A chaotic brilliance was projected into the room, and then condensed into a virtual shadow of a human figure in the open space in front of the window.

In the dead of night, such a strange scene is enough to make people creepy.

Xue an seemed to be ready, smiling and looking at it without any surprise.

Until the virtual shadow slowly turned and looked at Xue an, Xue an just sighed.

"Thank you for that before!"

The phantom materialized at an amazing speed and turned into an ordinary middle-aged man in the blink of an eye.

"You're welcome. In fact, even if you don't inform me in advance, I can't let Shu Ming act recklessly!"

"That's not good. After all, you are the master of literature and Taoism in this world. If I don't tell you in advance, it's always my faux pas!"

The man smiled and looked at Xue an with strange eyes.

"Are you going to dari island next?"

Xue an was not surprised that the man knew this.

Because he is the expression of the highest will in the world, he can't hide everything that happens in the world from him.

Xue an nodded

The man was silent for a moment and then said, "in fact, from the moment you first entered the world, I knew everything was inevitable!"

"Oh? What is inevitable?" Xue an smiled.

The man was very solemn, "as the will of heaven, I can see that you are carrying great cause and effect. That's a scene I've never seen before. At that time, I knew that you were by no means ordinary people!"

Xue an laughed, "I'm flattered!"

"I'm not flattered. I don't have your human feelings. I've always said one thing, but before you leave, I still want to give you a piece of advice!"

"Oh? What advice?"

"Nari island is different from other places, but it is the most complex situation in the universe. Even we should stay away as far as possible, so you must take care of yourself after you go!"

In fact, it's not the first time Xue an has heard such words.

The man who sold the news in the ghost city had said so before.

But the more so, the more calm Xue an is.

He was never afraid of difficulties and dangers, even in the face of enemies far higher than himself.

What's more, besides looking for the fragments of Xuanyuan mirror, he has a more important thing to do.

So Xue an just nodded with a smile, "OK, I see. Thank you for your advice!"

"When are you going to leave?"


"So anxious?"

"In fact, I didn't intend to go back here, but in order to settle Tang Xiao and Yun lingxuan, I still had to come back!"

"Good luck!"

"Thank you!"

The figure dispersed silently.

The inn is quiet. No one knows that the highest will of the world has just come here.

Xue an sat quietly in his chair, most of his face was shrouded in darkness, and only a pair of eyes exposed outside were as bright as stars.

Jinshanquan will naturally follow him when he goes to dari island this time. After all, as the only person who has been to dari Island, he has to play a guiding role.

The second is Shu Jingchu.

Although xue'an doesn't want to take her, this guy is like a dog skin plaster. He can't peel it off when it's stuck. However, xue'an can only listen to it.

In addition, Tang Xiao, Yun lingxuan and tuan'er's three daughters want to stay.

That's why Xue an came back here.

Now things have been done. In order to avoid other unnecessary troubles, Xue an plans to start as soon as possible.

But before that, he has one more thing to do.

Ren Ning's room!

Ren Ning didn't sleep at all.

All her heart was occupied by excitement and joy.

She was really tired during this time.

Although she said she was sure that Xue an would be fine, she felt miserable just thinking about it now.

Fortunately, Xue an finally returned safely.

Although she brought another beautiful woman back and didn't know if she was a teacher's mother, Ren Ning still felt very happy.

This put her in a morbid excitement, and even her whole body began to get hot.

So after lying down for a while and finding that she couldn't sleep, she simply sat up and began to cross knee meditation.

Now she has considerable strength, which not only lays a good foundation for her, but also has something to do with her hard cultivation.

You know, in addition to eating, sleeping and some things that must be handled by herself, Ren Ning spent these days in crazy cultivation.

She wants to grow up as soon as possible and become Xue an's right-hand man.

But I don't know what's going on today. She can't get into it anyway. She just feels upset. It seems that something is going to happen.

Just then, the voice of xue'an suddenly came to her ear.

"If your mind is so complicated, you'd better not be forced to settle down. It's easy to get possessed!"

Hearing this, Ren Ning Huoran raised her eyes, and Xue an's smile came into her eyes.

I saw him standing not far from the door, with a smile on his face, looking at himself.

Ren Ning's face turned red, and then his heart jumped up.

What does it mean that master suddenly appears in his room so late at night?

Is it.

At the thought of those pictures, Ren Ning felt that the blood flow rate all over her body had accelerated a lot.

But in addition to a little fear, there is more joy.

Xue an looked at her flushed face strangely, but didn't think much. Instead, she thought that she was caused by the retrograde flow of Qi and blood due to the forced interruption of entering the meditation, so she stretched out her hand and gently stroked her on the top of her head.

Ren Ning felt that the blood all over her seemed to flow up to her head. She was dizzy, and there was only one idea in her heart.

I do!

But just as she was ready to devote herself, she found that master had no next action except to hold his head.

This did not prohibit her from peeking, but she saw Xue an frowning and wondering what she was thinking.

"Strange, how can Qi and blood surge so much? Is it a sign of being possessed by evil?"

Xue an murmured, and at the same time, the huge Zhenyuan poured directly into Ren Ning's head, calming her boiling blood very quickly.

Ren Ning felt that her thinking became extremely clear in an instant, and then she felt deeply ashamed.

What were you thinking about just now!

That's my master!

Ren Ning secretly spat at his shamelessness.

Xue an was unaware of her thoughts, although she could interpret Ren Ning's heart as long as she had a little contact with her mind.

But Xue an is not so abnormal. Except against the enemy and when he has to, he can't easily interpret the voice of others with divine thoughts.

Because it is a great disrespect for others.

Let alone his little apprentice.

Speaking of it, Ren Ning is also Xue an's first disciple to be trained seriously.

Even on earth, as a fire phoenix instructor, Xue an didn't put much energy into it.

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