Meng Yi, with his bare upper body and a big hammer in his hand, smashed at a piece of black refined iron.

With the sound of clang clang, the refined iron splashed countless sparks and gradually took shape.

Yin Gu stood aside and was in charge of the command.

"Well, now change the hammer and hit 36000 times!"

Meng Yi's eyes widened, wiped the sweat on his forehead, panted and said, "Yin... Aunt Yin, I can't do it. Can you... Let me have a rest first and then hit it like this? I'm afraid I'll be tired to death!"

Aunt Yin frowned, "can't you do it after so many times? It's really not a man!"

Meng Yi blushed, but he didn't dare to say anything. After all, he was wrong first, so he had to chat up.

"Of course I'm a man, but no matter how powerful a man is, he can't help but rest!"

"Well, well, let's have a rest! There's so much nonsense!" Yin Gu said angrily, and then turned to the workbench to sort out the results of these days.

That day, Yin Gu couldn't kill Wu nianyin, and Xue an killed her own drone group.

This is a devastating blow to Yin Gu, who is famous for her UAV group.

That's why she's in such a hurry these days, just to quickly restore her strength.

But she was worried, but Meng Yi couldn't stand it.

These days, Meng Yi is like a donkey and horse pulling a mill. He can't rest for a moment. After doing this and that, he is turned around by Aunt Yin.

But he didn't dare to listen. After all, he did it himself.

At the moment, when he got Yin Gu's permission, he was almost pardoned. No matter what image he was not, he fell to the ground with a plop, gasped heavily, and didn't even want to move a finger.

Aunt Yin murmured, "waste!"

Then he picked up the small hammer next to him and beat it by himself.

Meng Yi's face turned black when he was scolded, but now he really doesn't have the strength to argue. He just wants to sleep like this.

At this time, the door of the small workshop was pushed open, and spring came in from the outside in the morning, with a dignified face.

"What's the matter?" Yin Gu asked carelessly while beating the iron embryo.

"The second lady hasn't come back yet!"

"Isn't that normal? It takes a few days to get back and forth from us to the Wu family!" Yin Gu said.

In the morning, Chun shook his head, "that's us. Don't forget that the second young lady has all kinds of secret skills. She must have arrived at Wu's house early at her speed, so I always have an ominous feeling!"

"Oh? What hunch?" The hammer in Yin Gu's hand finally slowed down.

Although Meng Yi has no strength to speak, his bright eyes have explained everything.

"I always think the second lady may lose this time!" The worried words of spring in the morning.

"Once she loses, President Wei's plan will be in vain. At that time, we can't hide the matter of taking over the work privately, and it may even make a big noise and get out of control in the end!"

Yin Gu's face was finally dignified. She stopped the hammer in her hand, "why do you think so?"

"No reason, just a hunch! But you know, my hunch has always been good but bad!"

Yin Gu and Meng Yi were silent.

Because morning spring is telling the truth, she used to have inexplicable premonitions, and the results are good and bad.

"Should... Should not be so accurate!" Meng Yi swallowed his mouth and said with difficulty.

As soon as the voice fell, I heard a roar outside.

"Wei Qingfeng, get out of here!"

The roar shocked the three people in the workshop. Meng Yi, who was originally sitting on the ground, jumped up like a spring.

Then the three looked at each other and saw each other's pale faces.

They all know.


Wei Qingfeng was tasting tea in the house.

This is a new variety cultivated by the fire gun club some time ago.

you 're right!

In addition to undertaking tasks everywhere, killing and setting fire to earn commissions, the fire gun club also grows tea part-time, and it is a first-class good hand.

Not to mention anything else, this pot of green tea is unique.

Wei Qingfeng couldn't put it down because of the fragrance of tea and the clear color of tea.

But just after the tea was brewed, he picked up the cup and knocked it over before he could drink it into his mouth.


The exquisite porcelain cup fell to the ground and smashed, together with Wei Qingfeng's courage.

"Two... Two Miss, how did you come back?"

He stood up in fear and looked at Yang Mufeng who rushed in.

"Nonsense, where can I go if I don't come back? I'm here to tell you that the conditions we said before are invalid!"

Then Yang Mufeng turned and walked out.

Wei Qingfeng's cold sweat came down.

He really didn't know what medicine the second lady Yang Mufeng sold in her gourd. If he let her go like this, he probably didn't even know how to die.

So he took a few steps and directly stopped Yang Mufeng's way.

"Wait a minute, second lady. What did you mean just now? I really didn't understand!"

"What do you mean? I'm telling you, you don't have to pay the compensation you said before!" Yang Mufeng said faintly.

"For... Why?" Wei Qingfeng didn't feel the slightest happiness, but was cold all over.

"Why? Because the guy you said not only defeated you, but also me!"

"You can't handle such opponents, so I don't want the previous losses!"

With these words, Yang Mufeng left without care what Wei Qingfeng thought.

Wei Qingfeng stood in place with a pale face and muttered to himself.

"How could it be! How could it be that even the second young lady was defeated?"

At the same time, in the morning and spring, Meng Yi and Yin Gu have also arrived.

At the sight of Wei Qingfeng, the three knew that everything was as expected in the morning and spring.

"President Wei, next... What shall we do?" Spring asked in a deep voice in the morning.

"What else can I do? It seems that this matter can't be covered up. Next, I'll explain it to the president personally. As for how he will get rid of it at that time, it's up to fate!" Wei Qingfeng replied weakly.

At the same time, Yang Mufeng has returned to his territory.

The so-called territory is actually a large cabin.

The first thing Yang Mufeng did after he returned here was to lock himself in the secret room and strictly order his subordinates that no one is allowed to enter without his own permission. He has to close the door and study difficult problems.

Naturally, his subordinates did not dare to neglect and quickly nodded yes.

Then Yang Mufeng closed the door of the secret room, took out the metal cube and began to study it.

At the same time, in the greenhouse of the fire gun club, Wei Qingfeng met the president Yang Fu.

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