This is an extremely strange and terrible scene.

A giant spider with a face on its belly and two beautiful women on its head.

The picture is evil.

Nai Ying, who stood in the corner, frowned slightly and whispered.

"It's this guy. It seems that those old people can't sit still at last. That's right! The existence that has been protecting Xue an is uncertain. The biggest backer has disappeared. Now is the best time for them to start!"

Speaking of this, Nai Yingying's eyes at xue'an became a little meaningful.

"Xue an, you can only rely on yourself next. If you can get through this level, all the truth will be presented, but if you can't... Don't talk about it!"

Her voice was so low that others didn't know. Only the nearest Yi Guyun heard something, but at the moment, Yi Guyun was not in the mood to take care of it.

At this time, she had fallen into great sadness.

"Father... Is that you?"

At a glance, she recognized the face of her father and a group of people just above the belly of the giant spider.

No wonder there is no news from the family during this period. It turns out... They have been buried in the mouth of this giant spider!

Yi Guyun felt that he was trembling all over and his brain was blank.

The residence of her family is not too far from here, but Yi Guyun seldom came back because of his busy business after joining Senluo valley.

I didn't expect such a scene when I saw my father again.

This almost instantly destroyed Yi Guyun's psychological defense line.

At this time, Xue an also saw some clues. His face became colder and asked in a low voice, "do you see it?"

Nezha nodded solemnly, "it's very strong, and it has swallowed up many external forces. It's a tricky guy!"

Xue an's eyes flashed, but she didn't say anything more. She just stared at the giant spider coldly.

At the same time, the giant spider finally stopped chewing and slowly raised its head.

Many people feel cold all of a sudden.

Because those two bright eyes are full of unspeakable cunning and evil at the moment.

It was as if the filth of the whole world had gathered in these two eyes.

"Cluck, cluck, cluck!" Just then, the giant spider burst into laughter.

The laughter is soft and beautiful, but it is more creepy when it comes out of its mouth.

"Sister, you see, it's really busy here today! Especially the little doll, it's fresh and delicious at first sight!" The face on the left stretched out its long tongue, licked its lips and spoke in a charming tone.

Nezha's face darkened in an instant.

What he hated most in his life was that others regarded him as a child, and He taboo to describe himself with words like fresh or lovely.

However, Nezha did not attack immediately, but stood there with cold eyes and a faint red light in his hand.

"Sister, you like fresh and delicious, but I like mature ones. For example, I like this one in white!" The other face said with a smile.

Xue an was not in a hurry. Instead, she picked up her arm and looked at it with a smile.

"Hee hee, my sister is really good-looking. This young man in white is the Xue an who let us scratch our head recently!"

"Ah, he's Xue an! He's so good-looking. I thought such lucky children were rough men with tiger back and bear waist!"

The two faces sang in unison and played a double reed in front of the crowd.

If you look at the content of their discussion and the tone of their speech, it's like two lovestruck women discussing their sweetheart.

But at this moment, no one will think this is a pleasant thing!

In particular, those charming female voices from such a terrible body add a sense of conflict.

"Xiao Lang Jun Xue, I heard that you are the most outstanding young hero of the Chinese nationality in recent ten thousand years. My sister has a crush on you now. Why don't you just follow it? Of course, if you like, I'm willing to share it with you, so that you can enjoy the happiness of the whole people!"

The face of that self proclaimed sister is full of unspeakable amorous feelings.

Before Xue an spoke, Shu Jingchu almost didn't spit out.

"Bah, it's shameless!"

"Huh?" The woman's eyes moved and looked at Shu Jingchu.

Then Shu Jingchu could not help humming and almost fell to the ground.

Just a look, Shu Jingchu was hurt.

"Who should I be? It turned out that I was the subordinate of the child who hid in the Guangming palace crying all day!" Her sister's words were full of disdain.

"Even if your master comes now, you have to kneel down and take care of our sisters. Aunt, what are you, daring to be presumptuous in front of us!"

A look of horror flashed across Shu Jingchu's eyes.

Not fear.

It's just that the attack you just suffered is too incredible.

As far as my eyes were concerned, my soul of knowing the sea, including Qi, blood and bone marrow, trembled at the same time, which suddenly hurt my vitality.

But in addition, there is no fluctuation of any aura.

What exactly is this?

Just when she was frightened, a figure stood in front of her.

Xue an Chang stood upright, with no fear on his face, but endless indifference.

"The people in Feixian temple have been swallowed up by you?"

"How can I use the word devour? You know, they were just pets I raised. Now that pets grow up, they naturally want to kill and eat meat. What's the problem?" The face who claimed to be his sister said with a smile.

Xue an didn't bother to entangle with it, so he asked directly, "so the all souls mirror is in your hand now?"

"That's natural! What? Do you want it? Then be a servant under my skirt. If I'm comfortable, I can consider giving it to you!" The sister's face spoke in a seductive tone.

Before the voice fell, a red light burst out, and then I heard a loud noise.

Nezha did not know when he had rushed to the head of the giant spider and stabbed it in the forehead with a fire pointed gun in his hand.

But the invincible fire pointed gun met its opponent this time.

Apart from the countless sparks at the tip of the gun, the giant spider was unharmed, and there was not even a white spot on the forehead.

Nezha was shocked and immediately prepared to retreat.

But the giant spider didn't want him to leave so easily.

"Sister, don't you like this little doll? Now he has offered to come to the door. Can you not stay?" Sister joked.

"What my sister said suits me very much!" Sister smiled and grinned.

The muscles on his lips were torn in an instant, and directly came out of his ears. Then countless spider silk spit out from his huge mouth and hit Nezha with his head covered his face.

Nezha snorted coldly and tried to quit.

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