Wu nianyin closely followed Xue an and asked something from time to time. It was obvious that he was very interested in Xue an.

Xue an was not too cold to him, and occasionally answered.

Like now.

"Brother Xue, why did you come here?"

Wu nianyin is obviously trying to win over Xue an. After a few words, the title has changed from the first adult to brother Xue, which is more intimate.

"Nothing, just come and deal with some small things!" Xue an said faintly, and then glanced at Wu nianyin.

"Why are you asking?"

Wu nianyin immediately said, "don't get me wrong, brother Xue. I'm just out of the concern of my friends, and don't worry. When I get home, the first thing is to help brother Xue finish his own business!"

Xue an smiled and knew that Wu nianyin was from his heart.

No way, who makes him rely on himself now!

Wu nianyin is now powerless, so the only thing he can do is draw big cakes.

"Thank you very much!" Xue an said faintly.

Wu Nian wanted to say something more, but seeing Xue an's calm expression, he finally swallowed those words back.

Although the contact time is still short, Wu nianyin has seen that this strong and terrible young man in white doesn't like nonsense.

Just then, suddenly someone screamed.

"Look, what's that?"

When they looked up, they saw that the dark void in front of them was suddenly shrouded by a layer of milky white fog.

Moreover, the fog spread so fast that Xue an and others were caged in it almost in the blink of an eye.

All of a sudden, they fell into a white nightmare of no one on the other side.

The crowd was in a panic.

"What's going on?"

"Why is there such a big white fog in space?"

Wu nianyin was also very nervous at the beginning, but when he saw Xue an standing where he was, there was no panic on his face, but looked around with interest, his heart could not help calming down quickly.

"Don't move, drag each other's clothes to prevent separation!" Wu nianyin said in a deep voice.

Perhaps his calmness also infected his men, and the restless crowd gradually calmed down.

"Brother Xue, look..."

Wu nianyin wanted to ask Xue an what he meant, but before he finished, he saw Xue an suddenly flash to his side, and then raise his hand.

As if rehearsed in advance, at the moment Xue an raised his hand, a black light rushed out of the white fog, and Xue an's hand just blocked its way.

The two collided with each other, and the shock wave aroused shocked Wu nianyin back a few steps.

"Young master!"

Cried his entourage, worried.

Wu nianyin waved his hand to indicate that he was okay, and then walked quickly to Xue an's side.

Xue an was holding a yellow bullet in his hand.

The bullet is extremely tall, and the warhead is engraved with dense patterns, showing its good lethality.

Wu nianyin's look changed, "is it the fire gun club?"

Xue an gently rubbed the still hot bullet in his hand, but his eyes wandered in the direction it came.

The fog was dispersing, and the big hole hit by the quilt bullet had long disappeared.

But Xue an smiled, "yes, and it's still a trickier expert than the previous two waves!"

Wu nianyin's eyes flashed a worried look.

Why can't he see the current situation!

Although the previous two waves of attacks were magnificent, there were traces to follow.

Only at this time, the misty fog is so terrible.

No means can see through what is hidden behind the fog.

And the appearance of this bullet is like an antelope hanging its horn, which can't be found at all.

But soon he adjusted his mind and said in a deep voice, "brother Xue, if you feel you can't deal with this crisis, you can leave by yourself. I won't stop you!"

Xue an glanced back at him, "what do you mean?"

"These people are running for me, and they must not want to make trouble, so as long as you take my men away, they won't stop!"

As soon as Wu nianyin's voice fell, all his men fell to their knees.

"Young master, we will follow you to the death and never leave!"

Wu nianyin sighed, "too many people have died for me. If this crisis is really unavoidable, I'd better bear it alone!"

Xue an looked at him quietly and suddenly smiled, "who said this crisis can't be avoided? Come with me!"

With that, Xue an strode to the depths of the fog.

Wu nianyin was slightly shocked by Xue an's eyes just now, but he reacted very quickly and said immediately: "everyone is dragging the clothes of the people in front of him. Don't leave!"

Then he followed up first.

Jinshanquan and Shu Jingchu naturally followed, but compared with Wu nianyin and others, they were nervous.

The two of them seemed much more relaxed.

Because after such a long time of contact, Xue an has long been omnipotent in their minds.

How could the mere fog and sneak attack stop his footsteps.

Sure enough.

Not far ahead, xue'an's body flashed. Then he turned into several phantoms and caught bullets from all directions.

Then Xue an said coldly, "wait here and don't move. I'll go back!"

With that, xue'an dodged and rushed into the fog.

Wu nianyin's mouth was slightly open and his face was stunned.

He wanted to stop Xue an just now, but he didn't expect that he was too fast. Before he could say anything, he was gone.

In desperation, he had to order his men to garrison in situ, and then looked at the fog ahead with a worried face.

Shu Jingchu still likes Wu nianyin who looks like a girl.

you 're right.

She is a real beauty dog.

So when she saw Wu nianyin who seemed quite worried, she couldn't help coming forward and laughing.

"Don't worry, there is nothing in the world that can embarrass him. He said he would come back later, that is, he would come back later!"

"What Miss Shu said is that I don't have no confidence in brother Xue, but is it too risky to rush in like this when the situation is unclear?"

In Wu nianyin's view, the best way is for a group of people to gather together and break out of the fog first.

But Xue an didn't give him a chance to discuss it at all and left directly.

This made him feel powerless.

"Hehe, you still underestimate him. Since he dares to rush out, it proves that he has full confidence! Don't worry!" Shu Jingchu said carelessly, but his eyes swept to the jade gourd hanging around Wu nianyin's waist.

"Hey, what's this? It's so cute!"

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