Nai Yingying looked at Xue an proudly, "see, this is the key I said!"

Xue an took a deep look at the comb in her hand, and then turned to Shen Hao and others.

Although the valley master Senluo is dead, these men are still there.

If you want to enter the copper gate, you must first get rid of these people.

With a plop, Shen Hao knelt down first.

"Spare your life, sir. Everything is done by the valley master. We don't know the rest!"

Seeing him kneel down, Lei Boping and others in the back woke up like a dream. They also knelt down and kowtowed to the ground one after another.

For a moment, Yi Guyun was the only one left in the crowd of Senluo Valley, standing there alone with a blank face.

There are too many and unexpected facts happening today.

Who could have thought that this beautiful looking young man would be so fierce that even the valley master was not his opponent.

Just then, Xue an's originally inflated momentum gradually calmed down.

Xue an just used some extraordinary means to kill the Senluo Valley master. Otherwise, he couldn't kill him at the same level or even better than himself.

Of course, this means comes at a price.

The first is that those Xingtian tattoos on Xue an have become a lot darker.

Secondly, xue'an's mind also shows signs of exhaustion.

But these costs are worth it.

Because when the Senluo Valley master showed off his six arms in front of xue'an, he was dead and the gods and Buddhas all over the sky could not save him.

And no matter how weak xue'an was, it was more than enough to destroy Shen Hao.

Xue'an walked slowly to the Shenhao people on their knees.

Shen Hao didn't even dare to lift his head. He crawled on the ground like an old dog begging for mercy.

But Xue an didn't even look at him, but walked straight past him, and then came to Yi Guyun.

"You come in with me!"

Yi was stunned.

Are you talking about me?

What does he mean?

Before Yi Gu Yun was stunned, Xue Anye turned and left.

Seeing this, Shen Hao, Lei Boping and others couldn't help but breathe a sigh.

It seems that I have passed this level.

But when they were secretly happy, a wisp of sword flew into the sky and directly pierced their eyebrows.

With two puffs, the sword light flew out of the back of the head, bringing out a wisp of red and white blood line.

Then the pupils of the two people spread rapidly, and they were frightened and fell to the ground.

Such cruel means also kept the rest of the people silent.

Yi Guyun's heart also trembled, but immediately she remembered the teachings of her ancestors, then held the cloud bow in her hand and walked behind Xue an to the copper gate without saying a word.

Nai Yingying naturally saw what had just happened. Seeing Xue an coming, she couldn't help laughing and said, "to tell you the truth, you should kill all these people!"

The cruel words combined with her naive face gave people a strong sense of disobedience.

"That's not necessary!"

"If you can't do it, I can do it for you. I'd like to do it!" Nai Ying's laughter and Yan Yan's words.

But these people kneeling on the ground are like falling into an ice cellar.

"I said there was no need!"

Xue an said coldly, then pushed open the copper door with both hands and stepped in.

Nai Yingying looked at these people outside with a pity, "good heads can't be harvested. What a waste!"

The feeling of regret in the words is like seeing a table of delicious food but can't serve it.

At this time, Yi Guyun also came to the door. When she was close to Nai Yingying, she felt her hair stand up all over her body.

This Laurie... Is absolutely abnormal.

It seemed that she was aware of her tension. Nai Yingying smiled and opened her mouth, saying in Xue an's voice, "unfortunately, it's a little smaller!"


Yi Guyun felt the blood all over his body rush up to his head.


But before she finished, Nai Yingying turned and went in.

Yi Guyun had no choice but to follow in.

This is the first time that Yi Guyun has entered this secret place since he became a disciple of Senluo valley.

Although she knew there was this place in the sect for a long time, with the existence of the valley master, other people can't enter it at all.

And now Yi Guyun doesn't understand why his comb has become the key to open this secret place.

Although it's meaningful to say that my comb is an ancestral thing, it's just an ordinary wooden comb for others.

With these questions in mind, Yi Guyun stepped across the copper door.

In an instant, the moist sea breeze even gave Yi Guyun an illusion.

Where have you been? By the sea?

When I opened my eyes, I saw the boundless sea under the iron gray sky.

The sea presents a deep dark green, endlessly disturbed, like a pot of boiling water.

Somehow, such an environment made Yi Guyun produce a strong palpitation.

She opened her mouth to speak, but saw Xue an standing on the sea and suddenly waved her palm off.

The palm is like wind and thunder, which instantly splits the vast sea in front of it.

The sea water was roared to both sides by great force, showing the bottom of the sea below.

Yi Guyun opened his eyes and looked at all this in front of him in disbelief.

Because there is no gravel at the bottom of the sea, there is only a long sword with the tip upward. In the middle of the seabed, two black iron pillars rose from the ground, with chains wrapped around them, and a human figure was prominently bound in the middle.

It's hard to imagine that there are creatures in such a harsh environment.

Even if he is a God, it is shocking enough.

Yi Guyun is confused.

Xue an dodged and came to the iron pillar.

Only when you are close can you feel the ruthlessness of this layout.

The chain alone has the thickness of ordinary people's waist and legs, and it is also engraved with unknown runes.

But with such a cruel arrangement, what is trapped is a figure that looks like a child.

The figure has a low head, thin body, four shocking wounds on his back, and the position of his arms is empty.

Besides, he is like a sculpture, with no vitality at all.

Xue an's face was darker than the sky in this world. He squatted down slowly.

"Prince, I'm coming!"

The voice was not loud, but it was like opening something. The figure trembled slightly, and then slowly raised his head.

The goal is a small face so delicate that it is difficult to distinguish between male and female.

"Chinese?" He spoke slowly.

"Young Chinese, I'm here to save the third prince!" Xue an's solemn words.

"Ha ha!" The third prince suddenly laughed, his smile full of sarcasm.

"Stop acting. You've imprisoned me for so many years and tried all kinds of ways. Don't you just want my divine personality?"

"Have you even used the means of pretending to be Chinese now?"

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