This is a fortress full of postmodern style.

The thick metal is rigidly bent and then welded together to form the outer layer of the fortress with rough style.

The tall turrets all over it also illustrate the terrible combat power of the fort.

This fortress is the headquarters of the firearm club, the most popular killer organization on the island.

At this moment, a meeting is going on in the headquarters of the firegun club.

A long table made of metal is placed in the huge conference room.

It can be seen that the builders of the fort had a clear preference for metal.

Even if daily necessities can be made of metal, they can be made of metal. If they can't be made, they will be replaced by other materials.

Of course, this long table is not in the range that can not be made, so it is made of metal, emitting cold silver gray luster, which makes people feel unshakable at a glance.

But at this moment, this seemingly unshakable long table was photographed by people, and even the tea cups placed on it trembled slightly, making a clatter of ceramic impact.

"Where's my sniper team?"

In the morning, Chun lowered his head, like a pupil who made a mistake, and dared not say a word.

Opposite the long table stood an excited middle-aged man who had just photographed the long table.

When he saw that spring was silent in the morning, he couldn't help saying, "that's a whole elite! Do you know how much I paid to lend them?"

"It was meant to help you and let them see the world at the same time. It's good for you to go out and only come back by yourself. Where are they?"

At last, the man's voice rose eight degrees.


In the morning, Chun finally responded. She looked up and her face was full of confusion and disappointment.

"Dead?" The middle-aged man jumped up from his place as if he had been trampled on his tail.

"Say it again? What happened to them?"

"Say it again ten times, and the result is the same. They all died under one man!"

The middle-aged man was going to rage, but unexpectedly, he calmed down quickly after he finished speaking in the morning.

"Who did it? As far as I know, your mission this time is to assassinate the people of the Wu family. I don't think the current Wu family has the ability to destroy my children!" The middle-aged man calmly analyzed.

In the morning, Chun nodded, "you guessed right. It's really not the Wu family, but a passing teenager!"

On the way back, morning spring has learned the whole story from Meng Yi's mouth.

In particular, I noticed that Xue Annai passed by by by accident.

Then listening to the story of spring in the morning, the middle-aged man's face became more and more serious.

"This is how it happened. We even used the mace of war fog, but the result is the same!"

"The boy is like an omnipotent God, wantonly slaughtering all those who dare to stop him!"

At last, the tone of morning spring was full of fear, and the eyes were full of despair.

Up to now, she can't forget the picture that she was easily captured alive by Xue an.

"Is there such an exaggeration?" The middle-aged man muttered to himself.

"Of course!" Aunt Yin couldn't help it. "One of my drone groups was destroyed in the hands of this guy. It was the top group I carefully deployed. As a result, it didn't even stir up a spray, so it was destroyed!"

"And me!" Meng Yi stretched out his hand weakly.

"What's the matter with you?"

"My fleet is completely destroyed. If I don't run fast, even I have to stay there!"

Hearing the story of his three men, the middle-aged man finally realized the seriousness of the matter. His mouth murmured to himself.

"Strange, I haven't heard of such a young master before!"

Then he looked at the morning spring.

"Since you were captured by this man, why did you return unharmed?"

"Because the target of our assassination, that is, the eldest son of the Wu family, let me go!"

Chen Shichun didn't hide this, but spoke frankly.

The middle-aged man was silent for a moment, and then looked at Meng Yi, who was sitting upright.

"Are you sure that boy is just passing by, not an expert recruited by Wu nianyin?"


"Well, you go out first! Let me be alone!"

The middle-aged man waved his hand weakly.

In the morning, Chun and others dare not disobey. Qi Qi stands up and retreats.

After waiting for himself in the room, the middle-aged man sat down in a chair and lit a cigarette.

The mellow smoke lingered in his mouth, but could not dispel his inner worries.

Because the middle-aged man knew that he was about to face great disaster.

His name is Wei Qingfeng. He is one of the top leaders of the fire gun club. He is usually responsible for contacting all external forces to take over the task.

And this time it happened that he contacted the Wu family.

But he kept it from the top.

Because the fire gun club explicitly forbids to intervene in the internal struggle of any sect family, it can't connect to take the task.

But Wei Qingfeng was moved by the heavy money offered by Wu Qiaojun, so he decided without authorization and sent his own men to go on a private trip without telling him.

What he thinks is very simple. As long as his people successfully complete the task, the people above won't even know. This matter will be covered up seamlessly.

Even if they were aware of it later, it was too late to stop it.

It can't be said that Wei Qingfeng's calculation is wrong. After all, if xue'an didn't happen to pass by, it's really possible to develop as he imagined.

But now the problem is put in front of Wei Qingfeng.

Not to mention anything else, the loss of this sniper team cannot justify itself.

Those are the elite carefully cultivated by the fire gun club. Now they are damaged inexplicably. The above will definitely trace them.

And once tracked down, all the things he did before will be exposed.

At the thought of these, Wei Qingfeng was very upset.

But just then, I suddenly heard a noise outside the door.

"Second lady, you can't go in!"

"Why can't I go in? Is that bastard Wei Qingfeng in there?"

With the woman's scolding, and then a loud noise, the door of the conference room was forcibly kicked open, and a woman in beautiful clothes rushed in.

"Wei Qingfeng, what are you pretending to be dead here? What about the people I lent you? Why are all the others missing except in the morning and spring?"

At the sight of the woman, Wei Qingfeng's forehead immediately dripped a cold sweat.

"Two... Two girls, you... Listen to me!"

"OK! I'll let you explain slowly. In short, if you don't give me a satisfactory answer today, I don't mind testing the power of my newly developed weapon from you!"

The second lady pulled the next chair and sat down, holding her arms and looking at Wei Qingfeng coldly.

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