Speaking of this, Jia Zijie's face was full of excited flushing.

Xue an frowned slightly.

Because he saw an unspeakable madness from Jia Zijie.

He had only seen this look on the face of a paranoid.

Sure enough.

Without waiting for Xue an to ask, Jia Zijie went on.

"The power of that thing is truly incredible and unmatched! It's ridiculous that this Baishan shop only uses this great power for hunting. It's ridiculous to beg for food with a golden bowl!"

"Are you right?"

Xue an smiled, "it seems so!"

"Not as if, but as if!" With the narration, Jia Zijie's tone became more and more crazy.

With his voice, the whole small world disturbed by the leaked spiritual power was disturbed.

There was a commotion among the elves in the square, and many of them were even more frightened.

Because they felt the unspeakable power of terror from Jia Zijie.

Only Xue an still looked cold. "Do you think this power really belongs to you?"

This sentence pierced Jia Zijie's heart, and his reaction was fierce, "why don't you belong?"

"Why does it belong to?"

"I am the master of this power. Only I can control it. No one else can control it!"

In the end, Jia Zijie's aura power fluctuated like a raging wave.

Not only that, he saw Jia Zijie step forward and point to Xue an with one hand.


Word by word, a terrible pressure came directly on Xue an's head, trying to completely erase it.

This power is not Reiki, or even any power within the scope of secular understanding.

Xue an said in his heart, "follow what you say?"

"Hahaha, it seems that you don't have any insight! Yes, it's just what you say. Just die!" Jia Zijie laughed wantonly and wildly, as if Xue an were a dead man.

This is not surprising, because since Jia Zijie mastered this power, no one can escape this power.

Therefore, Jia Zijie was deeply infatuated with it and couldn't extricate himself.

But just when he was satisfied, he saw Xue an sneer, completely unaffected by the power of following his words.

"It's really a powerful force. Unfortunately, it's useless to me!"

With the voice, xue'an rushed up like an arrow from the string and rushed towards Jia Zijie in the sky.

Although Jia Zijie was not confused, as soon as his wrist turned over, a fragment of an ancient mirror appeared in the palm of his hand.

It is the fragment of Xuanyuan mirror.

"Listen to my orders and kill all incoming enemies!"

This is different from the word kill just now. It is already a very formal request.

Therefore, as soon as Jia Zijie's voice fell, he saw that the terrible aura and authority came towards Xue an like a rolling tide.

It seems that even the space has been flattened, and the momentum is quite amazing.

Vera's eyelids jumped wildly.

In fact, not only her, but all the elves who know the inside story are extremely concerned about the situation of the battlefield at the moment.

Everyone knows that this young man in white carries the hope of the whole elf community.

If he fails, the whole Elves will be doomed.

But even these elves didn't expect that Xue an's countermeasures were so simple in the face of the rolling pressure.

Seeing that he didn't even slow down, he directly rushed through these layers of coercion and appeared in front of Jia Zijie.

Jia Zijie never dreamed that Xue an was so overbearing, so when Xue an appeared in front of him, he couldn't help opening his mouth and hissing.

"How is this possible?"

Xue an smiled coldly, "how impossible!"

With that, xue'an showed the fragments of Xuanyuan mirror he had mastered.

As soon as the fragment came out, it immediately formed a strong attraction to the fragment in Jia Zijie's hand.

After all, after several times of integration, the fragments of Xuanyuan mirror in charge of Xue an are much larger.

So even if Jia Zijie struggled with this fragment, he still couldn't escape its fate of being swallowed up.

With a flash of white light, the fragments in Jia Zijie's hand have disappeared, while the fragments of Xuanyuan mirror in Xue an's hand have become a little larger.

Jia Zijie stared dumbfounded.

You know, as the No. 2 person of Baishan shop, his influence is even greater than Han Bao, the front desk manager.

But in the final analysis, the reason why he has such great influence is entirely because of his control over this piece of Xuanyuan mirror fragment.

This fragment was obtained by Baishan shop by chance. At the beginning, it didn't attract people's attention.

It was only by chance that the people of Baishan shop found that this fragment had all kinds of wonderful functions.

But in the beginning, Baishan shop only used a small part of the power of this Xuanyuan mirror fragment.

It was not until Jia Zijie's hands that he played to the extreme.

Jia Zijie therefore became an important figure in Baishan shop.

This is exactly where he was before.

But I didn't expect that all this would come to naught in the face of Xue an.

"You... You..." Jia Zijie you for a long time, can't say a complete sentence at all.

"What are you? You'd better die!"

With that, xue'an drank a word coldly.


After fusing the fragment just now, Xue an has half of the Xuanyuan mirror in his hand. With each other, his power of speaking Dharma has more than doubled.

Therefore, when xue'an's killing word came out, Jia Zijie didn't even hum, and went straight to a different place.

Not only that, all the skin and blood on his body were stripped at the same time, leaving only a white skeleton. It can be said that he can't die again.

There was a dead silence.

No one expected that Jia Zijie, who had just been arrogant, would fall like this.

But just a moment later, the elves in the square began to make a noise.

Because when Jia Zijie died, it means that the hunting team of baishanpu has been completely destroyed.

This is the best news for the elves who have a deep blood feud with the hunting team.

Xue an did not have much joy.

After all, even without the fragments of Xuanyuan mirror, he can kill Jia Zijie and others.

All he could think about at the moment was whether this piece of Xuanyuan mirror was the one he had felt before.

Sure enough.

After feeling it carefully, Xue an finally confirmed his previous idea.

The Baishan shop apparently got this piece of Xuanyuan mirror by chance, so it didn't uncover the secret.

Therefore, at the beginning, the fragments of Xuanyuan mirror were buried, so that they fell into the hands of Zuo Shi.

It was not until Jia Zijie noticed the difference and made use of it that the power of this Xuanyuan mirror fragment could be exerted.

In fact, Xue an was completely stained with the light of the fragments of Xuanyuan mirror before.

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