rushed out directly. She looked up at the sword Qi all over the sky, and her face was unbelievable

"this Is that your real strength? " Wensinan whispered to himself.

At the moment, the countless masters in the city of sin are also shocked to see the sky.

"What is that?"

Xue an stood in the middle of the air and said faintly, "go!"

At his command, the sword fell like rain.

It's night!

In the city of sin, countless heinous people are all turned into powder.

The name of Xue an is famous everywhere!

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