"Hey... Huh?"

Yang Mufeng opened his eyes wide. It seemed that he didn't expect Xue an to jump out of such a sentence.

"No... don't fight me?"

"What? Is there a problem?"

"But... But aren't you afraid I'll kill this guy?" Yang Mufeng raised his hand and pointed to Wu nianyin behind him.

"Then you can do it, but I'm sure you won't!" Xue an said faintly.

Yang Mufeng's face was green at that time. After a long time, he said astringently, "how do you know I won't?"

"It's simple, because you haven't killed anyone!"

Xue an's words hit Yang Mufeng's soul directly. She stood there with her mouth open and her face was full of complex looks.

As Xue an said, she really didn't kill anyone.

It's nothing strange, but if you add her own realm and status, it's worth pondering.

After all, the way of cultivation is to compete with heaven and people. Few people can walk down safely.

There will always be one thing or another that you have to do.

But Yang Mufeng is a wonderful flower.

Because her hands were really free of blood,

Others can't see this, but Xue an knows it at a glance. That's why he said so.

But soon, Yang Mufeng's face showed a color of shame and annoyance.

"You... You're a coward!"

Xue an's eyes were slightly cold, but the smile on his face was still the same, just with a strong color of ridicule.

"It's better than you playing with authority against a child!"

"You..." Yang Mufeng became more and more angry.

She has never met such a scoundrel.

It seems that he is determined not to kill.

"There's no need to make such an expression!" Xue an is very calm.

"I know you can cultivate to this state and still be spotless. There must be strong resources behind you, but your fault is that you shouldn't bring this sense of superiority to me!"

Yang Mufeng wanted to make complaints about what superiority I had.

But xue'an wouldn't give her this chance at all.

"There's no need to explain. When you ran to Wu's house excitedly and tied the owner of Wu's house to wait for me to come back, your hidden sense of superiority was revealed!"

Speaking of this, a sarcastic smile appeared at the corners of Xue an's mouth.

"Do you think it's fun and show your temperament? Even if you're really not against us and lose, someone will finish it for you?"

Yang Mufeng was turned pale by Xue an's words.

Even she herself was suspicious.

Do you really think so?

At this time, a metal cube kept rotating appeared between Xue Anmei.

"Don't you want to play with me? I can give you this chance, but only if you can untie it!"

Then the metal cube appeared in front of Yang Mufeng.

At the beginning, Yang Mufeng didn't care too much, and even had a trace of disdain in his heart.

This guy is too contemptuous to try to test me with a metal cube?

Didn't he know that he didn't like such a trick as early as the age of three?

It is undeniable that Yang Mufeng really has a very high talent on the way of machinery.

She began to deal with machinery as soon as she could walk, and her attainments in machinery advanced by leaps and bounds with age.

This is also the reason why she can become the logistics director and R & D director of the fire gun club at this age.

But when she really touched the metal cube, the original slightest slightness disappeared in an instant.

Because this cube is obviously different from what you expected.

It seems to have a lot more.


The metal cube rotates rapidly in the air in an almost dazzling way.

This extremely complex cube cannot be controlled by hand, and must be controlled by consciousness.

The more it is cracked, the more dignified Yang Mufeng's face is, and there is a faint color of excitement in his eyes.


The design concept of this thing is very interesting!

No, it's not only about mechanics, but also the shadow of ancient alchemy.

Yang Mufeng naturally knew and studied alchemy for the proud son of heaven who was deeply immersed in machinery.

But the more so, the more shocked she was.

There are many ideas involved in this thing. Even she touched it for the first time.

This could not help but make her feel more and more awed.

Who wrote this cube?

Did the man in front of you do it?

But soon these thoughts were forgotten.

Because she has been deeply attracted by the endless new ideas in this metal cube.

At the same time, Shu Jingchu and Wu Shaobei also arrived.

On their way back to wusen, they met a bad man and went home immediately.

So they all know what happened to the Wu family.

Xue an let them chase after him, but he went back to Wu's house first.

But the time difference is not long.

Therefore, before long, Wu Shaobei and others hurried there.

I thought it would be a cruel scene with blood flowing into a river and corpses everywhere. Wushaobei has even prepared for the complete destruction of the Wujia headquarters.

But after waiting, I found that nothing had changed much.

Except for the people on alert in the air, there was not even a drop of blood on the ground.

"This... Mr. Xue, what's going on?" Wu Shaobei fell to the ground in a daze and asked Xue an, who was solving the rope on Wu nianyin.

Xue an broke the extremely tough metal rope and said calmly: "nothing, just a madwoman who doesn't know the greatness of heaven and earth!"

After Wu nianyin moved his hands and feet, he immediately thanked Xue an and said, "Mr. Xue, i..."

Xue an waved his hand. "You're welcome. In a sense, you helped me. Naturally, I can't stand idly by!"

"Eh, is this girl a mechanical witness?" Nezha suddenly said in surprise.

"The elder also knows machinery?" Xue an smiled.

"Don't think of me as an antique. I've been in contact with this thing at the beginning!" Nezha brushed his lips.

"But did you write the mechanical magic cube she was solving?"

Xue an nodded, "I'm bored with my leisure. It's just a toy!"

Nezha took a deep look at Xue an, "I don't see you have such alchemy skills!"

"I happened to learn a little, but dealing with this guy is not a problem!" Xue an is very calm.

Just then, Yang Mufeng shook his body and turned a little pale.

But her eyes were brighter and brighter.

"Xue an, you are very powerful. I can't untie this thing right away. I need to go back!"


"When I untie it, I'll come back to you!" Yang Mufeng gritted his teeth.

Xue an smiled calmly, "untie it first

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