"Deal!" Xue an smiled.

"Then let's hurry!" Wu nianyin said.

"Go?" Xue an shook his head. "It's not that easy! As you said, someone really wants you to die, so another wave of attack has arrived!"

As soon as the voice fell, I heard a buzzing sound in the distance. When I looked carefully, everyone couldn't help but turn pale.

Because countless flying insects suddenly appeared in the distant space.

These flying insects were so fast that they flew close in the blink of an eye.

At this time, people can see clearly where this is a flying insect. It is clearly a small twin rotor aircraft with exquisite shape.

If you take one out and look at it alone, you will find that these small planes are very beautiful, even exquisite.

But when these planes came together to form a large group of aircraft like locusts, it was frightening.

This fear reached its peak, especially when an exquisite small missile appeared under these small planes.

"Fire gun club again!" Wu nianyin's teeth are breaking.

Except for the Musketeers club, no force on the island would use this method against the enemy.

The man standing behind Wu nianyin was quick to see the opportunity. He grabbed Wu nianyin's hand and shouted, "everyone withdraw to the ship. There is armored defense, which can resist for at least a while!"

There is no other way.

Although these UAV missiles look pitifully small, they are actually very powerful. Especially when they rush towards you in groups, even if you are a strong man in what realm, you have to be scared.

But just then, xue'an flicked his fingers calmly.

A wisp of sword light rushed into the aircraft group at a very fast speed, and quickly split into countless, and then directly took the rotor of these UAVs.

These UAVs are highly mobile, and the general magic weapon doesn't want to get close at all.

But today, in the face of the sword light emitted by Xue an, these UAVs also look clumsy.

Boo, boo, boo!

Accompanied by a slight sound of metal tearing, the sword light cut off the rotors of these UAVs.

The unpowered drone began to fall like a fallen leaf and detonated the suspended missile.

Bang bang!

One explosion after another, and quickly caused a chain reaction.

By the time these drones want to retreat, there are few left.

Xue an said faintly, "let's go now!"

Everyone was stunned.

No one expected that the terrorist drone charge was easily cracked by Xue an.

However, Wu nianyin woke up quickly and nodded, "OK! I'll call my men now!"

Because the power system of the ship suffered serious damage, it would be impossible to expect it to be repaired for a while and a half. Therefore, Wu nianyin gave up it without hesitation, led the elite men to light up and fly in the direction of the Wu family with Xue an.

Not long after they left, two figures appeared on the battlefield where the UAV fell.

Meng Yi is wearing a machine armour.

The other was a woman in a silver robe.

But at this time, the woman's face was not good-looking, especially when she saw the debris of the UAV floating in the air, the woman wanted to cry without tears.

"Meng Yi, that's what you said. I shouldn't have listened to your nonsense if I got caught. As a result, I lost a drone group. You compensate me!"

Meng Yi's head was hurt by the woman's loud voice, but he knew he was wrong. He was unable to explain, so he could only smile all over his face.

"Aunt Yin, please calm down. I didn't know this boy was so evil. If I knew, how could I ask you to help me!"

"Hum, your boy is intentional, and I blame me for being so stupid. When I saw you being forced out of the mecha, I should have thought of the power of this guy. It's a pity that I'm such a baby!"

The man called Yin Gu looked at the debris all over the ground and wanted to cry without tears.

Meng Yi is used to the impermanence of Yin Gu's crying and laughing, and knows that this matter has passed.

He turned his head and looked in the direction Xue an and others left, with a strange luster in his eyes.

Before, he was chased by Xue an and barely escaped by the power of mecha. Later, his heart was full of anger and thought that this matter was purely due to his bad luck.

After all, these people seem to be passing by here, so maybe they left after this incident.

So he hurriedly contacted Yin Gu, who was on a mission not far away, with a communicator, hoping to blast Wu nianyin into slag by relying on the naval warfare technology of UAV.

But I didn't expect that Wu nianyin's life was really big. Instead of leaving, the man who saved him did it again and saved his life.

In this process, the powerful strength shown by Xue an makes Meng Yi completely put out his mind of revenge.

But that doesn't mean he's done with it.

Because he knew that since the fire gun club had received the list, it had to be completed anyway.

Although she and Yin Gu have failed, adults will certainly arrange stronger predecessors to assassinate Wu nianyin.

I suddenly thought of it.

It's not easy to do this for the first time.

It's also unique to rely on your own luck without saying anything else.

You know, after receiving the list of Fu Sha Wu nianyin, the fire gun club immediately began to prepare.

But the problem is that the island is too big and can be accessed everywhere. You don't know where he will come in.

For this reason, the fire gun club can only send generals everywhere to patrol, but in this way, the manpower is a little stretched.

Therefore, Meng Yi can lead a firearm team to guard here alone as a fledgling newcomer.

To tell the truth, Meng Yi didn't expect to have the luck to run into Wu nianyin.

He just took the task as a training for himself.

So when he saw the single ship, he was so excited that he thought it would be a fat cake and wanted to eat it.

So that's what happened later.

After being driven away by Xue an, he was angry and did not run away. Instead, he observed the situation through a detection device left on the battlefield.

When he saw Wu nianyin, he was shocked. Only then did he know that he had hit great luck.

Therefore, while informing the superior, he contacted the nearby Yin Gu.

Now Yin Gu has also failed, but she must have received the information she reported.

Then I have finished my task, and I may even get some rewards for it.

Thinking of this, Meng Yi said happily to Aunt Chong Yin.

"Come on, let's follow up and see if there's any other oil and water to catch!"

At this time, Yin Gu is still in pain and is picking up some recyclable parts from the wreckage.

Hearing Meng Yi's words, she didn't lift her head. "No, you have to go. Be careful not to catch your life!"

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