Chu Xingze gazed at the graceful figure of Bian Qingmu and the silver evil in his eyes.

Although the master asked himself to kill her, it was not too bad to play before she died!

So he laughed grimly, "Bian Qingmu, do you really think Can you fight with me? "

With that, Chu Xingze exuded a terrible momentum.

Bian Qingmu's face changed greatly, and he said: "how could You You have already broken through half a step

Chu Xingze sneered, "yes, just broke through some time ago."

A burst of despair in Bian Qingmu's heart.

Before, she thought that Chu Xingze was the highest cultivation of Sanxian at most, and he, that is, Bozhong, could fight with all his might.

But now he is half a step long life, although only half a step away, but like a natural moat general, can simply crush himself at will!

"Bian Qingmu, in fact, I don't want to kill you. As long as you follow me now, I can spare you! Even, I can ask my master to put you in the door! "

Bian Qingmu didn't understand what he meant at first. When he understood it, he could not help but show a look of shame and indignation on his face.

"My family has always been able to kill and not humiliate. Even if you are half a step ahead, what can you do? Today, I will defeat you too

With that, Bian Qingmu pushed her own green wood resolution to the maximum, and countless vines and vines rose from behind her, just like a thousand handed Avalokitesvara, which was very holy and powerful!

"Aoki, kill!" Bian Qingmu knows the power of half step longevity, so one shot is the strongest move to kill.

These vines grew rapidly and blocked the whole arena directly. The front end of the vines turned into a sharp blade of senleng and went straight to Chu Xingze.

with such a blow, Chu Xingze was also slightly pale. He could not help humming: "good coming!"

Then he waved it.

Xuanyuan palm!

These vines are directly blasted to fly ash under the powerful palm.

Bian Qingmu was also affected by Yu Wei, and was directly blasted into the corner. It was hard to get up for a while.

Half step longevity and the gap between immortals, is so big!

Chu Xingze came slowly with a greedy look on his face. "Hey, you are going to die anyway. Before you die, let me enjoy it."

When Bian Qingmu heard this, he was ready to cut off his meridians!

But Chu Xingze was obviously wary of this move. After a few points, Bian Qingmu felt that his accomplishments were blocked, and the whole person became paralyzed.

Chu Xingze came over with a grim smile.

Edge green wood heart incomparable despair.

But at this time, the test room suddenly a violent wave, and then a pair of hands first extended in, suddenly a tear.

The light curtain of the trial room was torn open by Sheng Sheng, and then Xue an came in slowly.

"I've been looking for it for a long time."

Looking at Xue an with a smile on her face.

The edge green wood can't help but froze.

He How could he be here?

In the trial room, you can't leave unless one side admits defeat or dies in battle!

Chu Xingze was stunned by this scene.

It's unbelievable that this guy broke in!

They couldn't understand it.

But in Xue an's opinion, this is simply too simple!

For Xue an, this trial method is as simple as one plus one!

So after Xue an entered the test ground, he defeated all his opponents and began to search for Chu Xingze one by one.

It happened to be here.

At this time, Chu Xingze's face gradually darkened, "who are you? Why can you cross the trial room? "

Xue an said lightly: "it doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that you are going to die soon."

Xue Angang also saw Chu Xingze take advantage of the situation, can not help but kill the heart.

Chu Xingze heard a burst of sneer, "big talk, I will send you to hell today!"

Having said that, Chu Xingze hit out again!

This blow is several times stronger than that just now, obviously to kill xue'an.

But in the face of this rock shattering palm, Xue an just gently raised his hand.


Chu Xingze felt as if he had hit the mountain with one hand, and his whole arm was numb with shock.

He was in shock.

Xue an smile, "on this ability, but also dare to call longevity?"

With that, Xue an's momentum rose abruptly.

"Sanxian? incorrect! How can you have such a powerful power of scattering immortals? " Chu Xingze exclaimed in surprise.

Xue an didn't give him a chance to fight back. He grabbed him by the neck and slowly lifted it up.Chu Xingze was shocked and angry, but he was shocked to find that all his accomplishments could not be used!

This man, with a pinch, broke all his accomplishments!

Looking at Chu Xingze, Xue an said faintly: "though you are half a step ahead, you are also the weakest one."

After that, Xue an's men tried hard.



The voice stopped abruptly.

Chu Xingze was strangled by Xue an.

A group of life and soul break out of the body, they want to escape.

Xue an waved.

Life and soul are broken!

From Xue an's coming in to Chu Xingze's death, there was only a few breathing time!

The edge green wood stupidly looks at this scene, in the brain a blank!

Xue an came and untied the ban on the green wood. With a faint smile, he said, "it seems that you have won the first prize in your heart!"

Bian Qingmu shivered and said in horror, "you Did you really kill Chu Xingze? "

"Of course, do you want to keep such goods for the Chinese new year?"

Bian Qingmu shivered all over his body and said in a trembling voice: "you You go! Go as far as you can! "

"Go? Why should I go? "

Bian Qingmu stomped angrily, "if you kill the true disciple of xuanyuanzong, xuanyuanzong will not let you go! Your accomplishments are indeed very high, but in Xuanyuan sect, there are seven or eight immortals, and there are several elders who are half step long-lived, and the patriarch shah'e is even more immortal! How do you fight them? "

Xue an listened, smile slightly, "long life? Good, I haven't killed the real longevity. Today, let's start with their xuanyuanzong! "

Bian Qingmu was stunned.

This guy After killing Chu Xingze, are you still ready to fight against xuanyuanzong?

Outside, anxious crowds are talking.

Now the vast majority of people have left the proving ground.

Only Chu Xingze of xuanyuanzong, Qingmu of Qingmu Town, and Sanxian, whose name is unknown, did not appear.

"I think the little girl in Qingmu town will be more or less unlucky this time." Someone sneered.

"Ha ha, I've heard that it's against xuanyuanzong. It's unwise for this green wood to fight against xuanyuanzong!"

"It seems that the loose repair also came along with Bian Qingmu. I guess it's the helper invited."

"That's a fart! That's the true disciple of xuanyuanzong! "

In these comments, Bian Hua and Bian Tian hold hands tightly and wait with great tension and fear!

On top of the restaurant, Shahe smiles faintly and thinks that his disciples have mastered all the situations! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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