However, with the effort of burning incense, Nezha's momentum soared to an unimaginable level.

Even Xue an couldn't help turning pale.

Because at this time, the momentum shown by the Third Prince of Nezha had reached the same level as himself, or even exceeded it.

You know, Nezha repaired it under close surveillance and imprisonment. The difficulty can be imagined.


With a slight crack, the huge iron chain that trapped Nezha began to show cracks.

At the same time, the Dharma appeared on Nezha's head.

This is a handsome young man sitting on a lotus with three heads and six arms.

When it appeared, these iron chains finally couldn't bear the huge pressure and began to disintegrate rapidly.

But even so, these chains still didn't spread.

Because the symbols on the seal cutting exude a faint brilliance, which binds these iron chains together.

Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly.

In his opinion, if these runes are not broken, just breaking the iron chain itself will not get out of trouble.

He saw it not long after he first came. Nezha, who had been trapped for so many years, naturally knew this.

The Dharma phase floating on the top of his head slowly opened his eyes. Among the six eyes, there was a cold and dazzling brilliance. Then he waved his six arms, grabbed the three chains binding the body and made a sudden force.


A loud noise came, and these chains were pulled to the limit in an instant.

Then I heard the sound of breaking, and the Guanghua of seal characters attached to the chain was completely broken.

Then a light rose into the sky and changed the sky.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Laughter shook the sky.

Xue an looked up and saw a figure standing between heaven and earth. Although thin and weak, his waist was as tall and straight as a sword, just like the character of this nation. He never knew what the word yield was.

A faint smile also appeared on Xue an's face.

He was sincerely happy for Nezha.

Ten thousand years of imprisonment alone sounds desperate.

Nezha's ability to persist in such inhuman torture for so long without changing his temperament is valuable enough.

So once he got out of trouble, he couldn't be too ecstatic.

Just then, the crazy laughter stopped suddenly, and then Nezha appeared in front of Xue an.

At this time, he stood in the air and looked down at Xue an from a commanding position.

Xue an was unafraid and calm.

A moment later, Nezha nodded.

"You're good!"

"Thank you, your highness!"

"It's not praise, but a fact. As a Chinese, it's not easy for you to achieve so much at such an age. In addition, you can stick to your heart and run around for the great disaster that year, which is even more valuable!"

Xue an smiled. "It's just the duty of the Chinese people!"

"But it's just that many people can't even do their part!" Nezha sighed.

Xue an felt that there was something in his words, but it was inconvenient to ask more at this time, so he just kept it in mind.

At this time, Nezha raised his head and his eyes focused on Nai Yingying again, and the look on his face became dignified and solemn.

"What's the matter with this evil girl?"

Xue an had known that there would be such a question, so he didn't hide it and told the whole story.

After hearing this, Nezha's face didn't look much better.

After all, after thousands of years, the hatred between him and evil things has reached an irreconcilable level.

Even if this Nai Ying is indeed from the orderly camp among evil things, as Xue an said, he can't let go.

But he didn't say anything more, just snorted coldly, and then looked at Yi Guyun standing aside.

Yi Guyun witnessed the whole process, and his fear was unspeakable. Therefore, when he found that the terrible child looked at himself, he couldn't help shaking all over.

But unexpectedly, Nezha didn't have much prejudice against Yi Guyun. Instead, he whispered, "you brought her in, but you also saw her clue?"

Xue'an nodded. "I've been skeptical since I saw her using cloud bow. Combined with her surname, I'm even more skeptical!"

"You're right to doubt. She does have Yi blood. Although it's thin, it's true!" Nezha said in a deep voice.

Although it had been expected for a long time, Xue an still had an unspeakable feeling after the confirmation.

Because compared with Nezha Yangkai, even Xing Tian, who guarded the white bone throne alone in the black hole, was not as famous as the ancestor of Yi Guyun.

Shoot the arrow of the sun!

Even if I want to come now, I feel surging.

"How did his descendants end up in this place?" Xue an couldn't help asking.

"I don't know! Because he disappeared as early as we were born. As for why his descendants came to this place, it's not what I can know!"

"The only thing I can do is to try my best to protect it in the dark, otherwise do you think these jackals in Senluo valley will really be so kind and take care of an orphan girl with strong blood?"

Hearing Nezha's words, Xue an suddenly realized.

"So, opening this secret place with her comb is also the secret door you left behind?" Xue an asked.

"Yes! My imprisonment was not so cruel at the beginning. A wisp of my mind can secretly leave this secret place and enter Senluo Valley!"

"When I saw Yi Guyun, I saw her blood at a glance. I knew that these guys in Senluo Valley didn't feel good about her entry, so they quietly left a mark on her comb. In the future, if she really has a critical moment, she can enter the secret realm through this thing!" Nezha said.

After hearing these words, Yi Guyun was also stunned, and then said in a surprised voice: "you... Are you the immortal teacher who used to guide me in my dream?"

Nezha smiled and nodded.

"Immortal master can't talk about it. I just helped you several times!"

Yi Guyun's reaction was very violent. He fell to his knees with a thump and choked: "immortal master, I tried my best to find you after you suddenly disappeared, but I finally failed because I couldn't determine your identity."

"If I knew you were trapped here, I would have to get you out of here by any means!"

It turned out that when Yi Guyun just entered Senluo Valley, he often heard a voice in his dream.

This voice guided her to avoid possible risks, and it was realized afterwards.

After several times, Yi Guyun obeyed the voice and was grateful.

But I didn't expect that almost suddenly, the sound never appeared again.

Before leaving, the voice just told Yi Guyun that if there was any special situation, he could bring his commonly used comb to the hall of Senluo valley.

What is the specific situation? Before Yi Guyun asked, the voice completely disappeared.

For this reason, Yi Guyun was depressed for a long time. Until today, she learned that the voice that had saved herself countless times was Nezha.

I'm really sorry, today is another night! Even in the next two days, I may have to break the watch for a few days to have a rest, because I really can't write it. Even after three years, the plot has reached the late stage. As a result, my brain seems to be hollowed out. Even if I know the next plot development, I can't write it. Even if I force myself to write it, it's just like chewing wax, and I don't have the passion at the beginning! My friend said I was too tired and needed a rest! So I'm going to take three days to travel, relax and tidy up the plot at the same time!

You can rest assured that I will definitely resume normal updating in no more than a week. This book is my first book in a strict sense. I have devoted countless efforts to it. It is like my child. Naturally, I will not abandon it!

You can read the novel online free at readwn. com

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