It seems that... It's a little small!

As soon as the idea came out, Yi Guyun was ashamed and annoyed, but also full of shame.

Pooh, Pooh!

How can you think so?

What does size matter? Do you have to look like a big steamed bread?

Besides, I didn't eat other people's rice. It's too small. Don't look!

When I catch the disciple who spies on me, I must let him live and die!

While Yi Guyun, the master sister of Senluo Valley, was gnashing her teeth, Xue Anye had returned to the waiting room.

At this time, Shu Jingchu, jinshanquan, Wu Shaobei and others had been awakened by the movement outside. They all gathered in the living room and waited with a worried face.

Although the riot soon subsided, the more so, the more heavy they felt.

Because xue'an is gone.

Obviously, he went to explore the senro Valley at night. The riots just now must have something to do with him.

Although everyone is convinced of Xue an's strength, after all, this is the headquarters of the main gate of dari island. There are many hidden dragons and crouching tigers and many experts.

Xue an has only one person, no matter how strong he is. If something happens, it will be in trouble.

Just then, the shadow of the lamp shook, and then Nai Yingying appeared in front of the crowd.

For this double horsetail Lori, except that Shu Jingchu and Jin Shanquan know a little about her, the rest of the Wu family only know that she is a close friend of Xue an.

This inevitably makes many people think, and even secretly think that Xue an's hobby is very special.

Only Wu Shaobei vaguely noticed that there was something wrong with Nai Yingying. This time, the great change of Wu Qiaojun's attitude may also be related to her, so he kept a respectful distance from her.

Now she is the only one who has come back. Is Xue an.

The thought sank many people's hearts.

Shu Jingchu took a few quick steps and asked hurriedly, "where's Xue an? Why did you come back alone?"

"He, he was caught peeping at people's baths!" Nai's voice was innocent.

As soon as this remark came out, many people's faces changed.

In particular, those people in the Wu family have a thought-provoking look on their faces.

"Impossible!" Shu Jingchu immediately categorically denied.

If it is possible for others to do such a thing, Xue an alone will not.

This is not to say that Shu Jingchu knows Xue an so well, but that she knows how proud the young man is.

Except for his wife and the twin daughters, no woman could enter his eyes.

"He would never do such a thing!" Shu Jingchu said.

"Yes, I also believe that adults will not do that!" Jinshan spring then said.

Nai Yingying smiled and said, "are you so sure?"

"Of course!"

"But have you ever thought that people will change, even the most powerful people are no exception!" Nai whispered.

"Then I don't believe it!" Shu Jingchu was not moved by it.

This unconditional trust made Nai's eyes flash a different color.

"Hee hee, it seems that you have great confidence in this Xue an!"

Shu Jingchu shook his head, "this is not confidence, but the fact is this!"

Speaking of this, Shu Jingchu took a step forward and asked.

"On the contrary, it's you who don't say it when you come back alone and slander him. What do you mean?"

Nai Yingying smiled, and a pair of horsetails behind her head were calm and automatic, "do you doubt me?"

"Not doubt, but ask what you mean!"

Between words, the brilliance of Shu Jingchu loomed, and a trace of the power of light emanated from her.

In the past, the light of Shu Jingchu was covered up by Xue an. Until then, people remembered that the weak woman was actually a saint of a large door.

Nai Yingying was not afraid, but laughed more and more happily.

"After all these years, this guy is still the same, and he is as willful as a child!"

Many people didn't understand this sentence, but Shu Jingchu understood it.

The man she spoke of was the God of light she served.

But this tone is like the elder scolding the younger generation.

Shu Jingchu snorted angrily, "talk big!"

Then the power of light rose into the sky and came straight to the Nai.

Nai Yingying did not dodge, stood calmly, and even the smile on her face did not change at all.


The surging power of light dissipated immediately when it touched Nai's body.

Shujingchu snorted, and an abnormal flush appeared on his face, which was obviously swallowed by this force.

"It's no use, let alone you. Even if the gods you believe in arrive in person, you have to hold your hands!" Nai whispered.

Shu Jingchu has no fear, but his eyes are full of perseverance.

Although she was just an ordinary student before crossing, she had an unspeakable toughness in her bones.

Even if this aspect is facing the unfathomable Nai Yingying, there is still no hesitation. Instead, it gathers the energy in the body and is ready to make the last blow.

Not only her, but also jinshanquan is ready to fight to the death.

That is, at this critical moment, I suddenly heard a cold hum coming from outside the door.

The next second, a figure appeared directly in front of Nai Yingying, and then grabbed her neck.

"Xue an!"

"My Lord!"

There was a burst of exclamation.

It was Xue an who appeared.

His face was like frost, and his eyes looked coldly at Nai Ying, who was held by his neck to the same height.

"Give me an explanation!"

This was the second time Nai Yingying was strangled by xue'an, but instead of being afraid, she giggled.

"What explanation do you want?"

"I only give you three seconds. If you don't have a reasonable explanation after three seconds, you'll die!"

Xue an ignored Nai's ridicule, and her voice was as cold as ice.

This conversation also stunned everyone present.

Only a few people understood what it meant.

Among them, nature also includes Shu Jingchu.

Obviously, Nai Yingying should have teased Xue an, otherwise Xue an wouldn't have such a big anger.

But facing Xue an's anger, Nai Yingying didn't even blink his eyelids.

If she hadn't been firmly controlled by xue'an, she would look calm and even innocent.

"My explanation is very simple. I just want you to attract their attention, and then it's convenient for me to take the next step!"

"What action?" Xue an raised her eyebrows and asked.

"Can you let go of your hand before you ask me?"

Xue an was silent for a moment, then released his hand.

Nai Yingying got rid of the bondage and raised her hand with a smile. There was a comb in the palm of her hand.

"Believe me, this is the key for you and me to enter the secret place!"

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