Jinshan spring has been impatient for almost a day.

Therefore, after only a night's rest, he urged Xue an to start as soon as possible the next day.

Xue an can't help it.

Of course, Shu Jingchu is also going to explore the treasure this time.

The three of them simply cleaned up, and then embarked on the journey.

For Jinshan spring, the space-time coordinates of this treasure have already been engraved into the soul.

Therefore, there were no twists and turns on the road. It took only a few daylight scenes to successfully reach the treasure.

In the distance is the turbulent space-time turbulence. They are invisible, but they can attack any object that dares to approach and tear it into the most basic particles.

But this is not difficult.

After regaining his consciousness, all his skills as the first bounty hunter came back.

So under his arrangement, the three of them smoothly entered the turbulence of time and space.

Shu Jingchu looked around curiously.

Because of the turbulent flow of time and space, everything in it looks strange. From time to time, there are strange and gorgeous lights flashing, which makes Shu Jingchu marvel.

In contrast, Xue an is much calmer.


After another half day's trek, they successfully came to the entrance of the treasure.

Looking at the familiar scene, although jinshanquan had already prepared mentally, he was still trembling with excitement.

"Is this the entrance to the treasure?"

"Yes! I can recognize it in ashes." Jinshanquan clenched his teeth.

Xue an smiled, "then wait outside. I'll come right away!"

"OK... Huh?" Jinshanquan just wanted to promise, but when he understood, he couldn't help looking at Xue an with consternation on his face.

"I said I'd just go in by myself. Wait outside!" Xue an repeated it again.

"How can this be? We are here to break the time cycle together. How can we let you risk alone?"

"Besides, I've been waiting for so many days so that I can revenge myself. Now you let me wait outside. How can I promise?"

Jinshanquan flatly refused, and he was very excited.

"Listen to me!" Xue an said faintly.

Jinshanquan closed his mouth. Even so, his eyebrows were still full of dissatisfaction.

"I can understand your mood, but you should understand that our ultimate goal is to break the time cycle, not to be impulsive!"

"Impulsive?" Jinshan spring is excited again.

Xue an was resolute, "yes, it's just wishful thinking. Do you think there is a big loophole in this time cycle?"

"Loopholes?" Jinshanquan frowned and thought.

He really didn't think about it.

In fact, he has thought about everything about the time cycle countless times and tried to find the loopholes, but in the end he failed.

So he didn't believe that Xue an could find the loophole just by listening to himself.

"Yes, it's a loophole!" Xue an looked at the bright place ahead and said faintly.

"Didn't you think about the reason why you and dozens of your men entered it, but the cycle ended when you were alone?"

Hearing this, Jinshan spring was struck by lightning, "you... You mean..."

Xue an nodded, "yes, everything is as you think. This time cycle is likely to only target many people. If you go alone, you may not trigger this time cycle at all!"

Jinshanquan's face changed and his mouth murmured to himself.

"Yes! Why didn't I think of this? I'm so stupid. If I had known this, how could my brothers die!"

In the end, Jinshan spring's face was white without a trace of blood, and his eyes were full of boundless regret and reprimand.

"You don't have to blame yourself. When you're in the Bureau and disturbed by the things in it, it's naturally difficult to see the law of things. Unlike me, I can think from the perspective of an outsider and naturally see the clue! That's the so-called dark under the light!"

Jinshanquan gradually calmed down and suddenly saluted Xue an, "thank you for your advice. I've finally opened up today, but I have a request..."

"Needless to say, I can't let you in alone!" Xue an directly interrupted.


"Because this is just a guess. If the time cycle is triggered after entering, are you sure?"

Jinshanquan was silent.

"And this treasure is obviously not that simple. I don't look down on you, but your strength is really not as good as me. In addition, you have been crazy for so many years. If you go in, you will die without life!"

"So now the wisest and only choice is that I go in and you wait outside!"

"But... Sir, are you sure you'll walk away?" Jinshan spring is still a little unwilling.

"Of course!" Xue an smiled, "after all, it's just a matter of more hands and feet for me!"

After that, xue'an did not hesitate and flew directly to the entrance of the treasure.

Jinshan spring is full of sadness.

He really wanted to go in and see who killed his brother.

But he held back.

Because Xue an is right.

At present, the only choice is to wait for his return outside.

Compared with his nervousness, Xue Anke was much more relaxed. He flew through layers of brilliance like a stroll. Finally, he saw the light blue barrier mentioned by Jinshan spring.

Through this barrier, there is the treasure.

Xue an glanced at the light curtain barrier, smiled, and then stepped into it and disappeared.

The blue light shines in front of me, as if walking through the seabed.

However, this feeling lasted only a few seconds, and then the eyes were bright and bright, showing such a large space.

Everything is the same as that described by jinshanquan.

But Xue an is much calmer.

After he set foot on this land, he was not in a hurry to move forward, but left a divine separation in place.

A man who is as like as two peas in Xue An appears.

"You're here for a good life. Don't walk around!"

The split nodded.

Then Xue Ancai strode deep into the field.

Not far away, fog suddenly appeared in front of me, and then the guardian spirit described by Jinshan spring appeared.

But these guardians can't even beat Jinshan spring, let alone Xue an.

Therefore, as soon as they appeared, Xue an crushed them thoroughly with the momentum of rolling.

After finishing this, Xue an kept walking and continued to walk forward.

Soon, it seemed that she had crossed a barrier somewhere, and Xue an felt a slight flower in front of her eyes.

Then he reappeared at the entrance.

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