At most, I just gave everyone a skill, and then added a little bit.

The rest is up to them to understand.

Only for Ren Ning, Xue an really took great pains. She not only built her foundation in person, but also tailored her skills.

This time, I found Ren Ning before I left in order to explain my future cultivation.

Xue an first checked Ren Ning's cultivation entry, and then nodded with satisfaction.

It can be seen that Ren Ning has worked hard.

This is what Ren Ning most appreciated by Xue an.

No matter when and where she arrived, the girl always kept a valuable soberness.

This is more important than any talent.

"Disciple, your current state is very good compared with your cultivation time, but it is far from enough, at least compared with the standard I require!"

Xue an's voice sounded directly in Ren Ning's understanding of the sea.

Ren Ning was a little stunned, but she soon adapted to this way of communication.

"What is your standard?"

"At least you have to reach the state of seven grade Wu Yilang to be able to protect yourself!"

Ren Ning was shocked by the realm Xue an said and took a breath.

Although Qipin doesn't sound like anything, compared with Ren Ning, who has just built the foundation and hasn't entered the product yet, it's no different from Arabian Nights.

"I will try my best!" Ren Ning whispered, a little frustrated.

"It's too late to work hard now. Disciple, can you trust Shifu?"

"Of course I do!" Ren Ning responded without hesitation.

"Well, the master will give you a hand, but it may hurt. You should bear it!"


Ren ningran just answered, and a sharp pain from her soul made her groan.

It hurts!

It hurts!

It was as if a red hot steel needle stabbed directly into the spine from the top of the head and kept stirring.

But just a dull hum, Ren Ning endured with amazing perseverance.

Her face was as pale as paper, beads of sweat big as beans rolled down, and the color of pain flashed on her pretty cheek from time to time, but even so, she still clenched her teeth and didn't hum.

Xue an secretly appreciated such perseverance.

"Just a little more patience. It'll be ready in a minute!"

The whole body began to talk and walk.

Build the foundation, break the yuan... Then enter the product.

Before the Jiupin school captain's territory, Ren Ning was shocked all over. He felt that the whole person was like breaking through an invisible pass, and the world was in front of him.

But this is not enough. The indoctrination of Zhenyuan began to accelerate, the nine grades matured rapidly, and finally became mature, breaking through the eight grades of xiuwulang.

Then there is Qipin wuyilang.

When the state of Qi pin was finally stabilized, Xue an let go, took a step back and slowly spit out a mouthful of turbid Qi.

Although it is not difficult to create only seven grades with the cultivation of general Sanpin, the peak of his sage.

But Xue an chose the safest way in order not to hurt Ren Ning's foundation, which made him feel a little pressure.

Fortunately, everything was completed smoothly.

At this moment, looking at Ren Ning again, she seemed to be fished out of the water, and her sweat even wet the bed under her body.

However, the improvement of that realm is obvious.

After closing her eyes, carrying some Qi and blood and completely stabilizing her strength, Ren Ning immediately opened her eyes and looked at Xue an. The first sentence she said was.

"Master, are you leaving?"

Xue an smiled. "Why do you ask?"

Ren Ning was silent for a moment, "because if you didn't want to go, how could you be so anxious to improve my realm?"

Xue an didn't hide it either. He nodded directly, "yes!"

Ren Ning trembled, "are you going to dari island?"



"Ready to leave before dawn!"

"So anxious?"

"No way, there are many affairs, so you have to start in advance!"

Ren Ning was silent.

Although she wanted to ask if she could take me with her, she knew it was useless even if she asked.

Because xue'an can't let herself follow.

Last night, she had heard the news about dairi island from Lu Hui, Niu Dali and other people.

Know that it is the core of the whole universe. There are many strong people and hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

If you get there like yourself, you can't even count cannon fodder. It's just a burden.

But she was still sad.

Because she didn't know whether Xue an would come back or not.

"Then... Master, will you come back?" She asked in a low voice, holding back her tears.

Xue an sighed, "I don't know. If things go well there, I will return to my universe as soon as possible after cutting off the strong enemy. After all, I'm worried about the situation there after leaving for so long!"

Ren Ning took a deep breath, held back her tears and nodded obediently.

"Well, I know, master. I wish you all the best on your way here and kill the strong enemy!"

At the end of the speech, the language choked.

Xue an sighed, "well, don't be so sad. I'm not really not coming back. I'll come back to you after I deal with my universe. After all, you're my apprentice!"

Ren Ning's eyes brightened, "really?"

"Did master cheat you?"

Ren Ning looked at Xue Anna's warm eyes, finally lowered her head and said in a very firm voice, "I'll wait for you!"

"Silly girl!" Xue'an smiled and waved her hand violently, and a radiance disappeared into Ren Ning's eyebrows.

Huge information immediately swept Ren Ning's mind.


Ren Ning was stunned by the huge impact of information before she reacted.

Looking at Ren Ning who fainted on the bed, Xue an said faintly: "disciple, this is the last help I've given you. This information is all about later cultivation. I hope you'll really grow up when I see you again!"

"Have a good sleep!"

With that, Xue an turned and left Ren Ning's room.

But instead of going back to his room, he looked down the corridor and smiled, then walked casually to a room.

The door of the room was open. Xue an pushed the door and went in.

It was dark in the room, with a faint fragrance of flowers.

Xue an stood at the door and said in a cold voice, "is it clear who just eavesdropped outside?"

There was a rapid breathing sound in the dark, and then a candle lit up. Sheng Hongxi stood trembling at the table with panic written on her face.

"Big... My Lord! I just happened to go downstairs and heard a sound in Miss Ren's room, so I stopped and stopped for a while. I promise I didn't hear anything and don't know!"

At last, Sheng Hongxi's eyes showed a look of prayer.

Seeing this, Xue an could hardly cry or laugh. She knew that Sheng Hongxi must have misunderstood.

But on the surface, he didn't show anything. Instead, he stepped forward and condescended with a cold look.

"Why are you so timid when eavesdropping, but now you're timid again? Are you afraid I'll kill you?"

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