Bian Qingmu slowly opened her eyes, a strong momentum from her body.

It is the highest cultivation of Sanxian!

Bian Hua stepped forward and asked with concern, "sister Aoki, how are you?"

Bian Qingmu nodded, "this miraculous elixir is really extraordinary. My injury has been healed and my cultivation has returned to the previous level."

Bian Hua took a breath and said excitedly, "I said that the immortal master's elixir will have miraculous effect."

A complex look flashed in Bian Qingmu's eyes.

What is the origin of that mysterious man?

Why is there such a miraculous elixir?

You know, in Kunlun fairyland, there are few people who can refine elixir except for those large ones!

This also makes the elixir precious.

Even Bian Hua's elixir, if Xue an doesn't show up, Bian Qingmu is ready to swallow it raw!

In that case, the effect of the drug will naturally be weakened.

"He Where do you live now? " Asked Bian Qingmu.

"I let the immortal master live with me first!"

Bian Qingmu nodded, and suddenly said, "go and get a thousand year old green wood heart!"

Bian Hua was stunned, "sister Aoki, you..."

Bian Qingmu said: "this elixir is too valuable. I don't like to owe you any kindness. If you give him a thousand year old green wood heart, it's even!"


Bian Hua is just leaving.

"Hold on!" "Edge green wood slightly a ponder," or I personally send over

When Bian Qingmu came to Bian Hua's residence, he saw Xue an busy in the courtyard.

Bian Tian is salivating and squatting on one side to watch.

There was a bonfire on the ground, and there were some grouse on it. Xue an was turning the grouse and spreading the seasoning evenly.

A refreshing aroma spread, let a person can't help but be moved.

"This is..." The edge green wood has some silly eyes.

Xue an looked up at the edge of the green wood, a faint smile, "to the right time, immediately baked cooked!"

Bian Qingmu suddenly noticed that the light blue branches were burning on the ground.

Bian Qingmu was silent for a moment, and then he said angrily, "how could you make a fire with the branches of Shenmu?"

Xue an said faintly: "what? Any questions? And I have to say, your branches are so good that they burn with a strange fragrance

Bian Qingmu is going to run away!

The reason why Qingmu town is named is because it has been growing for a long time!

Yuanzhou City covets Qingmu town because it produces a precious thing every year!

That is to say, Bian Qingmu brings the thousand year old qingmuxin to xue'an!

Can't expect, Xue an actually dare to cut the branches and leaves of Shenmu to do barbecue!

This is a blasphemy to the people of Qingmu town!

Xue an Cai doesn't care about those. Seeing that the grouse is almost roasted, he picks up one and hands it to Bian Tian.

"Try it!"

Bian Tian can't wait to tear off a piece of chicken, but also can't care about scalding, directly swallow it.


She bared her teeth, but she was reluctant to spit it out!

Xue an smile, may be because of the daughter's sake, so Xue an is very patient with these little girls, also very like!

"Eat or not?" Xue an asked with a gloomy face.

Edge green wood furiously hum, will send out a piece of green halo of wood on the table, turn to walk.

When she got to the gate of the hospital, she said in a deep voice: "tomorrow, go to Yuanzhou city first! The first round of selection will be held there! "

"No problem!" Said Xue an as she ate the grouse.

Bian Qingmu stopped for a moment, then said, "this trip to Yuanzhou city will not be so smooth. I hope you will not be too arrogant. After all, xuanyuanzong is one of the most important gates in this area within a thousand miles."

Xue an faint smile, "as long as they don't come to me, I just don't care about them!"

When aomu left, Xue an handed a chicken to Bian Hua, "have a taste. It's delicious."

Bian Hua greedy straight pharyngeal saliva, but afraid that the edge green wood will be angry after knowing, is in a dilemma.

Xue an blinked, "the thing that this divine wood burns out, can enhance a bit of cultivation if you eat it!"

Hearing this, Bian Hua immediately grabbed a grouse and ate it.

A mouthful of chicken into the belly, he was surprised to say: "really ah!"

Xue an smile, the reason why he can have this feeling, is because he just barbecue, is to adjust the heat for cultivation!

I can't help it. It's just so willful!

Xue an thought of this and picked up the green wood heart.

this thing is plain, that is, the essence of wood that has been condensed from the wood of ten thousand years, which is of little use to Xue An, but can be taken back to make a toy for two little girls.If Bian Qingmu knew that he regarded it as a treasure and attracted countless covetous eyes, he was just a child's toy in Xue an's eyes. I don't know how he would feel.


Yuanzhou city!

In the east of Kunlun, a town subordinate to the main city of Jizhou, the site of xuanyuanzong.

Because the trial meeting is near, so the Yuanzhou city is also lively.

When Xue an and Bian Qingmu arrived here, the whole town was already full of people.

Not only were there people who took part in the trial, but also many people came to see the excitement.

Kunlun fairyland is full of aura, even ordinary people are very strong, and the real world has become more and more common.

This can be seen from the time of getting the trial brand. The people who guard the meeting hall are actually the accomplishments of the real world.

Bian Tian and Bian Hua, the brother and sister, also came along. It was their first time to participate in the trial meeting, so they all looked excited.

Just then, there was a very annoying voice coming from behind.

"Hehe, how dare the people of Qingmu town come?"

Hear this voice, the edge green wood people turn a head to look, see a man of swagger to come over.

At the sight of the man, the face of the green wood became extremely ugly.

"Chu Xingze!"

The one who came here was the first disciple of xuanyuanzong and one of the most respected subordinates of Shahe, Chu Xingze!

Chu Xingze gave a sad smile and looked greedily at Qingmu. Then he said, "it's said that you Qingmu town dare to kill my xuanyuanzong's emissary. Why? I feel that my cultivation is good, and I want to compare with our xuanyuanzong? "

Bian Qingmu bit his teeth and didn't speak.

Because Chu Xingze's strength is stronger than her!

He is the peak of Sanxian, but Chu Xingze is half a step of life!

"Chu Xingze, the trial meeting has not started yet. Do you want to start in the street now?" The edge is green and cold.

"Haha, I didn't want to do it, but when I wait for the trial meeting, I'll let you know, offending xuanyuanzong!" Chu Xingze said coldly.

At this time, a calm voice came, "can I help you? I don't think he's happy. He can kill you for free , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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