
The light curtain of the proving ground fluctuated.

Then something flew out and hit the crowd.

In the smoke and dust, it was a corpse.

A lot of people recognized it at a glance, and then they exclaimed.

"It's actually Chu Xingze of xuanyuanzong!"

There was an uproar.

And in the distant restaurant above the leisurely, drinking wine of the Shahe, at the moment also Huoran stand up, face iron blue flying to.

Lying on the ground, it's the zhenzhuan disciples that I have cultivated for many years!

This discovery, let him all blow up, roared: "who did it?"

A fierce murderous air began to diffuse, and even the ground seemed unable to bear the anger of Shahe, and began to crack gradually.

The power of longevity is so terrible!

The onlookers retreated in silence!

At this time, Xue an slowly out of the test ground, looking at the murderous face of the Shahe, light way: "I killed!"

Sha'e stares at xue'an, but he has some doubts in his heart.

As the leader of a sect, he was naturally much more cautious than ordinary people.

Xue an looks ordinary, but the indifferent bearing is not what ordinary people can have.

What's more, he probably killed his apprentice!

Who is this man?

"Boy, did you not think about the consequences of killing my xuanyuanzong The cold channel of Shahejie.

Xue an light smile, slowly took out his ear, "did not think about the consequences, and listen to your meaning, as if only allow you xuanyuanzong to kill others, but not allow others to kill you?"

Sha'e's face turned white, and then he snorted angrily: "don't talk nonsense. You must be my apprentice who joined hands with Bian Qingmu to attack me. Today I will avenge my apprentice!"

With these words, the momentum of Shahe became more and more powerful, and then he clapped it out.

Xuanyuan palm!

But this move in his hands, even more powerful.

At the same time, shah'e is still paying attention to xue'an carefully, trying to test his cultivation through this move.

Xue an did not dodge, but took a step directly.

"Step on the sun and the moon!"

Using the sixth form of Xue an.


Sha'e felt that the heaven and earth were attacking him vigorously, even interfering with his own internal qi movement.

Frightened, he ran out of the 100 meters directly, staring at Xue an.

"What's the trick?"

Although Xue an just took a step, he felt the taste of the law of heaven and earth!

"Naturally How to kill you

Xue an said, the whole person rushed to the sky, directly into the streamer, toward the sand and Hubei.

"Move the world!"

"Divide Yin and Yang!"

"Between life and death!"

"Break the love and hatred!"

"Step on the sun and the moon!"

Five punches in a row!

As if Xue an was playing ball, he beat shae, the patriarch of xuanyuanzong, and fled everywhere.

The roar of the sky is endless, the streamer is wanton, and the murderous spirit is vertical and horizontal.

This scene also made everyone dumbfounded.

In particular, Bian Qingmu can't close his mouth at the moment. He looks at the embarrassed shae in the sky chased by Xue an, and doesn't know what it's like.

I have been living in Qingmu town for so many years, but I have never seen the face of Shahe several times.

Even if he saw it, Shahe had a high expression on his face.

Bian Qingmu was also aware of the strength gap between himself and Shahe, so he was always in awe of him.

That's why she asked Xue an to leave as soon as possible.

But I didn't expect that sha'e, who was extremely powerful in his mind, could not hold a fist under xue'an's hand!

It seems that It's always my fault!

This man, far more than he imagined, but also terrible!

At this time, shae had already been hit red eyes, stopped suddenly, roared: "younger generation, I will fight with you today!"

With that, his whole body momentum was burning, and an earth shaking momentum enveloped the whole audience.

Some shallow people have been unable to support, directly paralyzed on the ground.

"Xuanyuan mieshen palm!"


The palm of shah'e suddenly becomes very big, and comes with the power of heaven and earth.

The onlookers were horrified.

But in the face of such a stormy palm, Xue an was not sad or happy, just shook his head and said: "if you are really a long life, then I will also stay away for a while now. Unfortunately, false is false, and can never be true!"

Xue an's words shocked shae even more than his apprentice was killed.

How could he know about it?And Xue an, at the moment, raises his fist and blows out.


It's only one word!

There's nothing fancy or superfluous.

Only the purest intention to kill!

However, such a blow directly broke the earth shaking Xuanyuan mieshen palm, and then directly hit sha'e.


Sha'e was beaten to fly two miles away, and the blood was dripping all the way.

"How could it be!"

Many people screamed in silence!

Is Shah really defeated?

Isn't that to say that this man is more powerful than longevity?

But only Xue an knew that the longevity of the Shahe was not pure!

He saw this from Chu Xingze.

The Xuanyuan sect seems to have some secret method, which can be used to enhance one's cultivation.

This kind of thing, it seems very powerful!

But Xue an understood that the cultivation of this kind of thing is not half false!

Fake is always fake!

Even if you achieved longevity through opportunistic means, it was just a false realm!

It's a big difference from real longevity!

Therefore, Xue Ancai fought directly with Shahe!

At the moment, the Shahe has been like a frightened bird, his face full of panic.

At this time, from the distant sky, there are eight streamers are coming at a very fast speed, and in a flash they come near.

"It's the elder of xuanyuanzong and his offering!" Bian Qingmu shivered and exclaimed.

This is also a reminder to Xue an.

These people are not calm about this.

"Who are you that dare to hurt our Lord?" One of the majestic old man said angrily.

Seeing that the reinforcements arrived, Shahe's mood calmed down, and he was laughing at xue'an.

"I admit, your cultivation is really strange and unpredictable, but now I'm the master of xuanyuanzong. Even if you're really immortal, you'll have to fall here at the moment."

"Oh? Then you can try it! " Xue an smiles faintly.

"Set up, kill him!" The cold channel of Shahejie.

There are eight old people, three of them are half step longevity, and five are the peak of scattered immortals.

In addition, such a virtual longevity of Shahe,.

Such a situation, even if it is really long life also have to frown.

That's why Shahe dared to be so arrogant.

Especially when the nine of them stand in a strange angle, the momentum is rising!

"Boy, next year today is your death day!" Sha'e laughed and waved. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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