"Boss, a group of people came outside and said they wanted us to compensate them for their losses!"

"Loss? What loss?" Niu Dali was puzzled.

You know, in order to be safe, he and his brothers haven't been out of the Xiyue Inn for half a step.

He turned to look at Zhang Xiaoqiang. "Did you go out and make trouble?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang shouted, "brother, you've wronged me. We've been together for a long time. Have you ever seen me leave?"

"Yes, since it's not you, where does this so-called compensation come from?"

"Old five, make it clear. What's going on?" Zhang Xiaoqiang asked.

"These people want compensation not because of us, but because of adults!"

"My lord? It sounds even more confused! My Lord has left since the cultural conference. What kind of compensation do they want?" Niu Dali is more confused.

"What they want is the compensation for the first World War of the Cultural Association. They say that their property has been lost because of the actions of adults, so they can find us!"

At this point, all the people understood what was going on, and then Zhang Xiaoqiang jumped out of his chair in anger.

"What? That's what these guys say?"

Old five nodded.

"Who are there?"

"They are all from the major academies in the city!"

"Well, I Zhang Xiaoqiang think I'm not a good man. I did a few bad things when I was king of the mountain, but today I've gained insight and opened my eyes!"

Speaking of this, Xiaoqiang's teeth are almost broken. "There are such brazen people in the world. At the beginning, adults shouldn't have saved them. It's good to let these guys die directly!"

The rest of the crowd also looked angry.

After all, this matter is unreasonable.

When the Japanese Language Society fought in the first World War, everyone watched. How arrogant Shuming was. If Xue an hadn't acted in time, the whole Xihua city might have been overturned.

It's a good thing now. Just because of some property losses, these academies turned their faces and even went here to ask for compensation.

It's not shameless. What is it?

While everyone was filled with righteous indignation, Ren Ning was very calm and got up to go out.

Sheng Hongxi grabbed her, "what are you doing?"

"Naturally, I went outside to negotiate with those people. They wanted to find master, but master is not here now. As an apprentice, I naturally want to stand up!" Ren Ning looked very calm.

Sheng Hongxi shook her head, "you can't go, at least you can't go like this, because it's not that simple, there must be something strange!"

Yao Yachao, who had been listening, put on a folding fan when he heard the speech. "Miss Sheng is right. There must be something strange about this!"

"These people don't come early or late, but they come when the childe is away. This is one of the doubts!"

"Then it's the excuse they're looking for. What kind of compensation do they want? It can laugh off people's big teeth. It can be said that they can't stand in love and reason, but these people say so, which is also a big doubt!"

"So I think the purpose of these people is not this at all, but to deal with you and me while the childe is away. It's best to drive us out of Xihua city. That's what they want!"

Yao Yachao's analysis was reasonable, and people nodded during the banquet.

But Ren Ning was not moved at all. "You're right, but even if you know that these people have evil intentions, what can you do? Do you want to hide and not show your head?"

"Just hide and don't show up. Don't you see that these guys dare not step into the gate of Xiyue Inn no matter how much noise they make? So as long as we don't hear it, all these people's plans will be put into water!"

"But I can't!" After finishing these five words, Ren Ning turned and went downstairs.

Her move caught the audience by surprise, but she soon followed.

When he came downstairs to the courtyard, he saw a group of people outside the gate.

These people are still holding banners in their hands, which say xue'an pays back the money!

As soon as Ren Ning and others appeared, these people suddenly became energetic, raised their voices and began to howl.

"Xue an pays back!"

"Xue an gave me back all my life!"

Hearing these shouts, Ren Ning's face became more and more ugly, but she didn't hurry or slow to come closer.

"Well, stop shouting and come out with one who keeps his word!"

"Who are you?" Some in the crowd disdained.

"My name is Ren Ning, and Xue an is my master!"

Ren Ning's self-reported home shocked many people in the crowd, and then turned his eyes to a man standing in the middle.

The man was dressed in blue with a harmless smile.

"It's Miss Ren. I've heard a lot about it!"

Of course, Ren Ning would not be polite to such people. She raised her hand and pointed to these people and the banners in their hands.

"What does that mean?"

"Oh, you're asking this. In fact, it's very simple. Xue an was reckless in the first World War of the Cultural Association. As a result, the buildings of several academies collapsed and many precious materials preserved in them were damaged to varying degrees!"

"This loss is not a small amount, so we discussed it and felt that Xue an should bear the cost. What do you think as his master?"

Even if he was saying such an unreasonable thing, the smile on the man's face was still warm and warm.

Although Ren Ning wanted to break the man's teeth with a punch, she still forced herself to calm down.

Because she knew that this punch might be right in the arms of these people.

So she just looked at the man coldly.

"Before you said these words, did you ever think that if my master hadn't done the first World War of the cultural conference that day, you might not even have the chance to stand here and speak, but now you still come here to ask for compensation?"

"Hey, Miss Ren, you can't say that. If Lingshi didn't appear, Shuming wouldn't appear with him! So in the final analysis, everything comes from Lingshi!" The man said with a smile.

"Yes, it is because of Xue an that we suffered heavy losses. We must give an explanation!" The crowd behind him began to clamor again.

"Shit, I can't stand it. Kill these sons of bitches!" The old four angry words.

Although Lao Liu didn't say anything, a pair of red eyes had explained everything.

But at this time, Ren Ning suddenly sneered.

"Well, in the final analysis, you can see how vicious and dirty your mind is. Don't you just want to drive us out while my master is away? I'll tell you, it's impossible!"

Ren Ning stepped forward and stared at the man's eyes.

"You won't succeed unless I die!"

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