Although you can't see your face clearly through a layer of fog, the majesty contained in this figure is still awe inspiring.

Shen Hao and others hurriedly bent over and dared not look up.

At the same time, the valley master of Senluo Valley stepped into the air and slowly stepped down from the throne.

When he came to the top of their heads, the pressure forced them to look up.

Only Xue an stood like a sword and looked at him coldly.

"You're very good. At least you're the first strong young man I'm afraid of in so many years!" The valley master of Senluo Valley said slowly.

Many people turned pale at this remark.

Wu Shaobei immediately endured the fear in his heart, stepped forward and said, "Valley Lord, this..."

Before the voice fell, a huge force directly shook wushaobei out, and then plopped down to the ground and stopped moving.

The blow was like breaking the sky!

There was a commotion among the people of the Wu family who followed wushao north.

But these are completely irrelevant to the valley master of Senluo valley. All his attention is focused on Xue an.

Although separated by a thin layer of fog, the bright light in the eyes is still heartbreaking.

"Am I right? Chinese people?"

Xue an took a deep breath. "You've already seen it!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha, you still don't know how powerful your strength is when you reach my level. In fact, I already know the purpose of your trip from the moment you step into Senluo Valley!" The voice of the valley master of Senluo Valley is very arrogant.

Xue an was completely unmoved, just staring at each other coldly.

"You seem to be very powerful, but you don't even dare to show your true face!"

"Hehe, do you want to see my real face? Good!"

After that, the fog dissipated, and then a very strange man appeared.

The man is several feet tall, burly and handsome, but this is secondary.

The most important thing is that there are several arms on his back.

These arms are white and tender, like lotus roots, which are even more strange when matched with his burly figure.

Xue an saw that behind the scenes, he was struck by lightning, and then slowly raised his head. There seemed to be boundless flames burning in his eyes.

The valley leader of Senluo Valley is very satisfied with Xue an's current attitude.

"Hahaha, that's right. It's this kind of incompetent anger. It's rumored that you Chinese are a hard and inflexible iron backbone, but in my opinion, it's just that they haven't found the right way!"

"For example, now, when you see me tear off the arms of the gods you believe in and sew them on yourself, what can you do except anger?"

I have been sitting on the distant steps, drooping my head and watching the Nai Ying of my little feet, and suddenly whispered.


"How dare you provoke him like this? Even if you are an ancient evil god, he can tear you up. Don't you see his luck?" Nai whispered.

But her voice was so low that outsiders couldn't hear it at all.

At least the valley master of Senluo Valley didn't hear it. He was immersed in the pleasure of abusing others' hearts.

"Tut Tut, if you want me to say that this Chinese God is really a genius. When he was captured by the founder of Senluo Valley, he was just an insignificant little God. As a result, his strength has still improved by leaps and bounds under extremely bad conditions over the years!"

"I have to admit that you Chinese are really smart and tough enough, but what's the use? Under the wheel of fate, you are still just a crushed Mantis."

"Yes, yes, that's it! When I tore off his arm and sewed it on myself, he looked at me with the same eyes as you! I love this incompetent rage, ha ha!"

The valley master of Senluo Valley laughed almost madly, and the six arms on his back were dancing.

The anger in xue'an's eyes gradually disappeared and was replaced by an endless calm.

It was an absolute silence that could annihilate all living creatures.

"Are you finished?"

"Oh, by the way, there's another thing I want to tell you. After sewing these arms, I feel that my talent and cultivation have increased greatly. So if I eat you, will it be more powerful?"

The face of the valley master of senro valley was almost distorted with excitement.

Xue an smiled.

But his smile was frightening.

"Can't you just try?"

"That's right, then... Please let me eat you!"

The words fell, and the unimaginable vitality of heaven and earth fell on Xue an.

Not only that, even the Senluo valley began to vibrate. Xue'an stretched out his stone claw on the ground and grabbed xue'an's ankle.

In short, everything in senro Valley is rejecting xue'an at the moment.

The valley leader of Senluo Valley pounced on Xue an with a wild laugh, raised his palm and smashed Xue an's head.

If it were smashed, Xue an's head would have to be broken at that time.

But Xue an didn't retreat but entered. He raised his hands and parried this violent palm from bottom to top.


A loud noise immediately shook the whole senro valley.

The weaker person's ears and nose were shocked with blood at that time.

Looking at Xue an again, her knees have sunk into the ground, and an abnormal flush has appeared on her face.

"Hey, hey, die!" Senluo Valley's main idea was ferocious, and his other hand was patted down.

"Xue an!" Shu Jingchu couldn't help screaming.

But just then, I heard a terrible cry, and then I saw a sword light rising into the sky, directly piercing the palm hit by the master of Senluo valley.

Then he saw xue'an flying up, holding the long sword condensed by the sword Qi in his hand and coming straight to him.

"What's the meaning of the sword that can hurt me?"

The valley leader of Senluo Valley roared loudly.

"The sword will kill you!" Xue an said coldly, without any pause in his hand, and stabbed him directly in the throat.

"Hee hee, even so, you can't kill me!"

After that, countless vitality was superimposed in front of the valley master of Senluo Valley, and xue'an's sword was quickly stopped.

Xue an didn't expect to kill this guy with one sword.

So when the sword was blocked by vitality, Xue an made a quick decision, immediately dropped the sword in his hand, and then bullied him.

As soon as the valley leader of Senluo valley was stunned, he was punched on the chin.


This punch blasted the Senluo Valley master into the sky, and spit out a mouthful of blood mixed with teeth in the air.

But xue'an didn't intend to stop. He rushed into the air and hit the chest and abdomen of the valley master of Senluo valley with another punch.

Kaka, Kaka!

Accompanied by a toothy sound of broken ribs, the senro Valley master was smashed to the ground.

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