The black faced man's words embarrassed the atmosphere in the room.

But others have not spoken, Bian Hua already angry way: "Yuanzhou city? Hehe, sister Aoki, this time I went to collect miraculous herbs. As a result, I was surrounded by xuanyuanzong of Yuanzhou city. I was almost killed and robbed of the medicine! Now they dare to persuade us to merge? "

The words of marginalization caused a lot of noise.

The black faced man stood up and sneered: "Bian Hua, you said that my xuanyuanzong's people surrounded you and killed you, how did you get out? Can we say that xuanyuanzong deliberately besieged you and then let you out again? "

Bian Hua said, "as I said, I would have died a long time ago if it hadn't been for the help of this immortal master."

Hearing this, the black faced man threw a fist at aomu and said, "Lord, I think these words are pure nonsense. Especially this guy, I don't know where he came from. He may be a liar!"

Xue Qingan frowned all the time.

There is nothing strange about the man's momentum!

Everyone in the room looked at Xue an with strange eyes.

Bian Hua was so angry that he was about to refute the black faced man.

Xue an waved his hand, motioned him not to speak, then raised his eyebrow slightly, "you say I'm a liar? "

The black faced man sneered and said, "you know it best! But if we were in Yuanzhou City, such as you, I would have ordered people to be cut into meat and mud

Xue an nods and pops up.


A sword stabbed the black faced man's chest.

However, the black faced man had some abilities, and a golden light suddenly appeared to protect him.

The black faced man was a little frightened, but he sneered: "ha ha, it's useless. It's a jade pendant specially given to me by the Lord. Ordinary people can't break it!"

But his pride didn't last long. The golden light on him flickered a few times, and then it broke.

The black faced man exclaimed in horror. He cut his sword horizontally and cut it in two.

At this time, the black faced man is not dead, but surprised and angry at Xue an.

"You How dare you kill people in Yuanzhou city? "

Xue an said faintly: "as far as I am concerned, nobody can't be killed!"

After that, another sword passed, and the black faced man died.


The whole chamber was silent.

Including Bian Hua, who led Xue an back, he was frightened at the moment.

"You You killed the emissary sent by Yuanzhou city? " A commander of Qingmu town jumped up and roared.

"Yes! Do you know how much trouble this will bring to Qingmu town? " Another old man said in despair.

These people began to blame Xue an.

Xue an frowned.

Bian Qingmu whispered: "don't say it!"

The room is quiet, and then green wood looks at Xue an. After a meeting, he says, "sword repair?"

Xue an faint smile, "be regarded as!"

"But the sword cultivation schools are all in the north of Kunlun. Why did you come to the east?" Bian Qingmu asked again.

"Does this need to be reported to you?" Xue an said lightly.

A look of anger appeared on Bian Qingmu's face, and then calmed down.

"The trial meeting is around the corner. I don't care what you want to do with Jianxiu, but this is the place of Qingmu town. You should abide by the rules of Qingmu town!"

Then she got up and left.

Several commanders said in succession, "Lord of the town, Yuanzhou side..."

Bian Qingmu said coldly: "even if you don't kill this person, Yuanzhou will not let us go easily! I don't need the green wood in exchange for the long-term survival

With that, she walked away.

At this time, Xue an said faintly: "do you want to rely on miraculous medicine to suppress your injury? What a naive thought

This sentence is like a rock shatter, let the edge green wood whole person are frozen.

Her injury has not recovered, has always been the top secret of Qingmu Town, even Bian Hua did not know!

"Why don't we make a deal?" At this time, Xue an light way.

"What deal?"

"I will go to the trial meeting with you! I'll help you with your wound! "

Xue an's words are understated, as if to say a trivial matter.

But it made everyone in the room stare round.

The edge green wood Huoran turns around, the face shows sarcastic color.

"Take you to the trial meeting? I finally understand. Are you a hermit

Xue an light way: "is again how?"

"Ha ha, at the last trial meeting, several years of practice in seclusion were all destroyed. What do you think it will be?"

Bian Qingmu then said, "this trial meeting is related to the survival of all sects. All the outstanding figures of each sect are sent. Don't think that if you have some accomplishments, you can look down on the people in the world!"Xue an nodded, "you are right. In my eyes, the world is nothing but grass root."

"You..." Bian Qingmu's face turned white with anger, but he soon returned to calm.

"Good! I can promise you! But I don't know how you're going to treat me? "

Xue an took out a Peiyuan pill and said, "if you eat it, you won't be able to cure your wound immediately, but at least you can control it!"

Xue an turned around and said faintly, "remember your words, I'm waiting for you to attend the trial meeting together!"

Then he left.

People in the room looked at each other.

Bian Qingmu took over Peiyuan Dan, but he didn't care, but he was stunned.

"This This is... "

Bian Hua quickly said: "sister Qingmu, I forgot to tell you. When the immortal master came back, he also gave me a miraculous elixir to heal my wounds!"

Bian Qingmu looks at Xue Anyuan's back with some suspicion.

What is his origin?

The hand is the elixir, the cultivation is also good!

It's crazy, but it's crazy!

In Kunlun fairyland, there are a lot of hermit monks, but because of the lack of support from the sect, it is difficult to surpass the disciples in cultivation.

Although this man is good at cultivation, he is far less than those immortals and disciples who have been carefully cultivated since childhood, and even the true legend of Tianjiao!

At that time, he must have understood what it means to have someone out of the world!

Thinking of this, Bian Qingmu said in a deep voice: "write to Yuanzhou city and tell them that Qingmu town will not yield!"


When sha'e, the Lord of Yuanzhou city and the patriarch of xuanyuanzong, received a letter from Qingmu Town, he was furious at that time.

"Bian Qingmu, this girl, dare to fight me with the strength of a town! It must be killed The sound channel of the sand and Hubei is deep.

At this time, someone said with a smile: "Lord, please calm down, this matter, in fact, is very good to solve!"

"Oh? What is Diao's clever plan? " Shah looks at the man.

The speaker is Diao Zeng, the brains of xuanyuanzong.

Diao had a slight smile, "Lord, this green wood town is not so strange, and there are few high-level practitioners. It can be said that it is only supported by Qingmu alone! Now the trial meeting will be around the corner. At that time, we can find a way to kill it. Won't it save a lot of energy? What's more, it's just right , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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