Ten days later, in front of senro valley.

Looking at the tall mountain gate, Wu Shaobei stopped and smiled at Xue an: "Xue Xiaoyou, Senluo Valley is ahead."

Xue an looked at the door built between two mountains and nodded slightly, "it's magnificent!"

Wu Shaobei wanted to see some surprise on Xue an's face, but he was disappointed.

But because of this, Xue an's evaluation in Wu Shaobei's mind is a little higher.

Ten days ago, the boy led a mysterious Lori back to Wu's house suddenly. What happened then was beyond everyone's expectation.

Wu Qiaojun, who was originally aggressive and refused to give in, suddenly changed his attitude by 180 degrees.

Not only took the initiative to support Li Wu nianyin as the owner of the family, but also confessed and confessed to the assassination of the firegun club he had bought.

This shift caught many people off guard.

Including Wu Shaobei, who originally planned to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

But after all, he was an old Jianghu man and immediately grasped the core of the matter.

The great change of Wu Qiaojun's attitude is obviously related to the girl brought back by Xue an, so it's worth considering.

Wu Shaobei doesn't care about the relationship between the girl and Wu Qiaojun. He cares more about how terrible Xue an is to turn things around in such a short time.

For a moment, xue'an covered a mysterious veil in his heart.

So he volunteered to go to senro Valley this time.

Because he knew that it must come from xue'an.

Otherwise, even if the nephew who has just ascended the throne wants to visit his partner senrogu, he will not choose this time.

Wu nianyin was also surprised by the second uncle's offer, but soon agreed.

After all, the banner of this trip to Senluo Valley is to visit as his new owner, but I must have no time to go. If wushaobei can take this trip for himself, the specification will be much higher.

Therefore, after the negotiation, wushaobei came to Senluo valley with a generous gift.

When they finally came to the front and back of Senluo Valley gate, someone had been waiting here and immediately greeted them.

Headed by an old man in grey robes, he couldn't help laughing when he saw Wu Shaobei.

"Brother Wu, haven't seen you for a long time!"

Wu Shaobei quickly returned the gift, "it was Shen Changlao. I didn't expect you to work this time. You are waiting here in person. Wu is very frightened!"

"Ha ha, the two brothers of Wu are too polite. They are not afraid to talk about. Eh, this young man is..."

The elder Shen was surprised to see Xue an standing on the north side of Wu Shao.

Without him.

Xue an is really excellent.

Whether it's appearance or momentum, it can be called the top, or even just stand there and catch the eye.

I didn't see that all the female disciples after the elder Shen were secretly watching him.

Wu Shaobei was ready for it. Hearing the speech, he said with a smile: "I forgot to introduce to Mr. Shen. This is the guest Qing recently recruited by our Wu family and the close friend of our new owner!"

Wu Shaobei deliberately said the relationship between Xue an and Wu nianyin was very close.

Elder Shen flashed a different color in his eyes, and then nodded with a sigh, "it's really a hero. He has such accomplishments at a young age. No wonder he can become a guest of your martial arts family!"

Xue an's face was calm, her eyes drooped slightly, and she didn't speak.

This attitude seemed very arrogant. The old Shenchang snorted coldly in his heart, but he didn't show it on the surface and said faintly.

"Come on, you've come all the way. It's hard. Please go in and have a cup of tea first!"

With these words, Shen Chang's relatives led the way and led the people into the mountain gate.

At the moment of crossing the mountain gate, people only felt that the scenery in front of them changed, and the originally gray peaks disappeared, replaced by an endless sea of flowers.

The breeze is blowing, and the fragrance in the distance is blowing. It makes people feel relaxed and happy just by smelling it.

Shu Jingchu was dazzled by the beautiful scenery and couldn't help sighing in a low voice: "Wow, it's so beautiful!"

The elder Shen seemed to hear this sigh and proudly introduced: "ladies and gentlemen, this is one of the grand sceneries of Senluo Valley, and it is also the most famous landscape of dari island!"

But even so, xue'an still didn't move. On the contrary, her eyes became more and more deep, like a pool of water.

Shen Changlao was more and more unhappy. After leading Wu Shaobei and others to the reception place, he simply exchanged greetings and said.

"Please rest here for one night. Tomorrow, my Valley master will summon you in person!"

"Then there is elder Laoshen!"

"You're welcome!"

The chief applicant is old and gone.

After he left, Wu Shaobei chatted with Xue an again. Seeing that Xue an didn't say anything, he knew that there must be something in his heart, so he withdrew.

After they all left, Shu Jingchu couldn't help it.

"What's the matter? Why have you been gloomy and terrible since you saw Shen Changlao?"

Xue an took a deep breath, "nothing!"

What else did Shu Jingchu want to ask? Nai Yingying, who was sitting on a chair drinking tea, suddenly said, "don't ask. He was so angry because he saw the smell of the God he was looking for on the Shen Changlao!"

"Am I right?"

Xue an gave this Nai a cold look. Unfortunately, his eyes had no effect on the double horsetail Lori, but made her giggle.

"Look, I said I guessed right!"

Shu Jingchu saw what else he wanted to say, but finally closed his mouth.

She naturally knows the importance of this matter to Xue an.

Otherwise he would not have risked so much to come to the senro valley.

Thinking of this, she quietly withdrew.

The two of them were soon left in the house, and the Jinshan spring had already run away.

Nai Yingying began to nibble at the spiritual fruit on the table after drinking the tea.

The creaking sound is like a mouse.

Xue an still didn't say a word, so she waited for her quietly.

Until she finished eating all the things on the table, he said, "now we have arrived at senro valley. Can you find their hiding place for the gods?"

"What do you think I am? A humanoid self-propelled radar detector?" Nai Yingying threw away the stone in her hand, which was very dissatisfied.

Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly. "I'm in a bad mood now, so you'd better not laugh with me!"

Nai Yingying spread his hands, "I didn't tell you to laugh. Is what I said the truth? The Senluo Valley is so big that we are only in the outermost place now. How can we find the hiding place so easily?"

Xue an's eyes gradually changed from fierce to calm.

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