"But I can't let that Wu nianyin be the master, because that guy is too smart. If he becomes the master, it's hard for me to profit from it. That's why I came up with a delaying formula!"

"As for why I let Wu Qiaojun run to you that night... First, for fun, and second, to test your concentration!"

"If you can't even resist the mediocre fat and vulgar powder like Wu Qiaojun, I'll carefully consider whether to cooperate with you. Fortunately, you didn't disappoint me!"

This Nai was talking a lot.

After hearing this, xue'an raised her eyebrows slightly, "are you finished?"

"Er... Finished!"

"Then I'll go!"

Having said that, Xue an did not hesitate and turned and left.

"Hey, hey, don't go. The cooperation between us hasn't been discussed yet!"

"What's there to talk about? Did I say I wanted to cooperate with you?" Xue an's head didn't return.

In fact, he didn't kill Nai Yingying on the spot, which has given her a lot of face.

Xue an did this because she saw that she was not full of resentment.

If not, no matter how cute she looks, Xue an will kill her.

As for cooperation.


The hatred between Xue an and evil things is as deep as the sea. Naturally, he will not give up his position because of some petty profits.

Even if this evil thing is kind and orderly, it can't.

But at the moment when xue'an was about to step out of the threshold, Nai Yingying behind him suddenly said in a secluded way.

"I can see that you came to dari island for two things, one of which should be the town treasure of Feixian temple, and the other is related to the Lost Gods of your Chinese people..."

Before the words fell, Xue an rushed to her like lightning, grabbed her neck and lifted her into the air.

"How do you know these things?" Xue an asked coldly, his eyes full of cold murders.

If Nai Yingying can't give a reasonable explanation, Xue an will kill him on the spot.

There is no other reason. What Nai Yingying said is really amazing.

Xue an came to dari island for these two things, but Xue an never talked to anyone except Jinshan spring and Shu Jingchu.

So how did Nai Yingying know the news?

"No... don't be so nervous. Didn't I tell you before that I can see some vague things about the future, so I saw these two things about your coming to Dayi island in this way!"

Although Nai Yingying was strangled by her neck, she couldn't even breathe freely.

But her face was still full of smiles, and there was not even the slightest panic in her gem like eyes.

Even... There is a hint of excitement.

Xue an looked at her coldly, as if thinking whether her words were true or false.

It was not until a moment later that Xue an suddenly let go.

With a plop, Nai fell to the ground, and his small chest fluctuated violently. It was obviously pinched.

"Can you really see the future?"

"Of course! This is my innate talent. How can I be funny?"

"OK, let me ask you, will I slap you next?" Xue an said faintly.

Nai's face suddenly collapsed, and his previous complacency disappeared.

"Hey, I don't play like that! I can only see the vague form of things in the future, not the God stick of all knowledge. Besides, no matter how you answer this question, it's a big pit!"

But Xue an didn't say a word and raised her hand to fight.

Nai Yingying was so frightened that she closed her eyes, but the expected sharp pain didn't appear. Instead, her hair was grabbed by something.

When she opened her eyes, she saw that xue'an grabbed his two horsetails and was looking at them curiously.

Seeing her, Xue an smiled, "interesting, your hair is also alive. It seems that this is really your noumenon!"

Nai Yingying wanted to hum to show her anger, but she didn't dare.

Because she doesn't know what Xue an can do.

She thought she knew enough about this guy.

But when she really faced it, she knew how naive she was.

Can it be so easy to shake the evil camp with the body of ordinary strong people and force those guys to be in a hurry step by step?

Anyway, she was scared. She didn't ask carefully until she saw xue'an's smiling face.

"Can we talk about the next cooperation?"

Xue Ansong opened his hand, "of course!"

A moment later, Xue an and Nai Yingying sat opposite each other.

"I'd like to know what kind of cooperation is your so-called cooperation? Or what do you want from me?" Xue an said straight to the point.

Nai Yingying sighed, "it's very simple. I want to eliminate those mischievous guys and reshape the world's impression of evil things!"

Xue'an looked at this Nai in surprise. She said so before, but xue'an thought it was just an excuse at that time.

But I didn't expect this Nai Yingying to be serious.

It seems to feel xue'an's doubts. Nai Yingying explained: "in fact, there are many people who have the same idea as me. After all, evil things are good and bad. The reason why the world thinks we are all villains is entirely caused by those guys who do wrong!"

"I hate them more than anyone else, because if it goes on like this, sooner or later our evil things will be destroyed in these hands!"

"What can you do for me?" Xue an asked again.

"I can provide you with a lot of information about evil things and help you contact other evil things with ambition!"

"But more importantly, I can help you with the two things you want to accomplish next!"

Xue an's eyes lit up when he heard the speech, "Oh? How can you help me?"

"Don't you mean to blend in through the cooperative relationship between the Wu family and Senluo Valley, and then find the Chinese gods imprisoned by them? I tell you, it's useless. Now even the valley owner of Senluo Valley may not know where the prison is?"

"But I'm different. As long as I follow, I'll find the entrance!"

Nai Yingying wanted to say something, but before she finished, Xue an had stretched out her hand.

"Happy cooperation!"

Xue Nai smiled and followed her.

"Happy cooperation!"

"Now let's go back and prepare for it!"

Xue an doesn't want to delay for a moment. After all, every additional delay in time means that the existence will suffer more for a while.

This is absolutely unbearable for Xue an.

If possible, he could not wait to fly to senro Valley and rescue the existence.

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