Ghost city, treasure hunt Pavilion.

When jinshanquan followed Xue an back to his hometown, he couldn't help feeling a lot.

"I was waiting here to wait for someone who could avenge me. Unfortunately, my inner guilt overwhelmed me first!"

Speaking of this, Jinshan Quan said positively, "so if it weren't for adults, I might have fallen forever!"

Xue an smiled. "Well, don't mention the past. Go in and see what kind of surprise this treasure hunt can give me!"

After that, xue'an stepped into it.

This time is different from the last time, because Xue an is the task publisher and comes for the second time, so as soon as he stepped into the threshold, a smiling man greeted him.

"Dare you ask, but Mr. Xue?"


"Please follow me!"

Xue an and his party followed the man directly through the hall to a tea room on the second floor.

A pretty maid had been waiting here for a long time. As soon as she saw Xue an coming, she immediately began to cook tea.

It has been said before that the ghost city is a place that seems true or false, so things such as drinking tea and drinking can be done.

This is also the miracle of the ghost city.

The smell of tea made Xue an raise her eyebrows slightly.

"Good tea!"

The man smiled more happily. "This is specially prepared by our treasure hunt Pavilion for distinguished guests like Mr. Xue. It's very rare!"

Xue an was also impolite and sat directly on the throne.

Just then, the maidservant's first tea was cooked and handed to xue'an with both hands.

Xue an took it and sipped it slightly. He only felt a sweet stream of tea straight into his stomach. It was refreshing and happy. It seemed that he even had a clearer mind.

"It's really good, but I'm not here for tea. You said I had a response to my task, so submit it!" Xue an said faintly.

"Mr. Xue, don't be impatient. The task you released has indeed been responded to, but the rule of the treasure hunt Pavilion is that if you want to get specific information, you need..."

Before the man finished, Xue an frowned slightly, and then nodded to Shu Jingchu.

Shu Jingchu was playing the role of Xue an's personal maid at this time, because he immediately came forward, took out a card and handed it to the man.

"Don't talk nonsense. Here are the points you want. Submit the news quickly. My young master doesn't have time to spend here with you!"

The man was not angry either. He took the card with a smile. After a little check, the smile on his face was more prosperous.

"I'm really sorry. This is indeed the rule of our treasure hunt Pavilion. Please wait a moment. I'll bring you the information you want!"

After that, the man turned and left. When he came back a moment later, he was followed by a figure shrouded in thick fog.

"All the information you want is in the hands of this gentleman, so I'll leave first!"

As soon as the man winked, the maid who cooked the tea retreated with him.

When there were only Xue an and his party and the figure left in the teahouse, Xue an smiled.

"Sit down!"

The fog shrouded the figure shook for a moment, and then he sat quite rigidly opposite Xue an.

"Don't be nervous. I'm just asking you a few words. Just answer truthfully."


Even the voice is processed, male and female can't argue.

"You said you had seen it, but really?"

When Xue an turned his hand, there was a fragment of Xuanyuan mirror in the palm of his hand.


"Good. Where have you seen it?"

The figure did not say a word.

Xue an understood, and then threw another card, "this is half the number of tasks. After you finish, I'll pay you the other half!"

The figure carefully took the card and looked at it carefully for a moment before putting it away carefully.

"Big day island!"

"Huh?" Xue Anyi raised her eyebrows.

"I mean, I saw this fragment in the Feixian temple on dari island!"

"Flying fairy temple on dari island..." Xue an repeated.

"That's right, and this thing is the treasure of the town sect of Feixian temple. It's easy to be invisible. I only knew it by chance!"

Xue an can be sure that this person is not lying, because the treasure hunt Pavilion will confirm every piece of information.

Moreover, Xue an had expected this answer for a long time, so he nodded after a little meditation.

"Well, this information is very important to me. I hope you don't mention it to anyone after you leave this door!"

With that, Xue an Duan straightened himself and pushed the other half of the point card.

The figure nodded very seriously after taking the card.

"Don't worry, I don't want this kind of thing to leak out more than you do. After all, it's harmful to me, so after leaving this door, you and I should never see it at all!"

"This is the best!"

At this time, the figure made sure that all the points had arrived, so he stood up and walked out.

But when he came to the door, he suddenly stopped, then turned his head and looked at Xue an.

"Anything else?"

"Although I shouldn't say it, since you are so straightforward, I have a word to give to you. Don't worry, it's free!"

"Oh? What?"

"Since you have tried your best to find the clue of this thing, you are obviously bound to get it, but I want to remind you that Feixian temple is also looking for this thing, and this Feixian temple is a top force in dari Island, so... You'd better think twice!"

After saying that, the figure didn't hesitate to push the door and go out.

Xue an was not in a hurry to get up, but sat in a chair, as if thinking about the last words.

Jinshanquan stood behind and tried to stop talking.

"Say what you have!"

"My Lord, what this man said at last is good. You can't act rashly about this matter, because it's really difficult to provoke the Feixian temple!"

"Oh? You know this flying fairy temple!"

Jinshanquan smiled bitterly, "how many people in this universe who have some strength don't know about Feixian temple?"

"Feixian, Feixian, it is said that there are ancient immortals in its sect!"

"With so many years of operation, Feixian Temple seems to have become a first-class force. No one dares to provoke even in the hidden dragon and Crouching Tiger Island of dari island."

Xue an was silent for a moment and suddenly said with a light smile: "it sounds really powerful, but I'm bound to get it, so I don't care what first-class force it is. If I want it, I have to give it. Otherwise, I'll see right and wrong under the fist!"

These domineering words directly made jinshanquan shut his mouth, and then bowed his head deeply to show his respect.

At this time, Xue an stood up and said faintly, "let's go, go back and settle down first, and then go to dari island!"

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