It's hard to describe it in words.

As if it was suddenly dark, a big hand covering the sky and the sun clapped Xue an.

Xue an stood in the middle of the air and raised his fist to face the startling sky.

A sneer appeared in the corner of Shahe's mouth.

It seems that Xue an was patted as a powder by this palm.


After a deafening noise.

There's no one on the ground. There's no one on the ground!

"Ha ha ha ha, this is the end of my confrontation with xuanyuanzong. I will let you die without a burial place!" Sha'e laughed triumphantly.

As for other people, they all have different thoughts.

Only Bian Qingmu and Bian Hua Bian Tian brothers and sisters rushed to the pit edge, staring at the scene in front of them.

Then Qingmu raised his head and said angrily, "shah'e, don't you feel ashamed to deal with one person with the strength of nine people?"

"Hey, Bian Qingmu, talk less nonsense. Today, even you have to die!" Sha'e said with a sneer, and the giant palm appeared in the sky again.

Bian Qingmu was pale, but there was no sense of fear. He said to Bian Hua in a deep voice: "take Tian'er and leave here quickly. Remember, don't go back to Qingmu town. It's not safe there."

"I don't!" Cut off the edge.

"Let's go. You'll die in vain here!" Bian Qingmu said, fully exerting the power of green wood that he had cultivated for many years.

Huge vines covered half the sky, facing the huge palm.

Sha'e's mouth showed a trace of complacent smile and was about to start.

Just then, a startling momentum rose from the pit.

The strength of this momentum directly shattered the giant palm in the sky.

And forced several people of Shahe to retreat several steps!

"What is that?" Someone exclaimed.

In the pit, a figure slowly walked out.

He stepped on the void every step of the way, as if stepping on steps to the sky.

One step!

Two steps!

Step on each step, his momentum will be strong!

Everyone looked at the scene in amazement.

When they reached the air, a strong momentum enveloped the whole audience.

Edge green wood suddenly hit a shiver, eyes blurred at this scene, mouth whispered to himself, "half step long life! He actually Break through

At the moment, shae was even more suspicious, "how could it be! How could you break through to half a step so quickly? "

Xue an faint smile, "very strange? In fact, I have been able to break through for a long time, but I am short of pressure. Just as it happens, the palm you just gave me helped me! "

Hearing this, shae was almost ready to cry without tears.

Said for a long time, he actually became to help the opponent break through the person?

Then his mind turned a few times, he said in a deep voice: "even if it's half a step long life, how can it be? Today, I will still kill you! "

After that, he once again madly urged the force of nine people to fight against Xue an!

Xue an shook his head. "I don't want to play with you! It's boring! "

With that, Xue an disappeared in the original place. When he appeared again, he had turned into a figure of nine and appeared in front of the nine people of Shahe and Hubei!

"Move the world!" The nine figures yelled in unison, one blow out.

There is no earth shaking sound, nor soul stirring momentum.

It's a very ordinary punch.

But it was such a blow that made the nine people roar with fear.

Because only those who know how to understand.

The more impressive the external prestige is, the greater the waste of power is!

Only with such a plain fist can it be seen that the strength has been restrained to the extreme!

But they couldn't even resist.

After a punch.

All the nine people, including shah'e and so on, stood in the air.

Then Xue an breathed.


The nine people of sha'e were turned into flying ash and disappeared in the air.

All the masters of xuanyuanzong died on the spot!

Many people suddenly shudder because they know that after that, xuanyuanzong will become history and exist in name only!

Xue an falls down and smiles at the green wood and Tian.

"When are you going to the main city?"

On that day, what happened in Yuanzhou city spread to the east of Kunlun at an explosive speed.

Jizhou city!

Like smoke building.

Shangtianhe is enjoying the wine.

A beautiful girl beat his legs gently.

There is the sound of playing the piano in the room. The sound is pleasant and melodious, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Let's play it!As expected, she applauded tianqin gently

After the curtain came a cold female voice, "shanggongzi's absurd praise!"

Shang Tianhe was about to say something with a smile. A housekeeper came in a hurry and said, "young master, the master called you back. It's urgent."

Shangtianhe frowned, but his father called, or stood up and said: "Ruyan girl, I'm sorry, I have to excuse me for a moment!"

"Please help yourself, young master."

Shang Tianhe came home in a hurry.

Shang Yuchen paced back and forth in his study. When he saw Shang Tianhe, he could not help but say in a deep voice: "just came a message. I think you should have a look at it!"

Shangtianhe came over to see that it was from Yuanzhou City, and I couldn't help but disagree.

"It's just a small country town. What's the big deal?" Shang Tianhe thought in his heart and opened the brocade book.

Can wait to see a few lines, can't help but pick eyebrow slightly.

After watching it, he could not help asking, "father, is this news true?"

"I've sent someone to inquire about it, for sure!" Shang Yuchen said.

Then he went on to say: "this man has an ominous origin, and no one has even seen him before today, but his strength is very strong, especially in the end, he actually broke through to half a step long life in front of the battle, which shows that this person's talent is incomparable! In this trial, you have one more opponent

Shang Tianhe nodded after hearing the speech, but he said confidently: "father, don't worry. Xuanyuanzong is just a small sect, and I've heard that there is a secret method to promote cultivation by force. Therefore, the so-called longevity of this sect is full of water!"

"And my Tianhe sword has been forged successfully. This trial meeting is when my Shangjia enters Kunlun!"

It's not just Shangjia.

Jizhou city is a few big cities in Kunlun fairyland. There are many famous families in the city.

Especially now the trial is around the corner, and many people are ready to move.

Therefore, when the news of xue'an's extermination of xuanyuanzong came, more or less attracted the attention of all parties.

Like smoke building.

A beautiful girl looked at a piece of paper in her hand, her eyes twinkled.



"Find out more about this man!"


After the servant girl retreated, Zhu Ruyan got up slowly and paced back and forth in the room.

"Kill xuanyuanzong with fist, you can see that your cultivation is good! But I don't know. Can you help me? After all The other party is from the fairyland

When referring to the word "Xiangong", a look of humiliation and despair flashed on Zhu Ruyan's face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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