While Xue an was talking to the fairy queen in the king's court, many elves surrounded Shu Jingchu, with innocent and curious faces.

At this time, Shu Jingchu naturally doesn't have to hide his travel and hiding, so he shows his true face.

But when they saw her round rather than sharp ears, the elves' eyes became more and more curious.

After all, for these elves present, they may not see outsiders for a lifetime.

Even if Zuo Shi and others had not forcibly broken into this plane, they would not even know that there were other worlds outside.

Shu Jingchu's scalp was numb with these eyes.

Although these eyes are very simple, not mixed with a trace of malice.

But being stared at by so many eyes is by no means a beautiful feeling.

Shu Jingchu felt that she was going to commit social phobia.

Fortunately, when did Xue an get out of the king's court.

As soon as he saw him, Shu Jingchu rushed over as if he had seen a straw.

"How's it going? Didn't the queen say anything else?" Shu Jingchu lowered his voice and asked.

Xue an smiled. "What do you think you can say?"

"I think she may have a crush on you and is going to keep you as her son-in-law!"

"Don't tell me, she really means that, but not for her, but for her granddaughter Vera!"

"Just that little Laurie?"

"That's right!"

"How did you reply?"

"Of course I refused. You should know that I'm not that kind of person!"

"Cut!" Shu Jingchu spat, but he was deeply impressed by Xue an's words.

Because she found that the young man in white didn't seem to be close to women, which can be seen from his attitude towards himself.

He is not even attracted to a beautiful woman like himself, let alone a little Lori who wants nothing!

At the same time, the fairy queen also appeared on the square.

"Great warrior, in order to thank you for saving our people's lives and celebrate the elimination of demons, we have decided to hold a grand dinner in honor of you. Please be sure to attend!" The fairy queen sincerely invited.

Hearing her words, the elves present were also elated.

Elves are a lively group, and these elves are no exception.

In the past, they often had a feast all night for a little thing.

But during this period of time, due to the emergence of Zuo Shi and others, they had to hide in the small world honestly and dared not hold any more banquets.

But now the threat has been eliminated, so these elves are ready to move.

Especially after hearing the Queen's words, they all looked at xue'an with expectant eyes.

In this regard, Xue an just smiled faintly, then shook his head, "there's no need to thank you. After all, it's just my job!"

"How can that be? As a benefactor and friend of my elf family, we naturally want to thank you!" This time before the fairy queen spoke, Vera spoke first.

Xue An looked at her and then smiled and said, "the princess's heart is my heart, but this time it is far from over. The death of the left arch criminal is still there."

"If you want your world to be quiet again and no one invades, you must solve the problem from the root."

"What do you mean?" Vera didn't understand.

Xue an smiled, and a sense of awe inspiring killing flashed in her eyes.

"Very simple, that is to uproot the Baishan shop as the culprit, so that we can never have future trouble!"

Hearing this, Vera was shocked. She just wanted to say something, but xue'an turned away without hesitation.

"I appreciate your kindness, but now everything is complicated. Please forgive me for not waiting long!"

After that, Xue an left with Shu Jingchu.

Looking at the direction he left, Vera was in a daze.

Just then, the fairy queen came to her and whispered, "what a hero!"

Vera lowered her head.



"Grandma knows what you're thinking, but you should remember that some people are born protagonists. This kind of person is doomed to be bound by a small world. All you can do is watch him obediently, rather than trying to get close to or understand him!"

"Because such a person is beyond your reach!"

Vera lowered her eyes, her long eyelashes covered all her emotions, and replied in a low voice, "yes, Vera understands."


Shu Jingchu followed Xue an on the way back.

The way back is as cumbersome as when I came here, so I won't repeat it here.

However, Shu Jingchu was tempted to talk and stop several times.

Finally, Xue an finished the final preparation, and then said faintly without looking up: "if you want to say anything, just say it!"

"Are you really going to go back like this?"

Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly, "otherwise what do you think?"

"I thought you'd at least finish tonight's dinner!"

"What? Do you want to join?"

"That's not true, but don't you men like this situation best? After all, they are all beautiful women. How happy is it that you are the only man in the audience?"

Xue an looked up at Shu Jingchu. "How do you know it will be happy?"

"I... I guess so, don't I?"

Xue an lowered his head and began to make the final preparations before returning, and then said faintly.

"Of course not. Do you think I like dealing with these women with simple heads and a piece of white paper?"

"Isn't simplicity good?"

"Simplicity is certainly good, but if you don't know anything about the world and just live in your own comfort circle, such simplicity is worth pondering!"

With that, Xue an looked back at the forest far away.

A bonfire has been lit there at the moment, and the sound of playing musical instruments can be heard faintly.

"In fact, the elves in the past were also a big family among the ten thousand families in the heavens, but now they are gradually weak, and even become playthings in the eyes of many powerful people. Do you know why?"


"Because they always regard their innocence as a valuable quality, but never think about how dangerous the world is!"

Shu Jingchu was touched by Xue an's words. After thinking for a long time, she nodded.

"What you said seems reasonable. Why do you have to help them?"

"As I said before, I have some roots with their elves. It's out of friendship to help them!"

"And there is not much goodness in the world. Even if the goodness truth is so cruel, even with naive cowardice, I can't sit idly by and let it be destroyed!"

"The so-called can't bear to see his life, that's why!"

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