"Comb?" Xue an was stunned.

"What? Are you surprised?" Nai Yingying smiled like a successful little fox.

Xue an was silent.

He is meditating.

Nai Ying naturally saw his surprise and disbelief, so he said with a smile.

"I know you don't believe it. After all, your mind doesn't feel anything abnormal, but from my talent of predicting the future, this thing is really the key!"

"If you still don't believe me, I can't help it!" Nai said calmly.

But I didn't expect Xue an to nod slightly after listening to these words, "well, I'll trust you this time, but if your prediction doesn't come true at that time, I'll ask for it back with interest!"

"No problem!" Nai answered confidently.

Xue an didn't even go outside after listening.

Although Shu Jingchu heard it in the clouds, it didn't prevent her from asking questions.

"What are you doing?"

"Someone came outside. I should have come to check this matter. Naturally, I have to go and prevaricate!" Xue an said faintly.

Someone's here?

Shu Jingchu was a little stunned.

Nai Yingying said with a smile: "I'll go with you!"

Xue an didn't pay attention, but walked out at random.

Sure enough.

When he came outside, leiboping had led his men to visit here.

At this time, Lei Boping's heart was full of resentment.

Because he was full of confidence and thought that as long as he went out, he would be able to find out.

Who thought for a long time but got nothing.

Although he wanted to make a move, he would make all those he suspected, or those who didn't deal with him, suspects.

But I don't know what's going on today, but everyone who doubts himself has sufficient alibi.

Even if leiboping tried hard to arrange the charges, he couldn't do it.

How can this not fill him with resentment.

In fact, before visiting the waiting room, leiboping had planned to give up.

It was one of his subordinates who suggested to him that someone from the Wu family came to visit him today. Why not check there.

Leiboping didn't think he could find out anything, but a glimmer of hope was also hope, so he came.

It happened that Xue an had just arrived at the door.

When he saw Xue an, who was as white as snow and looked like a picture, Lei Boping suddenly felt a trace of jealousy in his heart.


This guy is really a good skin bag!

The key is that leiboping hasn't felt any trace of carving.

This shows that Xue an's appearance is natural.

You know, as a monk, you can actually modify your face, but this will bring two disadvantages.

The first is that the modified face cannot be maintained for a long time and needs to be maintained by repair from time to time.

This is an unbearable burden for enterprising people, so any friar who pursues a little will not modify his appearance.

Even those nuns who pay more attention to their external image will only make minor changes in part.

But this is not the main reason. The main reason is that when you modify your face, what you change is the external appearance, and your soul or divine consciousness is still the same as before.

This will create a mismatch.

Although it's only a slight mismatch, don't underestimate the change.

After all, a slight difference in the wind direction may lead to very different results.

So leiboping dare not modify his appearance.

But he did not feel any disharmony from the white boy in front of him.

There is only one possibility, that is, the boy's appearance is natural.


It's unfair to have such a high talent to grow up like this!

Lei Boping's heart secretly make complaints about it, and his face becomes cold and cold.

"I'm Lei Boping, the true disciple of Senluo valley. Something happened in the valley just now, so I want to visit everywhere. Are you a guest here today?"

Xue an nodded, "yes!"

"What were you doing just now? Have you ever left the waiting room? In fact, there must be no concealment!" Leiboping's vicious words.

Xue an is not angry, but a little funny.

Because he only heard incompetent rage from leiboping's words.

"I just slept in the room. What's the matter?"

"Sleep?" Lei Boping looked at Xue an suspiciously, "who can prove it?"

"What? Do I need to prove that I sleep alone?" Xue an said faintly.

"Stop talking nonsense. You said you were sleeping. Why did you suddenly come outside?"

"That's because I heard the commotion outside and didn't know what happened, so I came to have a look. Why? Isn't anyone allowed to come out to have a look?" Xue an's words are neither humble nor arrogant.

Although Lei Boping is fierce, in Xue an's eyes, he is fierce and weak, and his whole body is full of flaws.

Lei Boping is not a fool. Naturally, he can hear the sarcasm in Xue an's words.

This did not make his heart more angry.

"I think you're just denying it. Take it back and interrogate it first!" Leiboping's vicious words.

Xue'an smiled, "what a great prestige. I'm a distinguished guest of your Senluo valley. Even your parents have to be respectful to you, but dare you be so rude?"

"Don't talk nonsense. You can't tell what you did tonight. That's your flaw. I just catch people, but I can't control others!" Leiboping simply began to cheat.

These people under him are even more restless.

Xue an's smile is getting cold.

He really didn't expect to meet such a group of unreasonable people.

Unexpectedly, they dare to arrest people without scruples only by guessing.

of course.

His conjecture is true.

But of course Xue an won't admit it.

He would rather turn against senrogu now than plead guilty to the crime of peeping.

That is, when the two sides fell into a stalemate, Nai Yingying suddenly arrived.

As soon as she arrived at the scene, she said with a smile: "young master, what's the matter? Why did you sleep well and suddenly get up? I haven't had enough rest, slave!"

The voice is soft, waxy and beautiful, which makes people feel comfortable just listening.

The Rabbo equality man looked up.

At this time, Nai Yingying ran to xue'an, took xue'an's arm and said with a charming face.

"Young master, say something!"

Xue an's eyelids twitched slightly.

He naturally understood Nai's intention, which was obviously helping himself.

But somehow, he would rather that such help had never appeared at all.

Because it's easy to be regarded as a pervert.

Sure enough.

See the eyes of Leibo equality people gradually change from the initial surprise to meaningful gaze.

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