Even the fairy queen with the crown of thorns was looking up intently at the moment.

Facing the impact of these people, Xue an stood still and just smiled.

"I want to do it. If you want to do it, just say it. Why do you beat around the Bush!"

Xue an stepped on the void.

The original tough space suddenly became like soft silk and began to shake.

The hunters who had rushed forward and were about to cut down with their knives were immediately thrown out by the fierce force.

This was not over. Before they landed, a flash of sword light flashed, and easily cut their throats, resulting in their lives.

The blood sprayed wantonly, dyed the sky red and the eyes of every elf present.

"Vera!" The queen with the scepter said suddenly.


"Is this what you call the warrior who can save our elves?"

"Yes! And it's not my opinion alone. So are sister Lisa and them!"

"What? Is Lisa back?"

"Yes, but also saved by this warrior!"

The fairy queen nodded, "I see!"

Vera had communicated with the fairy queen when she opened the door of time and space.

Because of the racial nature of the elves, they can skip cumbersome language and communicate directly with their hearts.

So although Vera only closed her eyes for a while when she opened the door of time and space, she had told all her plans to her grandmother.

Although the fairy queen agreed to this, it is certainly impossible to say that she has no doubt in her heart.

Until now, after witnessing the strength of Xue an and being supported by her granddaughter Vera.

The fairy queen was completely convinced.

At the same time, Zuo Shi's face was more red than the blood.

This is partly because of shock and partly because of fear.

Shocked at why this "not amazing" guy has such strong strength.

Fear is so hidden in him that what are you going to do!

But soon these emotions dissipated again, because he thought of Jia Zijie standing behind him.

This is Jia Zijie's strength. He just had a personal experience.

What's more, even if he can't, there's something like that.

As a person who has personally held it, Zuo Shi knows the terrible power of it.

Even he felt that few people in the world could defeat it.

This is tantamount to giving him a reassurance.

So he quickly calmed down and sneered, "I didn't expect you to have such strength!"

Xue an smiled faintly, "there are many things you didn't expect!"

"But do you really think this will do? You are too naive, because no one will be the opponent of Baishan shop. Anyone who wants to block our business will be destroyed!"

Zuo Shi said that he was already roaring in the end. He didn't know whether he was emboldening himself or wanted to tell Jia Zijie behind him, or both.

But Xue an's attention was not on him at all. Instead, he kept looking at Jia Zijie standing in the distance.

It is this disregard that makes Zuo Shi happy.

I dare to be distracted at this time. I'm really looking for death!

Thinking of this, Zuo Shi rushed to Xue an like a ghost and raised his hand.

Zuo Shi did his best to hit Xue an. He really wanted to beat Xue an to the ground with one palm.

But with his strength, where can he be Xue an's opponent? Therefore, just halfway through the palm, Xue an grabbed his arm and twisted in the opposite direction.

A bang.

Zuo Shi's arm was directly twisted into a twist shape, and the sound of bone burst was even more painful.

Zuo Shixian was stunned. Even under the severe pain of the surge, he hissed and screamed.

"Ah, brother Jia, help me!"

But the envisaged rescue did not come.

In the corner of Zuo Shi's eye, Yu Guang glimpsed that Jia Zijie had been standing steadily in the distance. No matter how he shouted, he didn't even have the meaning to look at himself.

Suddenly, Zuo Shi thought of something. A heart suddenly fell into the ice, cold to the bone.

But the reality has not allowed him to think much. In this stunned Kung Fu, a pair of slender but extremely stable hands gently put on his neck.

Then, the two hands completed a beautiful hanging.

Different from the rattling sound when the bone and joint are broken, the neck is very tough when it is twisted because it is rich in blood vessels and muscle fibers, which leads to the dull sound when it is twisted.

However, after such a dull sound, Zuo Shi felt that he blackened quickly in front of him, and then gradually sank into the bottomless darkness.

Before he died, his last thought was not to resent Xue an, but full of hatred for Jia Zijie, who "died without saving".

Because he understood that the indifference Jia Zijie showed in the end was all intentional.

After easily hanging Zuo Shi, Xue Ansong opened his hand. Zuo Shi's body fell in a straight line and finally hit the corner of the square, stirring up a piece of smoke and dust.

But just like Jia Zijie, Xue an's attention was completely lost on this insignificant little role.

He just looked at Jia Zijie in the distance and suddenly sighed.

"If this Zuo Shi had known that you were going to kill him, I don't know whether he dared to step into this space!"

Jia Zijie smiled, "just like each other, doesn't he finally die in your hand?"

"That's different. After all, in this small world, even the pervasive Baishan shop can't monitor you, so if I'm not here, you may not even talk nonsense with him, and you'll kill him directly, right?"

"You're very smart! So I'm really curious. Why should a smart person like you try his best to get into the Baishan shop even if he insults his reputation at a huge price!"

"Hehe, why do you think?"

"I didn't understand before, but now I understand!"


"You're here for that, too, aren't you?" Jia Zijie said faintly.

Xue an didn't hide anything. He nodded directly, "yes!"

Because it's not hard to guess.

Jia Zijie's face was ironic.

"So I say that Zuo Shi deserved his death. He took charge of this thing by means for a period of time before, but I didn't expect that he would use such a precious thing to hunt goods and even leave traces. He's a complete fool!"

"So you want to kill him?" Xue an said faintly.

"Yes, because only people like me are qualified to have that noble thing. How can Zuo Shi deserve it?"

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