Wei Qingfeng's face turned white.

He was well aware of the second lady's temper and temperament, and knew that she always did what she said.

If her answer today can't satisfy her, she can really test the power of weapons with herself.

Speaking of this, I'd like to briefly introduce the second lady.

Her name is Yang Mufeng, a man like name.

And her character is just like the name, very resolute and decisive.

However, no one dared to provoke her in the fire gun club, not only because her brother was one of the founders of the fire gun club, but also because Yang Mufeng was in charge of the most critical supply of weapons and ammunition in the whole fire gun club.

It can be said that without Yang Mufeng's approval, you can't even take out a bullet.

Let alone go out on a mission.

But even so, no one dares to complain.

Because in addition to being in charge of the supply of weapons and ammunition, Yang Mufeng also has a more important task, that is, to be responsible for the research and development of new weapons.

For the gun club, which started with mechanical weapons, it goes without saying the importance of this matter.

Yang Mufeng did not disappoint the expectations of others after he ascended this position, and made remarkable achievements in just a few years.

Including Meng Yi's mecha and Yin Gu's UAV group, they are actually written by her.

Moreover, she has made great achievements not only in mechanical weapons, but also in biotechnology.

Especially good at mixing genes, so as to create high-quality and cheap clone soldiers.

The sniper team borrowed by Wei Qingfeng is her masterpiece.

But I never thought that after a task, all the experimental products that I finally made were reimbursed.

How can Yang Mufeng not be angry.

So she sat on the chair and looked coldly at Wei Qingfeng opposite, waiting for him to attack when he was speechless.

At this time, Wei Qingfeng made up his mind and slowly breathed out a breath.

"Second lady, to be honest, the sniper team you lent me has been completely destroyed!"

Yang Mufeng raised his eyebrows slightly.

She was not surprised by this result. After all, they were all the products of genetic engineering. Induction chips were implanted at the time of birth, so Yang Mufeng knew as soon as they were eliminated.

Seeing that Yang Mufeng didn't speak, Wei Qingfeng knew she was waiting for her own explanation, so she said with a bitter smile.

"But second lady, I assure you that this situation is by no means what I want to see. Everything comes from accidents!"

"Oh? Accident? What accident?" Yang Mufeng finally spoke.

Wei Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief. Anyway, as long as the second lady spoke, it meant that there was room for maneuver.

I'm afraid she won't say a word.

"Yes, it's an accident. I borrowed the sniper team from you just to be prepared. After all, according to normal conditions, the young master of the Wu family can't even make it through Meng Yi pass!"

"But I didn't expect that just when I was about to succeed, a passing young expert destroyed the overall plan!"

"Young master?" Yang Mufeng suddenly became interested.


"In detail!"

Wei Qingfeng didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly told the whole story.

After listening, Yang Mufeng's eyes were full of splendor.

"Can't even the fog of war stop him?"

"Yes! The other party almost wiped out all his opponents with rolling advantages. I even suspect that he should know that all the consumables died in his hands, so he didn't chase Meng Yi and others, otherwise I don't think they can even come back!"

Yang Mufeng suddenly stood up, "well, I see. The conditions you promised when you borrowed those weapons will be quadrupled and sent to me!"

Wei Qingfeng was overjoyed. Knowing that this meant that Yang Mufeng let himself go, he quickly nodded and said, "don't worry, second lady, I promise to deliver it!"

Yang Mufeng turned and left.

After she left, Meng Yi, Yin Gu and Chen Shichun rushed into the house.

"Boss, how's it going?" Meng Yi asked with concern.

Wei Qingfeng wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, "it's all right. It's just something more, but the second lady finally prevaricated!"

Hearing this, Meng Yi and Yin Gu both breathed a sigh.

As Wei Qingfeng's subordinates, they can be said to share the same spirit with Wei Qingfeng. They are both prosperous and lossy.

This private solicitation has already violated the taboo of the fire gun club. In addition, the task has failed, which is even more difficult to explain.

Fortunately, the second lady has explained it temporarily, otherwise it will be out of control.

Meng Yi and Yin Gu are secretly celebrating, but spring suddenly thinks of something in the morning.

"But this mission has failed. Paper can't keep the fire. Once it is spread, we will be punished!"

Wei Qingfeng smiled, "don't worry, I've already thought of what you're worried about, but I can guarantee that the situation won't be as bad as you think!"

"Because the second young lady has come to an end!"

"You mean..." Spring shook slightly in the morning.

"That's right!" Wei Qingfeng smiled like a chicken thief.

"Just when I was telling the story, I found that the second young lady was very interested in the young man, so I deliberately added fuel and vinegar to provoke her mood!"

"As you know, the second young lady is a very competitive person. Now I know that there is a young man who is younger than her but whose strength is much higher than hers. I will find him uncontrollably!"

"At that time, although we can't get away from this matter, with the second lady as a shield, our guilt will be reduced a lot!"

Meng Yi suddenly realized it and extended his thumb to praise again and again, "high! It's really high!"

Even aunt Yin was full of joy and thought it was over.

Only a touch of worry flashed through the heart of spring in the morning.

It sounds OK, but what if... The second lady also loses?

Isn't the situation even more out of control?

But looking at Wei Qingfeng's complacent appearance, morning spring pressed down his worries again.

That kind of situation probably won't happen!

After all, the second young lady has amazing strength and countless strange weapons. Even if she can't win, she can retreat!

But even in the morning, I didn't find how confident my idea was.

Contrary to her, Yang Mufeng was confident at this time.

After she came out of the meeting room, she left the fort and went in the direction of Wu family.

Along the way, Yang Mufeng's heart was full of enthusiasm.

Unexpectedly, someone could ignore the weapons he developed and even break through three passes unharmed, which aroused Yang Mufeng's great interest.

Compared with these, a little loss of test article is not enough.

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