
There was an uproar around, and many people looked at each other. I don't know who had the courage to say such words in Yuanzhou city.

Chu Xingze's face was so gloomy that he could drip water. He was staring at Xue an, "very good. You're looking for death yourself!"

After that, we'll do it.

Bian Qingmu stepped forward and stood in front of Xue an and said in a cold voice, "Chu Xingze, the trial is coming. Let's talk about it when there's something to try! What's more, this is the street of Yuanzhou city. If you start here, you will defy the ban of xuanyuanzong

Because once there is a fight between the immortals, the killing power is too great!

Therefore, in the main cities, there is a clear order to forbid the private fighting of the immortals above the heaven and human realm!

Hearing this, Chu Xingze looked overcast and uncertain. Then he nodded and said to Xue an, "when I try, I will tear you to pieces!"

Xue an faint smile, "I am looking forward to it!"

Chu Xingze snorted angrily and left.

Bian Qingmu's face was gloomy. He waited until he came back to his residence, and then he managed to suppress his anger.

"I don't know what you think, but that Chu Xingze is a true disciple trained by xuanyuanzong with all his strength. He is very powerful, and he is very insidious and vicious! When you try, you'd better be careful yourself! "

Xue an indifferent smile, no comment, "good, I will teach him to be a man then!"

Bian Qingmu couldn't laugh or cry.

After turning back to the room, I was still a little annoyed.

In her opinion, Xue an's attitude was just too hateful.

As if really invincible in the world, do not care about anything!

I hope that tomorrow's test, you can carry the past, then you will understand, Kunlun is so big, master like clouds! Bian Qingmu thought of it silently.

And in xuanyuanzong.

Sha'e looked down at Chu Xingze, who was standing below, with a look of appreciation on his face.

"You say Is the green wood here? "

"Back to master, I saw it with my own eyes in the street!"

"Well, since she dares to come, don't let her go! Are you confident about that? " The light road of Shahe.

"I am sure that she will die in the trial meeting." Chu Xingze said in a deep voice.

"Now, if you're a master of Kunlun, you'll have a good performance! After you Hope for long life

Chu Xingze was overjoyed, "thank you, master! I will live up to my master's high expectations

The next day.

All the people who participated in the trial meeting all came to this competition venue.

Bian Qingmu looked up at the test ground with thin halo, and could not help but feel a little leisurely.

"The fairyland means, really can't surmise, such a small venue, can accommodate such people, can also test at the same time!"

Xue an smelt a smile, the light in his eyes flickered slightly.

After these days of contact, he has learned a lot about Kunlun fairyland.

This Kunlun Wonderland is also a secret place, but its area is much larger than that of the warwolf's secret place before, which is enough to be half the size of the earth.

Many cities are scattered all over the land.

In the central position, is the main city of Kunlun fairyland!

The trial meeting, held every three years, is hosted by the immortal palace in the main city of Kunlun.

First from the first round of screening, if you can stand out, you can enter the main city for the second round of trial!

Only after two rounds have passed, can they be qualified to enter the main city of Kunlun for the final trial!

The reason for this setting is to determine the allocation of various cultivation resources in this way.

And the so-called fairyland!

It is the Holy Land in the mind of all the immortals in Kunlun fairyland!

People there, the lowest cultivation is also heaven and man!

The patriarch has reached the golden immortal realm!

There is even a rumor that there is no golden peak in the fairyland!

Such strength, enough in this piece of secret place to stand out among the heroes!

For example, the trial stone now makes people like Bian Qingmu marvel and lead them to miracles.

But in Xue an's opinion, this is just a very simple immortal method!

However, since there is an immortal word, it is essentially different from ordinary people!

It seems that this trip to Kunlun has many surprises! Xue an thought.

The crowd began to enter.

Chu Xingze flushes the edge green wood and Xue An Sen ran a smile, also held high head to walk in.

Bian Qingmu said in a deep voice: "if you feel defeated after entering, you can choose to surrender. In this way, you can at least keep your life!"

Xue an faint smile, "this sentence, you keep your own use!"After that, Xue an stepped into the testing ground.

Bian Qingmu was frightened and angry, so he had to bite his teeth and go in.

Outside the trial site, people from all walks of life are waiting anxiously!

Shah is a noble person. Naturally, he will not stand below. He is waiting in a restaurant nearest to the test ground.

He has full confidence in his disciple's test!

After all That's half a life!

And Bian Hua and Bian Tian brothers and sisters prayed silently in the crowd below.

Pray for sister Aoki and master Xianshi to come back safely!

When Bian Qingmu entered the light curtain, he felt black in front of him, and then appeared in a room.

And the opponent is a shirtless man!

Bian Qingmu felt a sigh of relief in his heart, as long as he was not the first to meet Chu Xingze!

At this time, the big man laughed grimly, "how come a little girl with tender skin? It's not enough for me to punch! "

Even so, the big man still punched out.

With the fist, there are bursts of tiger roar.

It's the one who killed Humen! Bian Qingmu was shocked.

Sha Hu men is a new sect nearby. Its strength is very good!

Side green wood dare not take this punch hard, after one side body dodges, Jiao drinks, "green wood kills!"

Several vines with the thickness of arms twined the strong man in an instant.

The strong man struggled hard, and the vines broke, but no matter how much they were broken, there would be more vines to make up for.

Soon, the strong man who killed Humen was drowned by endless vines.

Finally, I had to shout, "I give up!"

Bian Qingmu withdrew the Dharma decision, stepped back half a step, and said with arch hands: "yield!"

The first battle!

Bian Qingmu wins!

Then she won three or four games in a row, ranking higher gradually, but the opponents she met were also more and more powerful.


After a burst of light conversion, a bleak laugh came, "good, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Hearing the sound, Bian Qingmu's expression changed greatly, and he turned his head to look at it.

Chu Xingze was looking at himself with a murderous face.

Bian Qingmu's heart sank, but he still gritted his teeth and said, "Chu Xingze, today, we will decide the victory or defeat!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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