Information service of country M.

"Boss, it's an urgent encrypted file from sin city. Would you like to have a look at it?" Asked an agent.

Quecy, the intelligence chief, was drinking coffee leisurely. After hearing his subordinates' words, he said with a smile: "Sin City? What documents can I get there? Is it a homicide? "

Quecy's words attracted a lot of people's laughter.

The city of sin is already a place beyond the law in the state of M. who cares whether there are dead people there.

Quecy took the document and opened it over coffee.


Just after reading the beginning, all the coffee in quecy's mouth spurted out.

"Boss, what's the matter with you?" Someone asked in surprise.

Quecy couldn't wipe her coffee any more, muttering to herself, "it's him! He was even more powerful than he thought! No, this should be reported to the director immediately! "

With that, he didn't care about anything else. He got up and ran upstairs.

When they came to the door, they did not care about their politeness and pushed the door in.

"Dear secretary, you..."

Quecy was stunned.

Because at this moment, in this so big office, will star bright.

His immediate supervisor, the elegant old lady, was looking at the screen in horror.

The picture on the screen is the scene that the whole city of sin is shrouded in sword spirit.

When the sword fell like a rain, the countless villains were directly chopped into powder, people in the office all uttered a cry of surprise.

When the picture is over, the lady, code named m, asks in a panic.

"Lieutenant general, if we face this man, can we have any good way to deal with it?"

The lieutenant general of M, with an ugly face, hesitated for a moment and then shook his head.

"His abilities are almost incomprehensible! We can't solve him in the first place, unless Use tactical nuclear weapons! "

If the lieutenant general, keep the room quiet.

"Send someone to pay close attention to him, and remember not to irritate him! At least one thing is good news, that is, our Oriental immortal still has some bottom line, and all the murderers are heinous bastards Said Mrs. m with a bitter smile.

Similar scenes are being staged in various countries.

Countless people began to figure out what method could be used to subdue xue'an.

Without exception, the predictable results show that unless the top weapons are used, Xue an's ability is almost unexplained.

Intelligence personnel in many countries adjusted Xue an's risk level to the top level, and then began to frantically block news to prevent riots after the news spread.

In the outside world because of this matter and noisy when.

Xue an stayed quietly in front of the mining area for three days.

In these three days, no one dares to step into the waste mining area within 2000 meters.

Because Xue an's amazing sword is really frightening.

Kill half the population of sin city!

The bell family disappeared with the iconic black building.

In the face of such astonishing means, who can not fear.


Xue an finally opened her eyes and her face flashed with joy.


The aura of the whole mining area soared again, and the ground and walls were covered with delicate flowers.

Xue an got up and went to the mine.

Because of aura, Anyan mother and daughter don't even need to eat rice!

But Xue an in order not to let the two little girls and an Yan feel bored, specially sent a variety of snacks and toys, including a brand-new notebook.

So in these three days, Anyan took two little girls to play games and eat snacks in the mine.

When Xue an returned to the inside, he stood quietly behind an Yan.

It has to be said that the environment in this mine is very suitable for playing horror games.

For example, now, an Yan closed his eyes and played a survival horror game.

Xue an put his hand on her shoulder.

An Yan screamed with fright and jumped up directly from the seat.

When she turned her head and saw that it was xue'an, she patted her chest and said, "I'm scared to death, I'm scared to death!"

Xue an ha ha a smile, "feel how?"

"The game is fun!"

Xue an was speechless. "I mean, how has your cultivation improved in the past three days?"

An Yan thought, frowned, "how to describe it! There seems to be some progress! "

All of a sudden, she frowned and picked up the pan. "I think I can kill a dinosaur in one pot now!"

Xue an was made to laugh and cry by an Yan, so he nodded, "OK, we should go now."

"Well? What about this spiritual spring? ""Take it with you, of course."

"Take it with you? But this is a spring. How can I bring it? " Anyan didn't understand.

Xue an smiles, "your husband, I certainly have a way!"

With that, Xue an's hands were printed, pointing to Lingquan.

The spring suddenly floated from the ground, and then gradually narrowed. When it flew into xue'an's hand, it had turned into a crystal clear gem.

However, the gem is still emitting aura, which makes people feel relaxed and happy when they get close to it.

Anyan originally wore a sea demon blood bead necklace, Xue an then inlaid this gem on it.

Then he clapped his hands with satisfaction, "well, where you go, you can have the spirit spring to accompany you!"

An Yan did not know why, but still nodded.

In fact, what she did not know was that even those disciples of the immortal sect in the heavens had not received her treatment like this.

Lingquan Huazhu, take it with you!

What a luxurious sect to do this!

Only Xue an, who loves his wife, is willing to give up!

"Husband, shall we go home directly?" An Yan asked.

"I'm not in a hurry. I'll go back to the bar and have a look. I miss the wine made by the old stone guy." Xue an chuckled.

The city of sin.

Old stone is in a happy mood and busy in the bar.

Although the population of sin city is half as small, business is better.

Because those people who died are heinous scum.

Now the law and order in sin city has suddenly improved.

There's no one in the bar who fights all the time.

Thanks to the man for all this!

Thinking of this, old stone can't help but sigh.

Who could have thought that the man who looked ordinary at the beginning would be so powerful?

Old stone heard those martial arts face adoration said that the power of this sword is unparalleled in the world!

The bars with the old stones are becoming more and more popular.

Because a lot of people know that Xue an came to sin city and actually settled down in this bar, they all rushed over.

When Xue an walks into the bar.

Old stone is burying his head to wipe the cup. When he hears the door ring, he doesn't lift his head and says, "it's not open yet. Come back later."

Xue an faint smile, "to a glass of wine is good, after drinking I left!"

Hearing this, the old stone froze, and then slowly raised his head to look at Xue an. After a long time, he said in awe.

"Yes, my Lord!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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