The drink was soon made.

Old stone also very intimate modulation of three cups of juice, to an Yan mother and daughter three people.

Xue an drank slowly with his glass.

The old stone hid in the distance, looked at it with awe, and did not dare to come over,

"how is Griffin now?" Xue an said lightly.

After that day, Griffin returned to sin city.

Old stone quickly said: "very good, I listen to him, ready to open a few regular enterprises, no longer do those bad things!"

Xue an a smile, the devil also can change temperament?

Just then, the door of the bar was pushed open and Vince came in.

"Old stone..."

Then he stares round eyes and looks at Xue an.

Xue an raised his glass and laughed, "so clever!"

Wensinan takes a deep breath, nods to an Yan with a smile, and then walks over.

"Give me a cup of Twilight love!"

The wine will be served soon.

After watching her for a long time, she just walked quietly

Xue an nodded. "Of course I will go."

Wensinan held up his glass and said, "have a good journey

Xue an smiles, "what should I wish you? Is business booming? "

Wensinan was embarrassed. After a meeting, he said, "in fact, many girls who were forced to come in have already washed their hands, and the rest are people who have no way out."

Xue an smile, "do not need to explain, I am not a saint, there will be light and darkness, this is a very normal thing! I didn't kill those guys because they committed so many heinous crimes, just They annoy me

This explanation made wensinan cry and laugh.

One sword destroyed half of the city, just because the heart is very upset?

And while xue'an was drinking in the city of sin.

In China.


Tang xuan'er takes Xiaosha and prepares to go home.

Now Tang xuan'er is used to this kind of life.

Take Xiao Sha to work and buy some vegetables on the way home after work. This is a simple day.

"Xuaner, go back!" Someone said hello with a smile.

Tang Xuaner nodded with a smile.

Now Tang xuan'er is unknown in the hospital.

Not only because of her beauty, but also because of her background.

Colleagues from the hospital have seen Qin Yu, the eldest daughter of the Qin family, more than once. They drive to pick up Tang Xuaner and go out to play.

Miss Qin!

What an identity that is!

It's no exaggeration to say that the president of this hospital has no qualification to see others.

So many people even flattered Tang xuan'er.

For Tang Yixuan, it's just that.

As soon as he got out of the hospital door, Xiao Sha was familiar with the way to the East.

"Well, go there again! Can you take a day off? I'm embarrassed, OK? " Tang xuan'er is helpless to follow behind Xiaosha and says softly.

Xiaosha was not moved at all and walked straight ahead.

Soon, I came to a deli.

As soon as he saw Tang xuan'er's figure, the whole person was as energetic as electricity.

"Sister, you are coming!"

Tang xuan'er nodded.

"The same as before?"

"Again Ten more pounds Tang xuan'er felt a little red when she said this.

"Well, wait a moment." The primary school student quickly began to chop cooked food.

Soon, a large package of cooked food with 40-50 Jin was cut.

The apprentice asked, "sister, can you carry it? Why don't I send it back to you? "

"No! Thank you Tang xuan'er takes the cooked food and turns away.

The little apprentice looked at Tang xuan'er's back, and couldn't help being a little crazy.

At this time, someone hit him on the head.

The pupil shivered, "boss!"

The owner of the delicatessen said helplessly, "what about that? Look, even the eyes are flying out

The pupil lowered his head, "I I just look at it

The boss sighed, "I tell you, this girl is not a general background at a glance, you don't have any other thoughts, understand?"

"Yes The little apprentice bowed his head.

But in a moment, the light out of the corner of his eye saw several men suddenly walking forward across the street.

It was normal.

But these men seem to have just come with the elder sister.

Are they following this sister?

The hair of the pupil's body stood way!

My little sister is in danger. I have to save her!

Thinking of this, the work clothes of primary school apprentices didn't have time to take off, and rushed out directly, even the boss's yelling and scolding were left behind.

At this time, the men were talking in a low voice.

"This little girl is really good-looking. It's rare to see such a beautiful girl in Kunlun!" Said one of the ferocious men.

"Yes, and the key is pure temperament. It's just a chick at a glance." Someone said greedily.

"But you say she is a secular person, how could she offend the thousand snow fairy of qianxuemen in Kunlun?"

"Who knows, anyway, you will get a reward if you catch it back!"

Yes, these people are all from Kunlun fairyland.

It was specially selected by the snow fairy.

Their accomplishments have just been able to enter the secular world without restrictions, so it is very appropriate to carry out these tasks.

But Tang xuan'er didn't realize it.

Soon, she entered a remote demolition area.

Tang Xuaner did not dare to go in such a place.

But it doesn't matter where you go with little sand around.

And the people who followed looked at each other, and their faces were full of joy.

Here it is! There is no one nearby. Take her and go straight back to Kunlun! "

"Good! Do it

Several men were just about to rush up.

The primary school apprentice rushed up, just saw a few men's face showing fierce light, scared to shout.

"Little sister, run!"

Tang xuan'er is stunned. She turns around and sees several men who are not good at looking at themselves.

"Come on, boy With that, one of them waved.

The primary school student was blown out directly and fell into a mud field. He was unable to stand up for a moment.

Seeing this scene, Tang xuan'er could not help but be surprised.

It's Wu Xiu!

"Hey, girl, as long as you cooperate well, we won't hurt you!" A man said with a grim smile.

A strong momentum enveloped Tang xuan'er.

Tang Xuaner's face turned white and her body trembled slightly.

At this time, Xiao Sha snorted coldly, and then blocked Tang xuan'er.

Now Tang xuan'er is her parents. Without her, she would have to catch fish in the lake all day long. How could she eat these delicious roast chicken?

Therefore, for those who dare to do harm to Tang xuan'er, it does not mind to teach them what is awe!

And these guys were stunned.

Why did a dog come out of nowhere?

And the way the dog looks at them, it seems It's full of disdain!

Is this despised by the dog? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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