Because Nai's appearance is too easy to cause misunderstanding.

Especially when she took Xuean's arm, she was set off like a child.

And everyone heard what she just said.

What suddenly got up and didn't rest well.

Just listening makes people think.

Lei Boping gave Xue an a deep look.

It's really unexpected that you look dignified and upright, but you actually spend so much time playing.

But... How envious!

When can I find such a young girl! Leiboping secretly drooled.

Xue an naturally noticed the strange meaning of Lei Boping's eyes, but it was too late to explain at this time.

Besides, Xue an is too lazy to explain to these people. As long as he has a clear conscience, what others think is their business and has nothing to do with himself.

At this time, Wu Shaobei and others also rushed over. When they saw Nai Yingying holding Xue an's arm, Wu Shaobei's pupils shrank.

You guessed right.

This woman really has a lot to do with Xue an.

Fortunately, I haven't offended this woman before!

Wushaobei is secretly celebrating.

Lei Boping is afraid of unnecessary attention when he sees so many people here. After all, Shen Hao is clear. Don't disturb the valley master.

So he coughed quickly.

"Cough, it seems that I made a mistake. Goodbye!"

With that, Lei Boping led the people away.

Wu Shaobei and others looked at each other. At this time, Xue an said faintly, "well, go back and have a rest!"


People left in droves.

Shu Jingchu took a deep look at Nai Yingying, who was holding Xue an's arm and refused to release it, and even she turned her head and left.

Soon, only Xue an and Nai Yingying were left in the boundless night.

Even so, Nai Yingying still snuggled close to Xue an's arm without any intention of loosening it.

Xue an frowned, "people are gone, don't you loosen it?"

"Hee hee, what's wrong with holding more? Do you still dislike me?"

Xue an nodded, "you guessed right!"

Nai Yingying's face was sad. "People helped you with kindness. As a result, you demolished the bridge when you crossed the river and despised others. You really have no conscience!"

The soft and waxy voice, combined with the image of Nai Yingying's pair of horsetail loris, can really stimulate the inner desire for protection of most men.

Unfortunately, Xue an was not among most of the men. He was not moved by it, but said coldly.

"Do you think your tricks are very tempting?"

Nai Yingying pouted. "You're hurting people again!"

With a sneer, Xue an suddenly leaned down and said in Nai's ear: "believe it or not, if you dare to speak like this again, I will let you know what pain is next second!"

Nai Yingying's smile did not change, but a pair of eyes suddenly turned dark.

"What's wrong with me? Why don't you move at all?" Nai whispered.

"It's very simple, because no matter how skillfully you disguise, you are a evil thing in my eyes!" Xue an said impolitely.

The smile on Nai's face quickly converged, and then released her hand.

"You and I are just partners based on a common goal, so I hope you can weigh your position clearly, especially this trick. I'd better not see it again in the future! Do you understand?"

Nai Ying nodded, "I see!"

"Very good. I hope the future cooperation will be smooth, not your pretending to be sick!"

Xue an then turned and left.

He didn't have a good impression of the noise.

Especially after tonight's incident, he was even more alert.

No matter how well the camouflage is, this naiyingying is still evil in essence.

Since it is evil, it is doomed not to be speculated and understood from the perspective of human beings.

Therefore, no matter how Nai Yingying performed later, Xue an watched coldly and was not moved at all.

I hope this can make her restrain!

This was Xue an's last thought, but he didn't expect that when he turned and left, a strange smile appeared on Nai's face.

"Sick and charming... Your summary is really in place!"

"But you don't know. I didn't play it!"

At last, Nai Yingying licked his lips, and the black light in his eyes was shining, which made people shudder.

The night passed like this.

"The rest is great!"

"Well, in that case, let's start. The valley master has heard the news. He's glad to know that it's the second martial arts master. Let me take you there!"


The party followed Shen Hao to the depths of Senluo valley.

From the appearance, the Senluo Valley is not big, but in fact, there is something else inside.

It took them a quarter of an hour to fly over the dense rocky area to the real core of senro valley.

Here is a vast highland, and the mountains on both sides are concave into it.

This feeling is as if two mountains turned into two giant hands and held the highland in them.

A magnificent palace is built on the highland.

When they arrived at the gate of the palace, they all stopped.

Wu Shaobei is not the first time to come here, so he is calm.

Shu Jingchu and jinshanquan are quite amazed.

Because only when we are close can we better realize the grandeur of the palace.

Shen Hao felt a little proud when he saw the look on their faces.

But when he saw xue'an, his pride gradually dissipated.

Because he couldn't see any joy or anger in the boy's face.

He was as calm as a piece of ice, sending out a trace of cold.

But standing beside him, Nai whining, a pair of horsetails swaying around, and I couldn't see the slightest surprise.

Shen Hao's heart could not help but raise a trace of doubt.

Leiboping has reported to him about last night.

At that time, he also felt that Xue an was suspicious.

But since there is no solid evidence, we can only listen to it.

Looking at today's performance, Xue an is obviously not an ordinary person.

Then why was such an excellent teenager not famous before?

However, these doubts turned to nothing after seeing Yi Gu Yun standing in front of the door.

Anyway, since the martial arts family is going to rely on this young man to show off, we have to suppress their arrogance today.

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