Shu Jingchu could not help but ask, "are you really going to destroy Baishan shop?"

"Of course!"

In fact, when xue'an first saw the two iron cages outside Baishan shop, xue'an had already moved his heart to kill Baishan shop.

Although he was a little angry about the situation of the elves, it did not mean that he could endure the most basic bottom line of conscience being trampled wantonly.

Only by taking the intelligent life with full spirituality as a commodity, all good things can be paved and all death can not be redeemed.

Shu Jingchu wanted to ask something else, but when she saw the decisive color in Xue an's eyes, she couldn't help but close her mouth.

Soon they were on their way back.

At the same time, among the Baishan shops, Li Dengfeng was also restless and restless.

In fact, this state began not long after the hunting team set out.

It's like something important has been forgotten.

This made him on pins and needles. Even his favorite Lingcha didn't want to swallow it.

"Where's Han Bao?" He suddenly remembered something and asked one of his men.

"Shopkeeper Han said he had a very important thing to do today, so he took a leave and didn't come!"

Li Dengfeng frowned, "this Han Bao... What the hell!"

But soon he put these thoughts behind him and asked, "what time is it now?"

"Back to the old man, it's almost evening!"

"It's almost evening!" Li Dengfeng stood up and walked to the porch window of the atrium.

It was dark outside, but Baishan shop had already lit candles, so it didn't look dark.

Li Dengfeng was anxious.

At this time, several hours had passed since the hunting team set out.

Because the time flow velocity of each plane is different, these hours can be regarded as a long time.

If it had been left in the past, the hunting team would have returned to report long ago.

But what's going on today?

Why is there no news yet?

Is something wrong?

The idea surprised Li Dengfeng, and immediately shook his head to dispel his concerns.

Because in his opinion, it's impossible.

First of all, the people who set out this time are the elite of Baishan shop. Zuo Shi, as the captain, is more experienced, so there should be no trouble.

The only variable should be the temporary addition of Xue an.

After all, Li Dengfeng has always been skeptical about the identity of Xue an.

But in order to prevent accidents, Li Dengfeng specially sent Jia Zijie to follow him in person.

Jia Zijie is his absolute confidant, and his strength is amazing.

Especially when others go out this time with that thing in their hands, it is safe.

So thinking of this, Li Dengfeng couldn't help laughing to himself that he was a little too nervous, and even his spirit was a little allergic.

At this time, a terrible howl came from the side yard of Baishan shop.

Li Dengfeng was stunned and immediately asked, "what's going on? Where did you scream?"

His men rushed out immediately and didn't come back to report until a moment later.

"Back to the old man, the sound seems to come from the side yard where shopkeeper Han lives!"

"Han Bao? What the hell is this guy doing?" Li Dengfeng frowned, a little angry.

At this time, this guy didn't say to help, but kept making trouble.

"Go and have a look!"

It doesn't need to walk too far from the atrium to the side courtyard, especially under the foot of Li Dengfeng, he came to the side courtyard in only a moment.

In the courtyard stood several trembling little servant girls. When they saw Li Dengfeng coming, they flopped and fell to their knees.

"What's going on?"

"Go back... Go back to the old man. We don't know what's going on. Shopkeeper Han just kicked us out of the house and said we were going to do a very important thing. No one can enter without his order!"

"So we waited here, and soon we heard the scream of shopkeeper Han!"

"Didn't you go and see what was going on inside?" Li Dengfeng asked sternly.

These people looked at each other.

Without Han Bao's order, who of them dares to make an opinion.

So they all lowered their heads.

Seeing this, Li Dengfeng was so angry that he immediately came to the door and kicked out, ready to kick open the door.

But unexpectedly, this foot failed to get the door.

The door was closed and stood still.

Li Dengfeng really can't hang up now.

"What the hell! How dare you seal the door with a secret method?"

With that, Li Dengfeng slapped it out.


This palm is beating on the door. First, there is a wisp of brilliance on the door, trying to fight this palm.

But just a moment later, all these lights were shattered, and then the door was directly turned into powder.

Li Dengfeng stepped into it, and then was stunned by the scene in front of him.

He saw Han Bao lying on the ground with a dead white face, with blood pouring out of his crotch, which dyed the floor of the room red.

"This... This..."

Li Dengfeng was stunned and couldn't help taking a few steps forward to check the situation of Han Bao.

Just then, he felt that his feet were soft. When he looked down, he saw something like an earthworm lying on the ground.

Li Dengfeng didn't understand what it was until a moment later. Then he took a few steps back like a snake or scorpion. At the same time, his feet rubbed the ground hard, as if to wipe off the soft and disgusting feeling of his feet.

At the same time, Han Bao suddenly woke up and jumped at Li Dengfeng's feet like a mournful examination.

"No, don't step on my baby! My baby, woo woo woo!"

This cry is really sad to hear and tears to see.

The key is that Han Bao can also cry. After crying for half an hour, he is barely quiet.

Can be quiet is quiet, Han Bao eyes of the color of deep resentment can kill.

I saw him quietly looking at the little earthworm in his hand, as if everything outside had nothing to do with him.

Li Dengfeng couldn't help asking, "what's going on? You're talking?"

"No, never! Although it was useless in the past, it was at least a thought. Now it's good. I don't even have this last thought! Sobbing, sobbing, my life is so hard!" Han Bao muttered to himself, showing signs of collapse again.

"What's gone?"

"My baby is gone! Look, this is my baby!" Han Bao suddenly handed the earthworm in his hand to Li Dengfeng.

Li Dengfeng was startled and leaned back. Fortunately, he was blocked by the post behind, so he didn't fall.

But Han Bao was like he didn't see it at all, muttering to himself like crazy.

"He told me to cut it off. When it grows again, it will be brand-new, but he didn't tell me that it can't grow!"

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