The storm ended in such an unexpected way.

Yang Mufeng left in the same hurry as when she came.

Wu nianyin was naturally very happy and immediately greeted Xue an and others to the banquet hall.

But Xue an declined.

He is not in the mood to go to the party now.

Although Nezha was saved, it can be regarded as a solution to a big heart disease.

But he has been in this high-dimensional universe for a long time. As a result, he has achieved nothing except killing a part of the snake of time and space.

Xuaner Mengxue and them have been trapped in the time gap for a long time. Although time has lost its meaning to them, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no other changes.

So he must hurry to solve this matter. After all, the earth is still waiting for his good news!

Wu nianyin is naturally hard to say. It can only mean that if it is useful, he will go through fire and water.

Xue an smiled and said nothing.

After the Wu family left, Nezha immediately asked, "Xue an, what are you going to do next?"

"I'm going to find the remaining fragments in Feixian temple!"

Xue an didn't hide anything from Nezha.

Nezha naturally saw the fragment of Xuanyuan mirror in Xue an's hand.

But even he couldn't tell the origin of the fragment.

In his words, even in his time, Xuanyuan mirror was already a legendary existence.

However, he also knew that everything was important. He had heard the name of the snake of time and space. He could be regarded as one of the behind the scenes of encircling and suppressing the Chinese people in those years.

So he nodded, "do you have any plans? Do you want to kill the door directly?"

Looking at Nezha who was eager to try and his eyes were full of murderous spirit, Xue an secretly laughed in his heart.

After so many years, this master is still the same as he was in those days. He always kills people.

"Of course you can't do that. After all, the Feixian temple is one of the top sects on the big day island. If you act rashly, it's easy to be self defeating or even counterproductive!"

"Cut, why do I think you are more like an old man than me?" Nezha cut and despised it.

In his opinion, things in the world can't be solved without fists. If so, add a sharp gun.

Xue an doesn't care. Anyway, this young man was just like that.

Otherwise, it will not be hard to take out the Dragon tendon of others.

"Think it over yourself. When you need to fight, just tell me!"

After that, Nezha took his pocket with both hands, looked up at the sky, and left foolishly.

After he left, there was a voice behind him.

"Your grandfather is a little interesting!"

It is Nai who speaks.

Because Nezha was extremely hostile to evil things, Nai Yingli wisely chose to retreat.

She didn't choose to appear until Nezha left.

"You mean he likes fighting?"

"No, it's just interesting. It's amazing that 10000 years of imprisonment has left no trace on him!" Nai Yingying was quite amazed.

A faint smile appeared on xue'an's face. "Is this amazing?"

"Isn't it?"

"You still don't understand our Chinese character. As long as we believe that the right thing is right, no one or thing can hinder us!"

"Although they are only new gods after retreating to the ancestral land of the earth, they still inherit these characters!"

Nai's eyes looked different, "are you the same?"

Xue an laughed. "What do you think?"

Nai Yingying nodded, "you know, I used to be very curious. I don't know what strength supported you step by step. Now I seem to understand!"

Xue an shook his head. "You can't understand. This is only our Chinese temperament!"

After that, Xue an strode away.

"Only belong to the Chinese temperament?" Nai whispered to himself, and his eyes gradually turned pure black.

"I think I should be able to understand!" Yi Guyun, who stood aside and didn't speak in the whole process, suddenly said.

I don't know what's going on. Yi Guyun and Nai Yingying are talking very much.

So they have been together since they came out of senro valley.

"Oh? Can you understand?" Nai Yingying looked at Yi Gu Yun with some surprise.

"There has always been an old legend in our family. It is said that in the very ancient times, the ancestor of our family at that time was a great God of arrow road. At that time, the demons made trouble on the day, hung together on the ninth day, and the people were unable to make a living!"

"In order to save the world, our ancestor resolutely shot, hit each other with eight long arrows made of his own blood essence, and directly destroyed Eight Suns!"

"So I think the temperament of these Chinese people should be the same as the story I tell. No matter who the enemy is, they will still forge ahead and never compromise!" Yi Gu Yun sighed.

When talking about these words, Yi Guyun's face looked very serious.

Because this is the pride that spreads in their family blood.

And Nai Ying is to hear the colorful sound again and again.

"Yi shot at the 9th! It seems that the girl's life background is really something extraordinary!"

Nai whispered to himself.

Yi Guyun didn't hear clearly, "what are you talking about?"

"Oh, nothing!" Nai Yingying smiled and then left.

If Xue an were here, he would be surprised to hear Nai's words.

Because her understanding of the Chinese people is far more than it seems.

At least she also knows one of the most famous ancient myths of the Chinese people, Yi shoot the 9th!


"Wow! Are you Nezha?" Think about the surprise in your eyes.


The face was not much different from his own, but he thought about it like a doll. Even Nezha, who was angry, couldn't help smiling at this time.

"Are you really the incarnation of lotus root?" Read and ask.

Nezha nodded and looked like an expert, "that's right!"

The two little girls looked at each other and saw the surprise on each other's faces.

"Is it lotus root powder you rubbed down when you took a bath?" Think about it and ask first.

"Well, this..." The smile on Nezha's face gradually solidified.

"When you take a bath, will you smell the smell of lotus root being scalded? Is your bath water lotus root soup?" Niannian followed, showing the true colors of the food.

The smile on Nezha's face was more and more broken.

But the problem of thinking is not over, and it is developing more and more to strange and tricky places.

"If you were planted in the soil, would you sprout?" Think about it and ask.

"It is said that there are holes in the lotus root. Does that mean that I will suffer a lot when I buy the lotus root, because I bought at least half of the holes?" Read and ask.

"Can you blossom?"

"Do you dream that you are still in the pond?"


Nezha's mouth twitched gradually, and he felt fear for the first time,

He once dominated chentangguan, known as Donghai dialect. Now he just wants to escape from this place.

So when an Yan said, "think, don't make trouble!" When it comes.

Nezha was relieved, like listening to the immortal sound.

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