Let's see what's wrong with him and have a good fight with him.

After flying into the void, Yang Mufeng whispered, "start the propulsion device!"

At the command, countless mechanical gears emerged from around Yang Mufeng, and then arranged and combined at a high speed.

For a moment, a silver-white ship with perfect streamline appeared in the void and installed Yang Mufeng in it.

In the next moment, a faint blue flame erupted behind the ship, and then disappeared into the vast space.

Wu family.

Wu nianyin is very busy now.

Although his father's body has not been buried, he has become the de facto owner of the Wu family.

Wu Qiaojun has completely given up. During this time, even the mourning hall has been absent and has been hiding in the back house.

This is equivalent to a silent announcement.

Told everyone their attitude.

As for wushaobei.

When he led the crowd to the valley of senro, he had already made clear his submission.

Therefore, there was no objection inside and outside the Wu family. Although Wu nianyin had not held a formal ceremony, the position of the head of the family had been firmly established.

Because of this, Wu nianyin is so busy.

Because his father died so suddenly that many things were put on hold before the handover.

All this needs him to deal with one by one.

In addition to this myriad of things, the more complicated thing is to stabilize people's hearts.

After all, the old lord died suddenly and the new Lord was not stable. Before, there was an overt and covert seizure of power around the position of home owner.

Although the storm finally passed, people's hearts still floated with it.

At this time, Wu nianyin's ability was fully demonstrated.

Although the coffin of the old master has not been buried, and even the mourning hall has not been removed, Wu nianyin still uses thunder to clean up the evil spirits.

In particular, those old ministers who are proud of their achievements and rely on the elders of the two dynasties are the key targets of Wu nianyin's attack.

The concept of Wu nianyin is very simple. Those who should fight and kill should be dealt with leniently.

After this series of measures, the big ship of the Wu family, which had been in turmoil, finally stabilized gradually.

But Wu nianyin's heart never relaxed for a moment.

Because he knew that the situation of Wu family at this time was like a person sitting on the crater to rest.

The seemingly calm surface is actually full of boiling magma.

The key is what kind of news Xue an and others who went to Senluo valley will eventually bring.

If everything goes well, xue'an gets what he wants, and senrogu also acknowledges that the previous cooperation continues to be effective, the situation of the martial arts family will be completely stabilized.

Otherwise, the volcano will erupt at any time.

Today, all kinds of complicated things have finally been handled. Wu nianyin came to the mourning hall, first served incense, and then knelt aside to keep the spirit.

In fact, this is what he should do most, but now the situation is special, and he can't help keeping the spirit here every day.

So he can only spare some time as much as possible to stay here for a while.

However, there are many changes in today's mourning hall.

Wu Niantang, which has not appeared for several days, also appeared.

"Brother!" Wu Niantang gave a timid cry.

Wu nianyin smiled and said gently, "sit down!"

Although Wu Niantang is young, he can also detect what has happened these days.

Especially after his mother retired from the back house, the attitude of people around him changed subtly.

Fortunately, Wu nianyin found it in time and severely punished those servants who were contemptuous and disrespectful to him. This change was contained.

But this also made Wu Niantang more awe of his half brother.

At this time, he knelt respectfully beside Wu nianyin and dared not even lift his head,

Wu nianyin naturally could see his panic and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

He is not a cold-blooded and ruthless person who is desperate for power.

Even when the struggle with Wu Qiaojun was fiercest, he never thought about how to deal with Wu Niantang.

After all, this is his own brother, who is dripping with the blood of the Wu family. How can he fight in the same room and make outsiders laugh?

"Is there anyone else bullying you these days?" Wu nianyin Wensheng channel.

Wu Niantang hurriedly said, "if you go back to your brother, no, everyone is very good to me!"

"Well! If someone bullies you again, you can go straight to me. The people of the Wu family can't be bullied by outsiders!" Wu nianyin said faintly.


Wu Niantang whispered, and a warm current surged into his young heart.

Is this the feeling of being taken care of by my brother?

It seems that my brother is not as terrible as his mother said before!

While Wu Niantang was thinking nonsense, Yang Mufeng drove the ship to the headquarters of Wu family.

As one of the big surnames of dari Island, Yang Mufeng still knows where the headquarters of the Wu family is,

But it was her first time here.

When she stepped off the ship, the ship quickly broke down and folded up, and finally disappeared into invisibility.

Then Yang Mufeng fell to the height of Shi ran and came over the headquarters of Wu family.


No matter how the Wu family declined, it was impossible to find Yang Mufeng so brazenly close.

Therefore, when she was found to rush forward without even reporting, several guards rushed forward and blocked the way.

"Is Xue an here?" Yang Mufeng said faintly.

"Xue an?"

These people are just the bottom guards of the Wu family. They may not know the existence of Xue an, so they are all a little surprised.

"Since you don't know, get out of the way!"

"If you ask us to get out of the way, shall we get out of the way? Girl, the front is an important place of the Wu family. Please don't enter unless you are invited. Please leave by yourself!"

Yang Mufeng frowned, "since you won't let me, don't blame me for being impolite!"

Then Yang Mufeng gently breathed out a breath.

The guards wanted to laugh.

A charming girl came here and kept telling us to get out of the way. If we didn't let her go, she said you were welcome.

As a result, the so-called impoliteness is to spit out your breath?

Just when the guards were laughing, a gust of wind suddenly blew over, and the guards were blown out of the door.

Then Yang Mufeng continued to walk in.

"Stop her!"

The sound of scolding was everywhere, and the guards of all parties rushed to block Yang Mufeng's way.

But Yang Mufeng didn't even blink his eyelids. He waved his hand and used all kinds of incredible means to repel people in the future.

It may be countless drizzle like ice needles hit by a flip of the hand, or it may be a colorless and tasteless overpowering drug that makes people fall to the ground and sleep in an instant.

In short, these guards are not even qualified to slow down Yang Mufeng.

Soon, she came to the core of Wujia headquarters.

"Where is Xue an?" Yang Mufeng looked at the building under his feet and shouted softly.

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