"Damn it, it's just a little broken dog. Let's go There was a shout.

These guys wake up like a dream and rush up together.

Xiaosha looked at these guys coldly, and a smile of disdain appeared in the corner of his mouth.

When they got close, they slowly raised their claws.


The guy in the front is directly hit by Xiaosha.

"It's a monster! Use fu Zhuan quickly

All of them took out a Rune Stone and threw it at the small sand.

Xiaosha still did not escape.

There was a glimmer of satisfaction in these men.

This is a demon subduing Rune from the Heavenly Master's way in Kunlun fairyland. It is effective against monsters.

It didn't hide, which shows that the intelligence of this monster is not very high!

But just as these runes flew to Xiaosha, Xiaosha suddenly opened his mouth and bit them.

All of them were stunned.

It's a little crunchy.

Then he looked up and roared.

In the sound of the four dragons.

Xiao Sha's whole body began to expand rapidly, showing the body.

A dragon appeared in front of the crowd, the huge dragon head looked at these people coldly.

"Crouching trough, it's a dragon!" All of them exclaimed.

"Don't you say there is no dragon in the world?" Someone cried out in despair.

Xiaosha ignored the shouts of these people, opened his mouth, and a black fog shrouded them.

Several people even struggle are too late, was black atomization for blood, disappeared.

After finishing cleaning up these people easily, Xiao Sha looks around, a pair of huge dragon eyes are full of cold.

The little apprentice lying in the mud was shaking with fear when he saw this scene.

The words of the boss suddenly came back to my mind.

The girl's background is absolutely different.

Now it looks like it is.

This is not only unusual!

This has become a fairy!

Xiao Sha looks around and finds that there are no more enemies. She narrows down and turns into a saber dog. Then she rubs Tang xuan'er's feet.

Tang xuan'er regained her composure, squatted down and touched her head in a funny way.

"Well, you are so good. I'll buy more cooked food for you tomorrow."

Xiao Sha nodded happily.

Tang xuan'er picked up the cooked food on the ground, looked at the primary school student in the muddy water, hesitated slightly, and said softly.

"Thank you very much! But please don't talk about what you just saw

The little apprentice nodded his head with a bitter smile in his heart. I just want to say that someone should believe it?

Oh, I just saw a dog turn into a dragon, and then spit out a big puff of black smoke, turning several people into blood!

If you dare to say so, you will be regarded as neuropathy!

Tang xuan'er put down a hundred yuan and said, "go wash your clothes."

Then he turned and left.

The little apprentice looked at Tang xuan'er's back, and suddenly shivered.

No, it seems that this city can't stay. It's too dangerous!

All the dogs on the road were changed by dragons!

Who the hell can stand this!

Thinking of this, the primary school students crawled out of the mud pit and ran in a panic.

A moment later, a figure slowly emerged.

A man in white appeared on the open space and said with a playful expression: "it's interesting that there will be a dragon to protect you, but it's OK. A dragon in Kunlun can sell for a good price!"

After that, his figure disappeared again.

At this time, in villa Tianzi No.1.

Xiao Sha is wolfing down the cooked food.

Sitting on the sofa, Tang xuan'er was still a little frightened.

Who were those people just now?

It seems that all of them have accomplishments. How can they come to me?

Is it because of Xue an?

Tang xuan'er is thinking wildly.

Xie Jingjing came in with her schoolbag on her back

Tang xuan'er smiles, "school is over!"

"Well!" Xie Jingjing put down her schoolbag, took out a test paper and handed it to Tang xuan'er.

"Sister xuan'er, look! This time I've made progress again Xie Jingjing said with pride.

This period of time, she is trying to prepare for the college entrance examination, but because of too much homework, she does not know how to start.

When Tang xuan'er knew it, she took the initiative to help her with her homework.

You know, when Tang Xuaner was at school, her grades were always among the best, and Xie Jingjing was more than enough to coach her!

"Well, yes, but there are still some problems with these questions!" Tang xuan'er began to explain to Xie Jingjing in detail.I soon forgot the scene of horror.

But at the foot of the mountain of villa No.1, the man in white appeared again.

He looked up at the hill, which was not too high, but was endowed with unique geomantic omen and geography.

"The aura here can even be compared with Kunlun. It is obvious that the man who arranged here is a master."

While thinking, the man in white stepped up the mountain.

Soon, he came to the top of the mountain, where the aura, rich and even become a cloud.

The man in white greedily took a deep breath, "it's really a rare paradise!"

Just at this time, the little sand in the room, who was eating cooked food, suddenly raised his head and rushed out at a fast speed, even smashing a door directly.

"Xiaosha, what are you doing?" Tang xuan'er exclaimed in surprise and rushed out.

Xie Jingjing didn't know what happened, but she picked up a kitchen knife and walked out after her.

When she went outside, she saw Xiao Sha looking at the man in white with alert eyes.

Tang xuan'er's face changed slightly, "who are you? Why follow me all the time? "

The man in white licked his lips and said, "who am I? You will know later! Why

Seeing Xie Jingjing on one side, the man in white was very surprised and said: "it's a pure Yin spirit body. I'm really making a lot of money today!"

One is a mortal who is offered a reward by the snow fairy, and there is a dragon. Now there is a girl who is pure Yin spirit.

The man in white was elated.

The harvest of this trip is enough for him to earn a lot of spirit stones!

"What a mess, boy. I know you have a bad heart, but this is another courtyard of Yunmeng, the property of Qin family. If you are wise, get out of here!" Xie Jingjing's voice sank.

This girl is even calmer than Tang xuan'er.

The man in white grinned grimly, "little girl film, it's pretty sharp, but today I'll let you know what's the best way to do it!"

Just at this time, small sand suddenly rushed up.

It can be seen that this man is more powerful than those guys just now, and there is a breath of fear in other people. It seems that there is something special to conquer the demon family.

So it's ready to take the lead.

"Good coming!" The man in white laughed and raised his hand.


A rope net will firmly cover the small sand.

Xiao Sha struggled hard, and the man in white sneered: "it's useless. It's a rope specially made for binding monsters."

Sure enough, the more he struggled, the tighter the net!

It won't move soon!

The man in white raised his head and looked at the two girls with a frightened face and a faint smile, "let me do it? Will you go with me

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