
Just then, a sigh suddenly came from the Feixian temple, and then I heard the voice of an indistinguishable man and woman speak slowly.

"Xue an, why do you want to be so aggressive? Take the initiative to come to the door and provoke without saying, and even kill several people under my door. Are you really deceiving me that there is no one in Feixian temple?"

Xue an smiled with a trace of sarcasm.

"You are finally willing to respond. Yes, I just deceive you. There is no one in Feixian temple. What should you do?"

As soon as he said this, there was a commotion.

Many people looked surprised.

Because the performance of Feixian Temple today is so strange that no one else has appeared except several gods such as moving the mountain, and even Xue an and others are indifferent to Shi Wei in front of Feixian mountain.

This is the opposite of the arrogant and domineering style of Feixian temple in the past.

Could it be... What happened in Feixian temple?

Just when people were suspicious, the voice in Feixian Temple became colder and colder.

"Xue an, you forced me, but I can't blame others!"

Xue an sneered and didn't respond at all.

On the contrary, Nezha was eager to try. He whispered to Xue an, "I'll take the lead after it comes out!"

"Don't worry, this guy can bear it for so long. It's obviously very cunning. He shouldn't appear so easily. He needs to be careful!" Xue an said in a deep voice.

of course.

The conversation between the two of them was unknown to outsiders.

Only the Nai whining eyes standing on the edge flashed a different color, as if expecting something.

At the same time, Yang Fu, who was watching the excitement in the distance, suddenly frowned.

"Something's wrong!"

"What happened to the president?" Standing aside, Wei Qingfeng hastened to ask.

Yang Fu took a deep breath and showed a complex look in his eyes. He ignored Wei Qingfeng's words and just muttered.

"I didn't think that there should be a big nest in the temple of huangri. I didn't think that there should be a nest in the temple!"

Speaking of this, he suddenly thought of something. He looked up at the white hunting boy in the air, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"So you already know that, don't you?"

"But these pickles are powerful... Can you be their opponent alone?"

Not to mention Yang Fu, Feixian mountain suddenly vibrated at this moment.

Then he saw two lights, one red and one blue, rushing out of the Feixian temple. When they stood in the air, they were two stunning women.

And the two women as like as two peas, and apart from the bright glow of their bodies, they are like mirrors.

Many people looked at each other and whispered.

"Who is this?"

"I don't know. I haven't heard that there are two child experts in Feixian temple!"

Nezha spat when he saw this.

"It's actually two cauldrons cultivated by evil methods. Fighting with such a dirty existence is to defile my hand, xue'an, you go!"

Xue an smiled and did not refuse.

He knew that Nezha had a strong desire for cleanliness, especially in things involving evil things.

In fact, he didn't have to take the initiative to go. After the twin female killers had a firm foothold, they all killed Xue an.

The two women, one left and one right, rushed to Xue an at almost the same speed, and then burst out the first wave of attack.

Their attack was strange.

One burst into a very blazing red light, while the other burst into a faint blue luster.

Moreover, the damage caused by these two attacks is also very different.

Red light is hot and blue light is cold.

Suddenly, Xue an's body fell into the double sky of ice and fire. The temperature difference was so great that the air burst, let alone flesh and blood.

But it happens that Xue an is not flesh and blood.

When entering the high-dimensional universe, xue'an abandoned the physical body and passed through the black hole in the form of a spiritual condensate.

Although the rapid development of his strength led to the fact that he, a spiritual condensate, also had all the external manifestations of flesh and blood, he was still different in essence.

Like now.

Facing the fierce temperature difference attack, Xue an just smiled and then waved a palm slowly.

In xue'an's present state, he has great power in every move.

For example, this seemingly insignificant one waved his hand and forced the children to retreat.

But this was just the beginning. In the next moment, countless swords appeared around Xue an.

Xue an pointed at it, and the countless swords turned into huge waves and rushed towards his two children.

Ding Ding!

Although the children immediately stepped back and arranged a red and Blue Shield in front of them, it didn't help.

Because there are too many swords.

Like an ant colony, it ate away most of the shield in almost the blink of an eye.

Then the figure of the two children began to shake and blur.

That's the result of being impacted by the infinite sword.

Seeing at most one second, the children will be buried under the sword sea.

Just then, an indescribable power rushed out of the Feixian temple.

Then the whole Feixian mountain began to tremble.

Countless people suddenly turned pale.

But Nezha spit out the straw stick in his mouth, and came to xue'an with his hands in his pockets. He said in a deep voice, "coming!"

"Well, I've been waiting for him for a long time!" Xue an said faintly.

As soon as the voice fell, I saw a huge gap in the Feixian temple.

Then four long insect legs stretched out from the gap.

The insect's legs can also see fluff like steel needles.

Then the earth shook again, and a huge spider finally climbed up from the ground.

When it appeared in front of everyone, many people felt dizzy and scared.

One is because it is huge.

Just four long legs are as high as a hill, and the dark body blocks out the sky and the sun.

The second reason is that countless faces are embedded in the belly of the spider.

These faces have different expressions, joy and crying, but more fear.

"God, isn't that the elder Qingxu of Feixian temple!"

"I've seen that man. That's also the man in Feixian temple!"

The crowd screamed one after another.

At this point, many people understand why the so-called Feixian temple has not sent anyone to this day.

It turned out that they had been reduced to the food in the belly of the spider.

The horrific scene made my scalp numb just thinking about it.

The next scene directly defeated many people with poor psychological quality.

The spider's mouth suddenly spit out several white silk threads and directly involve the bodies of those God generals scattered on the ground.

Then there was a creepy sound of chewing.

Not only that, the pair of children also turned into fog and were sucked into their bellies by the spider.

After all this, the spider's abdomen not only showed a few more faces, but its head glowed, showing the faces of its children.

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