But xue'an didn't intend to let her go. He took a step forward and said coldly.

"Or do you feel qualified to tell me what to do?"

Tang Xiao retreated again and again. His eyes were red and almost shed tears.

She hasn't been so wronged since she was a child.

Although it is said that her parents died early, with the protection of her brother, she has been living well. After joining Qisi poetry society, she has become a group pet.

But I don't know what's going on. I haven't had a good life since I saw this Xue an.

Now he scolded Tang Xiao so much that she felt extremely sad in her heart, but she was strong in nature, so she tried to hold back her tears and didn't want to cry in front of Xue an.

Although tuan'er was angry at what Tang Xiao said before, it can be seen that her poor appearance is still soft hearted.

After all, after so many days of getting along, tuan'er knew that Tang Xiao was not bad in nature, but he was a little naughty, and his mouth was not blocked when he spoke.

She walked behind Xue an and said timidly, "young master, in fact, Miss Tang doesn't mean any harm. She's just worried too much about you, so she's in a hurry! Forgive her this time!"

Xue an turned his head and smiled at tuan'er, "OK!"

After that, Tang Xiao turned and left without even looking at it.

Tang Xiao had been trying to hold back his tears and secretly warned himself not to cry in front of this guy.

But when she saw that Xue an, who was so cold to herself, was so gentle to tuan'er that she even smiled when she spoke, she couldn't help saying anything.

Tears fell down and couldn't be wiped away.

Seeing this scene, Yun lingxuan couldn't help sighing slightly, moved Lianbu gently to Tang Xiao's side and handed over a handkerchief.

"Don't be sad!"

"I'm not sad. I'm just dazzled by the wind and sand!" Tang Xiaowu said hard.

Of course, Yun lingxuan will not expose this clumsy lie, because it may be Tang Xiao's only self-esteem.

She just sighed and stopped talking.

Xue an didn't leave, but sat on the chair, tasted the hot tea tuan'er brought for him, and chatted with each other.

But it was such a nutritious chat that still made tuan'er smile and rejoice.

Yun lingxuan doubted that even if Xue an didn't say anything, just sitting there, the silly group could enjoy themselves for a long time.

But Yun lingxuan didn't laugh at this, but was full of envy.

Because compared with the transparency and simplicity of the group, these people seem to live too tired.

While she was sighing secretly, xue'an suddenly looked up and smiled at her.

"Miss Yun, look what this is!"

With that, xue'an reached out and took out something.

A half piece of ancient mirror with cloud patterns and streamer.

Seeing this, Yun lingxuan was shocked, "this is..."

"Yes, it's the Xuanyuan mirror!"

Yun lingxuan was obsessed and muttered to herself.

"How beautiful!"

At first, Yun lingxuan had a fragment of Xuanyuan mirror in her hand, which was later handed over to Xue an for fusion.

At that time, Xue an said to collect all the fragments and integrate them into one.

Although Yun lingxuan also had this idea, she knew it was very difficult, so she didn't care much.

But only a few days later, the Xuanyuan mirror in Xue an's hand was obviously much larger.

Before, Xuanyuan mirror had only a small half, but now it has a complete half.

In fact, not only she, tuan'er, but even Tang Xiao were shocked by the Xuanyuan mirror.

Even if they don't understand the mystery, they can see the extraordinary of this ancient mirror.

Yun lingxuan took a deep breath, "is this another fusion of the back childe?"

Xue an nodded, "that's right!"

After that, xue'an told the story of entering Guangming palace and Youming ghost city.

When I heard that Xue an had such a fantastic experience, even went deep into other planes, saved thousands of creatures and obtained a precious fragment.

Even Tang Xiao, who has a prejudice against Xue an, has to admit that this guy is really powerful enough.

But the most attractive thing is not this, but about what Jinshan spring said.

In particular, the mysterious time cycle was heard in the clouds. I didn't know it was fierce. Finally, I couldn't help asking.

"Childe, according to what you mean, is it a piece of mirror fragment that is the culprit of the time cycle?"

"I just have this guess. As for whether it is specific, I can't know until I go!"

In fact, from the moment he heard jinshanquan's self described experience, Xue an knew that the so-called treasure was probably a fragment of Xuanyuan mirror.

As for the time cycle, it is the regular manifestation of the fragments of the Xuanyuan mirror.

This speculation is not unreasonable.

Although the fragments of Xuanyuan mirror obtained by Xue an before vary in size, they all contain special rules.

The fragment in the treasure may contain the power of time.

"What? Young master, do you really want to go? Is that too dangerous?" Tuan'er's face turned white.

Just through Xue an's narration, tuan'er can feel the horror of this treasure.

In particular, the strange time cycle actually needs to kill each other to escape, which shows its danger.

Xue an smiled. "Don't worry, this time cycle sounds mysterious, but it's nothing to me!"

Tuan'er wanted to dissuade, but when she saw the light clouds on xue'an's face, she closed her mouth again.

Because she knew that Xue an must have made up her mind. It was useless to say anything at this time.

"I'm here to tell you that it's good to live here. Tell Wu Jun and Duanmu Guang what's the matter. When I get this fragment back, I'll send you back."

Xue an stood up and walked back and forth.

Although tuan'er wanted to stay with xue'an for a while, she was gentle. Seeing that xue'an was leaving, she was eager to see her off.

However, when she followed Xue an passing by Tang Xiao, Tang Xiao suddenly said in a low voice.


Tuan'er thought he had heard wrong.

But Tang Xiao looked up, took a deep breath and said to Xue an again, "I'm sorry!"

"I was too headstrong before. I was wrong!"

Tuan'er was stunned.

She knows Tang Xiao's temper very well.

This guy wouldn't bow his head, let alone apologize.

So she was shocked to hear Tang Xiao's words.

Xue an was not surprised at all.

If Tang Xiao is still stubborn after being scolded by herself, Xue an plans to teach her a profound lesson.

Anyway, Xue an will not get used to Tang Xiao because she is a woman.

But now it seems that Tang Xiao is not really stupid. At least he can know that he is wrong.

Looking at the woman with a red face and tears in her eyes, Xue an smiled faintly.

"Just know it's wrong! Wait for me to come back!"

With that, Xue an strode away, leaving the three women in the room looking at each other.

Tuan'er suddenly patted his head, "Oh, I forgot to ask when the young master came back!"

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