"Stay here and don't go out without my order!"

Wu nianyin said in a deep voice, then got up and went out.

Wu Niantang trembled. He was only six or seven years old. He was frightened by the noise just outside.

But when he saw that his brother was going out alone, he couldn't help shouting.


"Huh?" Wu nianyin looked back.

"You must be careful!" Wu Niantang summoned up courage to speak,

Wu nianyin smiled. "Don't worry, this is the territory of our Wu family. How can others be presumptuous!"

After that, Wu nianyin walked out of the mourning hall with his head held high and came outside.

At this time, the whole Wu family had been disturbed, although the Wu family had been declining over the years.

But the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, and this place is also the headquarters of the Wu family. Therefore, as soon as there was an accident here, countless good players flocked to surround Yang Mufeng.

But in the face of such an array, Yang Mufeng was unafraid, and his face was full of calm.

Wu nianyin's pupil contracted slightly after seeing this Yang Mufeng.

Although he could not see the origin of Yang Mufeng, he could know from her momentum that she was by no means an ordinary person.

In particular, she dared to break into the headquarters of Wu family alone, which is even more thought-provoking.

Nevertheless, Wu nianyin could not see the slightest difference on his face, and then flew up into the air.

The crowd dodged a path, and Wu nianyin walked through it and came to Yang Mufeng.

"Who are you? How dare you come to my martial arts house?" Wu nianyin asked in a deep voice.

Yang Mufeng glanced at him, then shook his head, "aren't you Xue an?"

"Of course I'm not!"

"Then I'm sorry. I'm looking for Xue an. Let him come out to see me!" Yang Mufeng said coldly.

Wu nianyin thought, "I don't know what you want to do with Mr. Xue, but your behavior now belongs to serious provocation. If you don't give an explanation today, you don't want to go!"

Wu nianyin now represents the Wu family, so words must be firm, otherwise it will damage the dignity of the Wu family.

Yang Mufeng didn't care about it at all. On the contrary, she felt very upset.

"What I'm looking for is Xue an. Let him come out and see me. Don't talk about other nonsense!"

"Presumptuous, how dare you talk to the master like this? Take this woman who doesn't know the greatness of heaven and earth for me!" Someone yelled behind Wu nianyin.

The speaker is the Guard commander of the martial arts family, and he can be regarded as one of the top experts of the martial arts family.

At this time, the Guard commander's face was very ugly.

After all, Yang Mufeng broke into the Wu family headquarters alone and hit him in the face.

Therefore, when he saw that Yang Mufeng was still rude, he finally couldn't help but order his men to catch her and show her in front of the owner.

Wu nianyin naturally understood the meaning of the Guard commander. He also wanted to test the strength of the woman, so he didn't stop it.

Suddenly, a team of people and horses rushed towards Yang Mufeng.

These people are different from those guards just now. They are all talents carefully trained by the martial arts family.

Everyone has good accomplishments and is especially good at attacking the siege together. Even if you are a strong person whose strength is much higher than theirs, you will have to eat nothing if you fall into their siege.

But in the face of this fierce attack, Yang Mufeng just smiled coldly and pulled out the hairpin behind his head.

The green silk was scattered, and Yang Mufeng gently twisted the lotus shaped hairpin.

Boo, boo, boo!

Accompanied by a dense sound of breaking through the air, countless small needles as thin as ox hair shot out of the flower stamens of the hairpin and rushed like fog and wind.

In an instant, these elite guards who were just fierce were turned into sieves by small needles.

Although not fatal, these small needles obviously have something else attached to them.

As soon as they were tied, these elite guards began to cry and howl, obviously in pain.

But soon they couldn't even scream, because just then Yang Mufeng snapped his fingers.

With a slap, these elite guards collectively fainted and were silent again.

All the souls of the people who saw this blow risked death.

Because no one knows what this means!

Even Wu nianyin didn't expect such a result. He was shocked.

Yang Mufeng came to him and said faintly, "tell me where Xue an has gone?"

Wu nianyin was shocked, but his face didn't show any panic.

"Do you think I'll tell you?"


The remaining disciples of Senluo Valley knelt down in fear.

Although Xue an has entered the secret place, they still dare not look up.

After all, the corpses of the valley leader, Shen Changlao and others are now placed in front of us.

Scared to death, they dare not have any resistance.

Shu Jingchu is a little anxious.

"Why don't you come out?"

Wu Shaobei smiled and said, "take it easy, Miss Shu. Now the situation in Senluo Valley is gone, and Mr. Xue has a shocking existence of cultivation. It's only a secret place, and he will be able to catch it!"

Wu Shaobei is in a good mood now.

Cool enough to fly.

We should know that although there is a cooperative relationship between their martial arts family and Senluo Valley, their status has been unequal in recent years due to the decline of the strength of the martial arts family.

Although these people are very polite every time they come to Senluo Valley, they actually look down on the Wu family.

Wu Shaobei knows this clearly.

Therefore, when he saw that xue'an killed several giants of Senluo Valley in his anger, his comfort was almost forgotten.

Moreover, wushaobei is very clear that Senluo Valley has existed in name only since World War I.

Although the Wu family is out of reach and can't occupy here, the wealth accumulated by Senluo Valley for so many years is also a terrible figure. Even if only 10% of the profit is shared, it is also an unexpected wealth for the Wu family.

Of course, the premise of all these assumptions is that Xue an agrees.

It can be said that whether the Wu family will prosper or die in name just like Senluo Valley depends on Xue an's attitude.

It's no joke to decide life and death.

Wushaobei has been operating in this chaotic dari island for many years. How can we not see this.

So he immediately straightened out his attitude.

If he only respected xue'an in the past, now he is in awe.

This can be seen from his change in the name of Xue an.

Xue Xiaoyou has become Mr. Xue!

Shu Jingchu is not in the mood to pay attention to these. Now she just feels angry.

Why does that guy only take Yi Guyun and don't let me in?

This makes Shu Jingchu dissatisfied.

At least I've been with Xue an for so long. Why can't I compare with a woman I just met?

Is she beautiful?

Not necessarily!

Shu Jingchu is gnashing his teeth.

Suddenly there was a flash of brilliance, and then Xue an and others came out of the secret place.

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