Jizhou city.

The main city in the east of Kunlun.

When Bian Hua and Bian Tian see the tall city wall, they are excited to jump.

For them, to come to Jizhou once in their life is an eye opener.

On the contrary, Bian Qingmu looks calm.

She has been to Jizhou more than once because of trial.

Of course, all the results are eliminated.

It should be different this time!

Bian Qingmu takes a look at Xue an.

Although it has been several days since the event of Yuanzhou City, she still feels thrilling when she thinks about it.

The breakthrough is half a step long life, and then kill nine people, and the lowest cultivation of these nine people are scattered immortals.

This man, simply subverted all the knowledge of Bian Qingmu.

She finally understood why she had let Xue an keep a low profile, his eyes would have a smile.

Is that mocking yourself as a frog in the well?

Thinking of this, she could not help but take a deep breath, and then whispered: "come into the city, or the gate will be closed for a while!"

A group of people entered the city of Jizhou. The streets of Jizhou were several times wider than that of Yuanzhou City, and all the pedestrians in the street were well dressed, among which there were many strong men.

Bian Hua and Bian Tian feel fresh about everything. Bian Tian is attracted by a peddler selling small things on the roadside. He squats on the roadside and looks at it.

Just at this moment, someone from the other side of the street came at a gallop.

The horse is incomparable. The man on the horse is dressed in red, holding a whip, and galloping at the same time, "all get out of the way!"

Say, still from time to time whipping down the whip, beat dodge can't avoid the common people to cry unceasingly.

This momentum also attracted the attention of Bian Qingmu and others. They were preparing to dodge, and the horses had already rushed forward.

Bian Tian is squatting on the roadside at the moment, not aware of the strange behind him.

Seeing this, the woman whipped it and said, "get out of here!"

The sound of the whip was deafening, and it was obvious that the attack was extremely fierce.

The edge green wood sees the appearance a startle, want to come forward to block.

Xue an snorted coldly and grabbed the whip as soon as he reached out.

At this time, the woman in red can't help but be stunned. Someone dares to grab his own whip.

There was anger on her pretty face.

"Let me go!"

With that, he would take back his whip.

But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't shake Xue an Fen Fen!

At this time Xue an light way: "when the street horse, holding whip hurt people, your family did not teach you how to behave?"

This sentence made the girl in red furious, "what are you, how dare you teach me a lesson?"

Xue an slightly frowned, so arrogant, really disgusting!

As a result, he suddenly let go, and the girl who was snatching the whip almost fell off her horse and pulled out the sword from her waist in anger.

"I killed you!"

With that, he stabbed out a sword and went straight to Xue an's face.

The sword is as powerful as thunder and wind.

Bian Qingmu is a little surprised. The girl looks young, but she is actually the cultivation of tianrenjing.

However, Xue an didn't look at the sword until the sword came to his body. He raised his hand and flicked his finger gently.


The sword that she thought she would win was directly broken into pieces by Xue an's finger, and the rest of the power affected her. She directly lifted the girl in red from her horse and gave her a cry of pain when she fell.

Seeing this, all the people who should have been happy looked at each other, and then fled in all directions. Even the street vendors could not take care of their things and ran away.

The woman in red limped to her feet and looked at Xue an with a murderous face, "how dare you hit me?"

"Is it strange? Don't you want to come again? " With that, Xue an was ready to move forward.

The woman in red took a few steps back in fear, staring at Xue an, "very good. If you have the ability, you will wait!"

Just as he was saying that, the sound of the horse's hooves came from the distance, and dozens of knights quickly rushed to the front.

The leader was a middle-aged man. When he came to the girl in red, he bowed down and saluted, "miss!"

The woman in red looked gloomy and said to xue'an, "I'll abolish him!"


The man stood up and looked at Xue an with a sneer in his mouth.

"Boy, you dare to beat the eldest lady of our city Lord. It seems that you are tired of living


Hearing this address, Bian Qingmu's face suddenly turned white and exclaimed, "are you from AI family?"

"Yes," said the woman in red

Bian Qingmu's heart sank.

Aijia, Jizhou.

That is a thousand year old family and the current city master of Jizhou.No wonder the woman is so arrogant.

This is a problem.

Xue an, however, did not say yes, and said faintly, "are you finished? With that, I'm in a hurry! "

The man's eyes gradually cold, angry voice: "this is your own death!"

With that, the man pulled out his sword and stabbed.

The momentum is astonishing. It is the cultivation of half step immortals.

The dozens of knights behind him also set up their bows and arrows and pointed the arrows at xue'an.

AI Hongyu looks excited.

If you beat me, you will be skinned if you don't die!

At this time, in the face of such a concerted attack, Xue an is only a slight step.


The whole street was shaken.

The knights, with their horses and men, were knocked to the ground.

And the man was directly shaken out, fell to the ground, temporarily unable to get up.

There is only one AI Hongyu left on the scene.

A look of horror gradually appeared on her confused face.

"Why How could it be? "

The Guard commander of his own family didn't even stab out a sword, so he was shocked to fly out by this man.

What is his cultivation?

At this time, Xue an looked at Ai Hongyu and shook her head. "I wanted to save your life, but it's a pity that your mind is vicious when you are young! It's a disaster to keep it, so you'd better go and die! "

With a wave of her hand, Xue an attacks AI Hongyu with a wisp of sword.

AI Hongyu has been scared silly!

She never thought that someone would really dare to kill herself.


The sword spirit is approaching, a golden light suddenly appears on AI Hongyu, and Shengsheng resists this wisp of sword.

AI Hongyu breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she was wearing a self-defense jade pendant given by her father!

But just for a moment, Xue an said faintly, "come again!"

Another sword flies out, which makes the golden light flash sharply.

AI Hongyu was shocked, "don't..."

But as soon as the cry came out, the golden light was directly shattered.

At the same time, in the distance of the city, someone came from thousands of miles.

"Keep people under the sword!"

Unfortunately, Xue an is as hard as a rock.

Although this woman is young, she acts ruthlessly. She just ordered others to abolish herself.

So Xue an just raised her eyebrows slightly, and the sword went straight through her chest.


Blood spilled down.

AI Hongyu's face was frozen with panic, and then the dead body fell to the ground.

A sword, through the heart!

At this time, a voice of incomparable surprise and anger came.

"The madman dares!"

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