Yang Mufeng stopped and looked at the child who was only seven or eight years old in front of him with great interest.

Although his young face was full of panic, he stood in front of the mourning hall and refused to retreat.

Seeing this situation, Wu nianyin, who was tied up, couldn't help but change his face and said in a fierce voice, "what are you doing? Don't go quickly!"

"No, I'm not going!" Wu Niantang insisted.

"This woman dares to come to our Wu family to act wildly. As a man of the Wu family, how can I retreat?"

These words were so righteous that Wu nianyin, who wanted to scold him to leave as soon as possible, was stunned.

Yang Mufeng's face showed a funny smile.

"Is this the belief of your martial arts family? It's very good!"

But these praising words are particularly harsh in Wu nianyin's ears.

He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "if something comes to me, I'm the master of the Wu family. He's just a child who doesn't know the world!"

Yang Mufeng glanced at him. "Do you think you still have the right to bargain with me?"

Wu nianyin's face sank, even though he clenched his teeth and said, "since I fall into your hands, naturally I don't have it, but the Wu family has it!"

"Oh?" Yang Mufeng raised his eyebrows slightly, "what do you mean?"

Wu nianyin looked up at the vast Wu family army in the sky.

Now this matter has completely shocked the Wu family, and many strong people who have not been born for a long time have appeared one after another.

Although these people gathered together and dared not start because of Wu nianyin, the prestige they formed was still extremely frightening.

"My life is not good enough, but if you think you can hold my martial arts man at will, you are very wrong! It's a big deal that I die to get rid of it, but I believe that no matter who you are and how strong your background is, you won't want to get out of this world!"

When telling these words, Wu nianyin's tone was very calm, without any excitement or threat.

But the more so, the coldness contained in the depths of the words is more penetrating.

Yang Mufeng smiled.

"It sounds great!"

With that, she went to Wu Niantang with a smile.

Wu nianyin was pale, but he didn't say anything.

Because he knew it was useless to say anything at this time.

Wu Niantang is shaking.

No matter how grand what he just said, it can be said that he is only a child of seven or eight years old.

In the face of Yang Mufeng walking towards him, how can he not be afraid.

But even so, he still refused to retreat, but slowly raised his hand and pointed to Yang Mufeng with the tip of his sword.

Although he was young, he was born in a martial family and his mother Wu Qiaojun had high hopes for him. Therefore, he received a very strict education since childhood.

Naturally, it also includes cultivation.

So when he took a long sword and coldly responded to it, he really had a bit of prestige contained in it.

But the little power spread silently without stirring up the waves after rushing to Yang Mufeng.

Even Wu Niantang was disarmed by Yang Mufeng before he could stab out the sword potential he had accumulated for a long time.

"How dare a little boy tell me what to do in front of my mother?"

Yang Mufeng sneered and made a slight effort with his fingers.

With a bang, the sword broke.

At the same time, there is also the courage of Wu Niantang, which is not easy to drum up.

He doesn't know what he thinks.

Did you see your brother rush out of the mourning hall to face the invading "female devil head"?

Or did you see that your brother was captured by him, and the female demon head still came to the mourning hall?

Anyway, Wu Niantang felt his blood boiling all over, and the philosophy of self-protection taught by his mother was thrown out of the sky.

He pulled out the sword hanging on the wall of the mourning hall and walked out proudly.

But their efforts did not have any effect.

The "female devil head" was obviously fierce and tight. She didn't know what was going on, so the sword in her hand came into her hand.

His whole body was trembling and tears came to his eyes.

But even so, Wu Niantang still didn't retreat, but closed his eyes.


Die, die!

It was the only thought that rose from his young heart.

The expected sharp pain did not hit, but a warm hand gently touched his head.

Then a cool male voice came to my ears.

"What a great prestige, but it's a pity to show it to children!"

Wu Niantang raised his eyes and saw a white figure standing on his side.

Wu Niantang immediately recognized the person.

Isn't this the master that brother Wu nianyin brought back from the outside?

And the "female devil" also came to him.

I didn't expect him to come back!

Infinite joy rose in the heart of Wu Niantang.

The bound Wu nianyin on the opposite side was filled with surprise and joy.

The joy was that xue'an finally came back, and the surprise was that this woman was very complicated. If she was not careful, xue'an would have to suffer.

Thinking of this, Wu nianyin shouted recklessly, "Mr. Xue, be careful of this woman. She is good at all kinds of sinister and vicious means. If you don't pay attention, you may get caught. You..."

Before he finished, a rope appeared out of thin air and strangled Wu nianyin's mouth.

Then Yang Mufeng glanced at the sideburns in his ears and said calmly, "you're insidious and hot, and your whole family is insidious and hot!"

Then she spat fiercely, obviously disdaining Wu nianyin's words.

Xue an didn't say a word, so she looked at it quietly.

A moment later, Yang Mufeng looked up at Xue an and smiled like a flower.

"Are you Xue an?"

"Is there a problem?"

"No problem, but I didn't expect you to be so young and handsome!"

Xue an said faintly, "if you come to me with such a big bang just to praise me, your goal has been achieved! But I think as a member of the fire gun club, your arrival should not be so simple!"

Hearing Xue an's words, Wu nianyin was surprised.


This woman is from the musket club?

Then why did she come here?

Yang Mufeng laughed. "It's interesting. It seems that you have great courage in addition to being young and handsome. You know I'm from the fire gun club. You're not afraid at all!"

"Afraid?" Xue an smiled coldly, "just a group of defeated generals. Why should I be afraid?"

As soon as he said this, Yang Mufeng's arrogance converged in an instant, and then stared at Xue an.

"Do you really think that defeating a few killers means defeating our fire gun club? I'm here today to defeat you and let you know that you're just a frog at the bottom of a well!"

Speaking of this, Yang Mufeng's face was full of pride.

But unexpectedly, in the face of her battle declaration, Xue an just smiled coldly.

"If you let me fight you, I'll fight you? Why do I listen to you so much?"

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