The brilliance was so fast that it came to Xue an almost instantly.

But just as it tried to stab further in, an invisible barrier appeared and directly blocked the blow.

Only then did people see that Guanghua was actually a giant axe.

The axe blade is inclined, and the nearest place is only more than ten centimeters from Xue an's face.

But this short distance is like a natural moat. Although the giant axe trembles at great speed and tries to cut down, it still can't move a penny.

At the same time, Xue an reached out and flicked the huge axe.


With the deafening roar, the axe broke directly.

Xue an almost looked at the direction of fire with his eyes, but he almost looked at me

"Jie Jie, that's just an appetizer. The next thing is the main play!"

With the voice, a figure rushed out of the Feixian temple. After standing still, the crowd couldn't help but make a commotion.

The comer was a strong man with a height of two meters. He was wearing leather armor, but there was no lining inside, exposing large abdominal muscles.

"It's the moving mountain god!"

"I didn't expect that the action of Feixian temple was Wang bombing. Xue an is dangerous!"

People talk about it, but without exception, they are not very optimistic about Xue an.

It is well known in dari island that there are seven magic generals in Feixian temple, all of whom are top experts with unique skills.

Moving mountain is the best of the seven gods.

His strange power is beyond imagination. He once created a record of fighting three physical cultivation with one hand without losing the wind. His one handed Axe Skill is even more superb.

His first appearance obviously proves that Feixian Temple attaches importance to Xue an and is determined to kill him.

Xue an's face was as usual, "Oh? The main play? Is that you?"

"Boy, I'm proud that you can be dealt with by myself. I'll smash your little head with an axe later!"

After saying that, the mountain moved and rushed over angrily.

Although he is tall and strong, he thinks his speed is his weakness.

In fact, the speed of moving mountains is not only not slow, but also can be counted in Feixian temple.

It can be seen from this attack.

Moving the mountain, he rushed to xue'an with a speed that was not commensurate with his body shape, and the giant axe in his hand was photographed by him first.

Don't mention hitting it, you'll break your bones and tendons if you get a little bit of edge.

Xue an did not retreat but advanced. At the same time, he raised his fist and hit up, directly facing the axe.

Great joy in moving mountains.

It can be seen that the patriarch attaches great importance to this boy, otherwise he won't let himself take the lead.

And moving the mountain also riveted enough strength to show his ability in front of the patriarch.

But it's not stupid to move the mountain. Since Xue an dares to step on the mountain, he must be capable.

So this is bound to be a hard battle.

He was ready for a protracted war, but he never expected that this guy would take the initiative to die at the beginning of the war.

Don't blame me for being cruel.

Moving the mountain silently recited a sentence in his heart. At the same time, he frantically carried the Qi and blood in his body. The arm holding the axe expanded more than twice in an instant, and then smashed it down with the strength of his whole body.

He planned to smash xue'an to pieces with an axe.

Xue an naturally saw this, but he was not flustered, but a sarcastic smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.


A loud noise.

Many people subconsciously close their eyes and think Xue an is dead.

But the scream that followed made these people look up immediately, and then they were stunned.

Xue an held the huge axe of moving the mountain with one hand.

Although moving the mountain's face turned red and exhausted all his strength to press down the axe, it still didn't help.

Not only that, I saw Xue an slowly raise his hands.


The loud noise of bone friction came from the body of moving mountain, which proved that he had reached the critical point.

"Ah, I don't believe it!" Moving the mountain roared fiercely, and the other hand clenched his fist and hit Xue an.

But Xue an didn't even lift his eyelids. He just stretched out his hand and gently hit the fist.

With a dull hum when moving the mountain, the hand fell down feebly.

Meanwhile, Xue an smiled.

"Don't you let go?"

After that, xue'an grabbed the huge axe and pulled it out, directly pulling it from the hands of the mountain.

Move the mountain, turn around and run.

As I said earlier, although he has muscles all over, his head is not stupid at all.

Although it's only a round trip, moving the mountain has seen that the gap between himself and Xue an can't be counted by the road.

When is it better not to run at this time?

But he wanted to run, but Xue an didn't want to let him go.

He weighed the axe in his hand. "I thought it was heavy. That's the result?"

"Give it back to you!"

With that, Xue an threw out a huge axe.

The huge axe made a sharp howl and hit the moving mountain like an arrow.

When he heard the bad wind behind him, he knew that things were bad, but he didn't even dare to turn his head back. He moved several feet sideways with his strong muscle strength.

This Dodge is not beautiful, but it's a pity that he met Xue an.

It seems to have been expected before moving. At the moment of moving the mountain to avoid, the giant axe also moved several feet, and then cut off the neck of moving the mountain like a dragonfly.

Moving the mountain was shocked, and then he was stunned in situ.

Then he saw a red line on his neck.

The red line expanded rapidly, and then the head of the mountain rushed up into the sky, leaving a headless corpse standing in the air and slowly falling to the ground.

a blow!

Move the mountain and die!

Countless people took a breath and looked at the boy standing in the air with shocked eyes.

Xue an didn't feel much.

With one hand, the huge axe that circled in the air fell back into his hand.

There was not even a trace of blood on the snow like blade.

"Good!" Nezha couldn't help shouting good.

Xue an smiled and looked at Feixian temple.

Because he knew that this was just the beginning.

Sure enough.

Several figures rushed out of Feixian temple.

"Elder martial brother moving mountain!"

"Senior brother!"

In the shouting, these figures didn't talk nonsense, so they directly attacked Xue an.

It was the other gods in Feixian Temple who came.

But their strength is not as good as moving to the mountain. How can they be Xue an's opponent?

Just a moment later, these people became the dead under the axe.

When the head of the last God general was smashed by Xue Ansheng, the crowd was silent.

Because the tragedy of this war has exceeded their imagination.

Who could have thought that this young man in white could be so cruel and easily kill people?

But xue'an didn't realize it. He threw away the huge axe with the blade rolled in his hand.

Even if he had killed several people in a row, he was still white as snow and had not been stained with any blood.

"The so-called flying fairy temple... Is it all this kind of goods?"

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