Li Dengfeng is a little afraid that Han Bao is really crazy after being stimulated.

After all, few men can withstand such a blow.

Therefore, although he was disgusted and nauseous, he still forced himself to bear it, pretended to be gentle, and whispered to comfort Han Bao.

"Well, well, don't cry. There's always a solution. If you break it, you can break it. Just try to connect it in the future!"

"This... Can this be connected?" Han Baoyang looked up at Li Dengfeng with a hopeful face.

Li Dengfeng hesitated for a moment, "should... Should be OK!"

You should know that although there are many panacea in the world, Han Bao's situation is too special. If you want to make up for what he lacks, it is impossible for Tiancai and Dibao.

And this opportunity is not available.

Therefore, even if Li Dengfeng wanted to comfort him with warm words, he couldn't open his eyes and tell lies.

For a moment, the last light in Han Bao's eyes went out.

I saw him sitting on the ground, crying and laughing, mumbling to himself.

"It's hopeless. It seems that I'm really hopeless. Hehe, hehe, it's the bastard's fault. If it weren't for him, I couldn't fall into such a situation. I'd kill him!"

At last, Han Bao's face was full of deep-seated hatred, and then jumped up from the ground. Regardless of the blood dripping injury under his body, he ran out like crazy.

But before he rushed out of the door, he heard a loud noise from the front yard, even if someone howled bitterly.

"No, someone called in!"

Hearing this, Li Dengfeng was shocked and rushed out of the room before Han Bao.

The scene he saw later made Li Dengfeng cold and almost unable to stand.

The front yard was already ablaze with flames, and the merciless tongue of fire was spreading to the atrium at a very fast speed.

In the blink of an eye, Li Dengfeng felt a scorching heat wave coming to his face.

Although it is said that the ghost city is illusory, because the people who built it have the ability of heaven, every plant and brick in it is extremely real.

Therefore, shops of this scale, such as Baishan shop, have been moved into them as a whole.

For a long time, Li Dengfeng has even forgotten that he lives in an illusion.

But when the fire struck today, Li Dengfeng suddenly thought of this, so he shouted loudly.

"Don't panic. If the fire strikes, you'll be forced to go offline!"

But as soon as his voice fell, a fire snake came and swept away several Baishan shop clerks who were running wildly.

Li Dengfeng saw it clearly. Before these men were swallowed up, their bodies began to fade, which was a sign that they were about to go offline.

But in front of the flame, the process was forcibly interrupted.

So that when these people were swept away by the fire snake, they couldn't help crying out in despair.

"No! I don't want to die!"

But soon these screams stopped suddenly, leaving only the sound of oil and bones being roasted and exploded at high temperature.

Li Dengfeng's eyelids began to jump wildly.

If he could barely keep calm before, he was forced to go offline because of a big deal.

Now he has seen a cruel fact.

That is, even if you want to go offline, you probably can't.

Moreover, the tragedy of those men just told Li Dengfeng clearly that if he was a little careless, he would die not only in the spirit body in the ghost city, but also in his own body.

I have to say that Li Dengfeng has two brushes in charge of Baishan shop for so many years.

In a very short time, he clarified all the interests.

But this does not change the slightest bit of reality.

Because at this time, the raging flame has become a encirclement.

Watching his half life's hard work collapse in the flames, Li Dengfeng's eyes turned red and hissed.

"Who? Who is behind me!"

The cry temporarily overshadowed the power of the flame, and then I heard an indifferent voice from the depths of the flame.

"You're wrong. I'm not fooling you behind your back, but I'm going to kill you in front of you!"

With the voice, a figure came out of the fire.

Although the flames soared, the figure was still white rather than snow. It was dazzling against the fire.

It is a jade boy like a God.

As soon as the boy appeared, he bowed his head to the burning flame that had been suppressed immediately.

Li Dengfeng was tongue tied. "You... You are..."

But before he finished, Han Bao, who didn't know when to come to Li Dengfeng's back, had already gnashed his teeth and roared.

"It's him! It's him who made me father-in-law! I'll fight with you."

Li Dengfeng's heart clicked and finally knew what was going on with the inexplicable sense of familiarity before.

This is clearly the mysterious man disguised as a double cultivation master before.

But shouldn't he follow Zuo Shi and Jia Zijie to hunt in the lower plane now?

And if you follow your orders, he has been arrested and become a prisoner now!

Li Dengfeng knew it was broken.

But Han Bao didn't care about the many. All his thoughts were on the lost baby.

Besides, he has no logic at all.

So when he saw xue'an, he rushed up recklessly and wanted to be ashamed before the snow.

Li Dengfeng didn't stop this time.

Because he also wanted to know what strength the boy who showed his true face had.

This Han Bao can be used as a touchstone.

The so-called dead friends don't die poor. Although Han Bao is a good man and respectful to himself at ordinary times, he can't care about that much at this time of life and death.

But soon his wishful thinking fell through.

Because xue'an didn't solve Han Bao as he thought.

Instead, he chuckled.

"If you want to be clear, what do you mean I made you a father-in-law?"

After that, the flame behind xue'an separated strands of fire, which tied Han Bao's hands and feet like silk thread and hung it in the air.

This alone made Li Dengfeng feel cool.

You should know that the temperature of these flames is very high, and even if they are far away, the skin of people who are still burning is painful.

But such a fierce and difficult flame came to the boy's hand, but it was as gentle as a sheep.

If you say you fly out a few strands of fire, you will separate out a few strands of fire.

Not only that, these hot wires tied Han Bao firmly like real silk thread, and he was not hurt in the whole process.

What a terrible flame control!

While Li Dengfeng was secretly frightened, Han Bao had fallen into hysterical madness.

"You let me go! You bastard, you made me become my father-in-law, or where's my baby? Woo woo..."

The last words suddenly became blurred, because a flame had penetrated his cheek and blocked all the words behind him like a fish.

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