
The ground was hit with a deep hole.

Xue an followed him and fell into the pit. He stepped on the valley master of Senluo Valley and raised his fist for a burst of fierce beating.

Bang bang!

A loud noise came from the pit, making people's eyelids jump.

Yi Guyun opened his eyes and looked at all this in front of him in disbelief.

In fact, not only her, but also Shen Hao and Lei Boping were extremely shocked.

In their mind, the valley master is an omnipotent God.

But today, this image was smashed by Xue an's fist.

Just then, a howl of anger came from the deep pit.

"I'll kill you!"

With the voice, a pillar of light rose from the deep pit and directly overturned Xue an.

Then he saw the figure of the valley master of Senluo Valley appear in the air.

But at the moment, he no longer had the calmness at the beginning, but became black and blue.

His eyes, swollen to the point where there was only a gap, burst into a light of great anger.

"I'll kill you, I'll kill you!"

He said with a ferocious look on his face.

Xue an was not in the slightest panic, but turned slightly and dodged the blow like a peak.

When he failed to hit, the valley master of Senluo Valley immediately turned around and rushed to xue'an again.

Not only that, in the process of his attack, the whole space of senro valley was rejecting xue'an.

Xue'an seems to be trapped in glue. Even a slight action takes great strength.

This inevitably slowed him down a lot.

This is the main effect of senro valley.

He saw a crazy light shining in his eyes, and wanted to tear xue'an alive in the next second.

It has to be said that the strength of the valley master of Senluo Valley is not inferior to Xue an, or even worse.

Xue an's advantage is only his powerful and almost abnormal mind and superb speed.

Now, under the exclusion of space, speed is no longer dominant, and the mind can't stop the Senluo Valley master who is in a state of madness.

Xue an's situation was extremely dangerous.

At least a smug smile appeared on the corner of the mouth of the valley master of Senluo valley. It seemed that he had seen the scene of xue'an being torn up the next second.

But just then, xue'an suddenly took out something.

It was such a thing that made the satisfied Senluo Valley master look frightened.


He cried out, but it was too late, because at this time, the fragment of the incomplete ancient mirror in Xue an's hand had exploded into a bright glory.

The first one to bear the brunt was the valley master of Senluo valley. Seeing that he didn't even have time to respond, he was pierced by the surging glory.

Poof poof!

Blood splashed out, and the valley leader of Senluo Valley howled in pain.

But xue'an didn't let him go. Xue'an took a step forward, grabbed the head of Senluo Valley master with both hands and twisted it with force.

The head of Senluo Valley master was forcibly twisted by Xue an.

But at this time, I have to say that the Senluo Valley master has strong vitality.

Although he was seriously injured, the valley master of Senluo valley still didn't die. Not only did he not die, but his mouth was full of ugly dirty words.

"Ah, ah, you're dead. I must peel off your skin a little bit!"

"You have no chance!"

Xue an said faintly, then stepped on the head of Senluo Valley master who was twisted 360 degrees, then pulled the grafted arms on his back and made a sudden force.


One arm fell in response.

Valley master senro convulsed violently, obviously in great pain.

But Xue an won't pity him. Xue an's hands waved one after another. After a few clicks, all six arms behind the Senluo Valley master were pulled down.

Xue an put these arms into the space, and then looked coldly at the dying Senluo Valley master.

"Where has he been detained by you?"

"Hehe, it's useless. I won't tell you his whereabouts. Even if you kill me, you can't save him!" Senluo Valley master ha ha sneered.

"Well, I'll kill you!"

Xue'an didn't hesitate, so he killed him directly.

Bang, bang, the fist falls like rain. It hits the back of the head and the back of the heart of the Senluo Valley master. It will do harm.

Senluo Valley master wailed bitterly, but xue'an didn't mean to stop.

The people nearby were shocked.

Because xue'an looks terrible now.

Each punch would arouse countless blood, which dyed Xue an's white clothes and his cheeks red.

Yi Gu Yun startled Lingling and suddenly woke up. Then he shouted, "don't hurt my Valley master!"

Then she rushed up regardless of everything.

But how can she be Xue an's opponent who has been injured.

This is especially true for Xue an, who is in a state of anger.

So before she rushed to the front, Xue an raised his hand and waved it.

Yi Guyun was blown out by the power of this palm.

The whole audience was surprised.

Who can imagine that the seemingly arrogant Valley master Senluo would be completely crushed by Xue an?

Just then, I heard a crisp sound like a watermelon exploding and cracking, and then the brain of the Senluo Valley master splashed on the ground.

But xue'an still didn't mean to let go, but continued to smash down until his head was completely gone

At this time, look at Xue an. The white clothes have already been dyed into a mess by blood and brain.

His face was also covered with blood, which made people shudder.

Xue Ansong opened his hand, slowly stood up and looked at these people in Senluo valley.

Everywhere they looked, everyone bowed.

Xue an just smiled coldly, then turned to Nai and said, "it's up to you next!"

Nai Yingying looked at Xue an, who was covered with blood, and said with a smile: "don't worry!"

After that, she walked to the tall throne, stretched out her hand and felt it silently, and then smiled.

"It's right here!"

Then she reached out and took out the comb she had obtained from Yi Guyun, and pressed it against the throne.


The throne erupted in brilliance.

Everyone opened their eyes wide.

Especially Yi Guyun.

After she was hit by xue'an, she was not seriously injured and soon calmed down.

But when she saw the comb in Nai Yingying's hand, she couldn't calm down anyway.

Did she steal her own comb?

Is it her who peeps into her bath in the room?

For a time, Yi Guyun fell into meditation.

That is, at this time, the glory on the throne gradually converged and replaced by a thick copper door.

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