Since the first World War of the Cultural Association, the whole Xihua city has become much calmer.

Even those college students who are most active on weekdays have become honest now.

All this is because the excitement this article will bring to everyone is too great.

In particular, even the legendary space-time giant snake Shuming appeared, which shocked many people.

But just below this calm surface, there is an undercurrent surging.

"Let me see, Xue an is definitely dead. He can't die anymore! After all, even the existence of Shuming has appeared, and the possibility of his successful escape is very small!" Someone sneered.

"You can't say that. Xue an still has two brushes. Didn't you see that he hit Shu Ming with magic weapons?"

"It was just a coincidence, or what would he do in the end?"

"Tut Tut, I really don't know where this Xue an came from. We haven't lived in the world since he appeared, so he deserved to die!" Some people gloat.

Such comments were heard constantly. Although Ren Ning didn't hear them with her own ears, she also knew that many people were full of jealousy towards Xue an.

So his last departure was just what these people wanted. These people wanted Xue an to die outside like this.

Even this malice extended to her, a disciple of Xue an.

As long as she goes out, Ren Ning can clearly feel those malicious eyes from the dark.

She knew all this, but she didn't care.

The only thing she cares about is when master will come back.

For this reason, after finishing her daily work, she would climb the roof of Xiyue Inn and look at the sky, hoping to see the figure that haunted her.

But the expectation day after day brings only deeper disappointment.

This emotion depressed Ren Ning at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there was no smile on her increasingly thin face.

Sheng Hongxi, Niu Dali and others are anxious about her situation.

"Three younger sisters, it's not a matter to go on like this. We have to find a way to make miss Ren happy!" Niu Dali said.

"I don't want to make her happy, but the girl has a good idea in her heart. No matter how I persuade her, she will always look like a light cloud and light wind. It will remain the same after that. How can this be broken?" Sheng Hongxi sighed.

"The root is still from adults. Alas, do you think adults really can't come back?" The cow spoke vigorously.

Sheng Hongxi raised her eyebrows. "What are you talking about? Adults will definitely come back!"

Feeling Sheng Hongxi's anger, Niu Dali hurriedly changed his words, "yes, yes, look at my broken mouth. I also think adults will come back, but the premise is that we have to find a way to make miss Ren not so depressed!"

"What can we do? She can't get through the barrier in her heart. No matter how anxious we are, it's in vain!" Sheng Hongxi said.

"Why don't we get a banquet tonight? Please invite Miss Ren to come over and have a few drinks, so that you can relieve the pressure in your heart at least!" The cow spoke vigorously.

"Can you do it?"

"Can you do it? I have to try!"

"Well, I'll try, and you'll be responsible for preparing the banquet!"

"Don't worry, the banquet is wrapped on me!"

Niu Dali was really ready. When Sheng Hongxi invited Ren Ning, he led Zhang Xiaoqiang and the old four, five and six in the kitchen. Unexpectedly, he really created a table of first-class banquet with complete color, aroma and flavor.

When everything was ready, Sheng Hongxi also led Ren Ning.

In fact, Ren Ning didn't want to come. Now she is in no mood except for the necessary entertainment every day. She just wants to sit on the roof of Xiyue Inn and wait for Xue an's return.

But unable to resist Sheng Hongxi's kindness, she finally came.

Seeing her coming, Niu Dali and others couldn't help getting excited.

"Miss Ren, you're here. Please sit down. Everything is ready. I'll wait for you to take your seat!"

Ren Ning looked at this table full of carefully prepared dishes, and her heart was also quite moved.

Although these people in Longhu stronghold look ferocious one by one, they are all good people.

The banquet was obviously prepared for yourself.

So she looked down with gratitude and said, "please, stronghold leaders!"

"Hahaha, Miss Ren, what are you talking about? Working for you is equivalent to working for adults. It's our honor!" Niu Dali smiled.

Zhang Xiaoqiang echoed, "yes, what my eldest brother said is right, so you don't have to worry too much, Miss Ren. Maybe the adult will come back when we are drinking!"

As soon as the voice fell, Niu Dali secretly kicked him.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was also surprised and shut his mouth.

Sheng Hongxi hurriedly rounded up the scene. "Come on, let's take a seat quickly, otherwise the dishes will be bad when they are cold!"

Ren Ning smiled and then sat down.

I have to admit that the cooking skills of Niu Dali and others are really good. The carefully prepared banquet can be called a feast.

Ren Ning is not the kind of person who is sour with vinegar. She knows that Niu Dali and others are all kind-hearted. At this time, it would be too boring if she stretched her face and hurt spring and autumn.

Therefore, she rarely blooms a smile, the cup comes to dry wine, and the chopsticks in her hand never stop.

While everyone was having a good time, they suddenly heard footsteps outside, and then heard someone laughing.

"It seems that we came at the right time. The smell of this meal can be smelled from a long distance!"

With the voice, I saw that Fu Yuanfeng, Zhuang Manning and Zhuo Benzheng all came in.

After World War I, they should have left and returned to their cities.

But because of xue'an, they didn't leave, but stayed in Xihua city to wait for xue'an to return.

After getting along these days, they have become good friends with Ren Ning, Niu Dali and others, so they will make jokes today.

As soon as he saw them, Niu Dali quickly stood up and said with a happy smile, "I doubt you all came by smelling the smell. Don't hurry to find a seat by yourself!"

"Ha ha, you can say whatever you like. Anyway, we caught up with today's meal!"

Fu Yuanfeng didn't hesitate to say that. He sat down beside Niu Dali, and the rest of the people took their seats one after another.

For a time, the banquet became more and more heated and noisy. People talked loudly in a crisscross of wine and preparation, but they all tacitly didn't mention Xue an.

Ren Ning knew this clearly and couldn't help being moved secretly.

But today's Xiyue Inn seems lively and tight. Just as everyone was excited about the banquet, suddenly I heard the noise outside.

"What's the matter? Old five, go and have a look!" Niu vigorously ordered.

The old five, who was working hard at a huge ox bone, got up and went downstairs. After a while, he came back with a strange look on his face.

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