"Master, I told Wu Qiaojun exactly what you taught me. As a result, she is completely convinced of me now. What should I do next?" Liu Ma asked cautiously.

There was a silence in the dark. After a long time, I heard a low voice slowly.

"Ignore that fool. I ask you, did anyone follow you before you came here?"

Liu Ma was stunned and immediately shook her head and said, "no, I came here after taking the boss in a circle. No one will follow me!"

"Hehe, that's because you didn't find it at all! Now that people have arrived in the hospital, do you still say you haven't followed them?"

Liu Ma was shocked and immediately looked back, but she saw that the hospital was empty and there was no human figure.

"Since your Excellency has come, you don't have to hide it. Please show up and talk about it. There are some things I want to discuss with you!"

Words fall, see the air billows, and then Xue an's figure gradually appears.

At the sight of him, Liu Ma almost jumped up from the ground.


She was stunned and just wanted to speak, but she heard the sound of footsteps behind her. Then she saw a mysterious man wrapped in a big cloak out of the darkness.

"You step back first!"

Liu Ma didn't dare to disobey and bowed down immediately.

Xue an is not surprised that this mysterious man can perceive his arrival.

Being evil always has some special abilities.

"I don't think we have anything to talk about?" Xue an said faintly.

The mysterious man smiled, "you are as proud as the rumored one!"

Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly, "do you know me?"

"Of course I know you. In fact, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have planned so much!"

Xue an's face gradually became dignified.

If it is true as the mysterious man said, his every move has obviously been exposed to the sight of evil things.

That's not good news.

"Don't be so nervous. I don't mean any harm. As for why I can guess that you will come here, it's because I have a special ability to vaguely see something that will happen in the future!" The mysterious man explained.

"What do you want to discuss with me?" Xue an said coldly.

Of course, he will not relax his vigilance because of the mysterious man's few words.

"I want to cooperate with you!"

"Cooperation?" Xue an sneered and shook his head, "I don't think I will cooperate with evil things!"

"Don't rush to refuse. It's not too late for you to make a decision when I'm finished!"

"You must also know that evil things are not all bad. There is also the orderly camp, and I come from the orderly camp, so you don't have to be so hostile to me!"

"Secondly, our goals are actually the same. You want to eliminate the snake of time and space and find out the truth of that year, and I also want to eliminate those fools who only want to destroy the world all day!"

"In this way, we have a common goal. Isn't this a good basis for cooperation?"

Xue'an looked down coldly at the mysterious man who couldn't see his face clearly, but his height was far lower than his own.

"Why do you want to destroy those evil things? Aren't you of the same race?"

The mysterious man sighed, "just because they are of the same race, I want to destroy them more, because if they are allowed to go on like this, they will sooner or later cause great disaster, and even bring disaster to our obedient evil creatures!"

This is the first time Xue an has heard people describe evil things as being self-discipline.

"Hehe, do you think I will believe it?"

"You will believe it, because if we can reach cooperation, it will only be good for you without harm. After all, even now you know nothing about the real evil world!"

Xue an stopped talking.

What the mysterious man said is true. Although he has collected a lot of information all the way, he still has a black eye on the real evil world.

He didn't even know where these evil things came from and what their social composition was.

And if this mysterious person is willing to disclose this information, it will be of great help to himself.

But Xue an's vigilance is still not relaxed at all.

Because he has always believed that the sky will not drop pie for no reason.

Especially in the face of an unknown existence, he should be more careful.

It seemed that xue'an's concerns were seen. The mysterious man hesitated for a moment and suddenly took off his cloak.

Then Xue an was stunned.

Because he really didn't think that the evil thing that tried to talk about cooperation with himself would look like this.

This is a little Lori who is no more than 1.4 meters tall. Her skin is white and beautiful, with two long double horsetails and a pair of big eyes that are as exciting as a deer.

Even the countless xue'an who "read" women have never seen such a beautiful and lovely little Lori.

It's like coming out of a cartoon.

However, xue'an's astonishment lasted only less than a second, and he soon calmed down.

It seemed that she noticed the change of xue'an's state of mind. The little Laurie nodded quite satisfied, and then stretched out her hand.

"Meet me. My name is Nai Yingying. You can also call me Nai Naizi!"

Xue anliao pondered for a moment, then stretched out his hand and gently shook it.

"Don't be surprised, this is my body image! But I always feel that I'm not aggressive enough to frighten others, so I've been wearing a cloak!" Nai Ying said with a smile, and two deep dimples appeared on her face.

In any case, she looks like a human girl, not a strange thing.

But Xue an still saw a faint and undetectable evil spirit from her.

"I think this is enough to express my sincerity. Should we talk about cooperation next?" Nai Ying is very natural.

Xue an didn't answer this question, but asked straight to the point: "why did you instigate your men to instigate Na Wuqiao Jun, and even let her run to my place to devote herself?"

Nai Ying shrugged. "Would you believe me if I said no why?"

Xue an's face is getting cold.

"Oh, well, well, I'm just kidding you. Why are you so serious!"

Nai Yingying is coquettish and angry, and the tail of his horse flickers. That kind of cute state is enough to make the nosebleed of ordinary men.

It's a pity that Xue an is not an ordinary man. He doesn't eat naiying at all.

Nai had to clear her throat and went on.

"In fact, at the beginning, I really wanted Wu Qiaojun to be the master of the Wu family, but later I found that Wu Qiaojun was a complete fool. Making her the master would be bad instead of helping!"

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