But just then, an extremely cold came from the tip of the fire pointed gun and spread upward at a very fast speed.

In the blink of an eye, the fire pointed gun was covered with thick ice crystals, and even the burning flame above was frozen.

Nezha wanted to let go, but it was too late. His arms were frozen and quickly spread over his chest and abdomen.

The sight of spider silk is about to envelop it. At this time, the space earthquake directly lifts these spider silk out.

Xue an appeared behind Nezha, grabbed his shoulder and yanked it back.


The ice crystals were broken, and then Xue an fled with Nezha in the distance.

Without the source of cold, this ice crystal on Nezha was just rootless water, which disappeared in the blink of an eye.

But Nezha's face was covered with severe frost.

He was ashamed of his arrogant nature with that blow, so he had to do it again.

Xue'an stopped him and shook his head.

Nezha reluctantly endured his anger and stood in his place without saying a word.

Then Xue an looked coldly at the giant spider.

"In fact, I have always had a doubt!"

"Oh? What doubts? Tell your sister!"

"With your strength, I should have been aware of it from the moment I stepped into the universe, but why do you do it to me now?"

"Cluck, cluck, I believe you already have the answer in your heart. Why ask me again?"

"No!" Xue an stepped forward, his eyes cold as ice and said, "I just want to ask!"

"Well, I'll tell you! Do you think we didn't want to fight you before? It's just that an existence that even several adults are afraid of has been protecting you, so we can't do it yourself! But now the life and death of the existence that protects you is unknown, and you have become the target to be eliminated in the next step!"

"But to tell you the truth, Xue an, the speed of your growth really scares us all. How long has it taken you to reach this height? That's why adults sent me to come in person, which is to wipe you out at one time!"

"Who is the adult in your mouth?"

"Cluck, cluck, cluck, I've answered your questions enough. Do you think it's possible to continue the routine?"

"Be obedient, let your sister pet you, and then become my favorite collection. What do you think?"

As the giant spider said, Xue an had the answer before. The reason why he asked again was just to confirm his guess.

After listening to the giant spider's words, Xue an sneered, "in fact, you don't want to say I know!"

"Oh? What do you know?"

"The guys I killed before didn't know who the real behind the scenes was, or they said something vaguely. Only you can clearly call them adults, so..."

"I'm very close to them now, and even threaten them. That's why I'm so impatient to kill me, isn't it?"

The two faces of the giant spider gradually became gloomy, "Xue an, you really deserve your reputation. No wonder Shuming, that fool thought that he could kill you by a separate body, but it backfired and became a laughing stock between us!"

"Yes, your growth rate is really fast, and adults do regard you as a big problem, but that's all the past. From today on, there will be no you in the world!"

Then the two mouths of the giant spider opened together and spit out spider silk all over the sky.

"Hehe, it's like you can kill me!"

Xue an sneered, and his hands suddenly looked forward, and a bright sword burst out in his palm.

Then a huge sword appeared in front of the crowd.

In Xue an's realm, he has infinite power when he raises his hands and feet. What's more, what he calls out at the moment is the sword Qi that Xue an is best at.

With the long sword in his hand, Xue an cut the spider silk in the air with a crisp lift.

Then Xue an stepped forward and stabbed with his long sword.

This sword is too fast to describe.

Even the sun and moon will be pierced by this sword.

But the giant spider didn't even hide. A sarcastic smile appeared on both faces, and then he opened his mouth and exhaled.

One red and one blue quickly formed a shield in front of him.

Bang! Bang!

After two loud noises, the long sword pierced the shield, but the forward speed inevitably slowed down.

Not only that, because of the sharp temperature difference, the sword body composed of countless swords also shows small cracks.

When it came to the face of the giant spider, it suddenly melted like a burning candle.

In the blink of an eye, the long sword was broken and disappeared. Xue an was shocked back a few steps by the force of the counter shock.

The giant spider laughed proudly and said, "Xue an, do you know why I sent two magic spirits to attack you before? Just to crack your sword Qi!"

"Because that's the only thing that can threaten me. As long as the sword Qi is ineffective, you are just fish on the knife in my eyes!"

Of course, Xue an could not be shaken by his words. At the moment when the long sword was broken, Xue an exhaled and punched!

This fist contains all the principles of boxing since Xue an's cultivation. It can destroy life and death and break chaos.

But the giant spider didn't even dodge. He stood carelessly and took Xue an's punch.


A loud noise brought up a violent shock wave.

But the giant spider at the center of the storm stood still. On the contrary, Xue an was shaken back by tens of meters.

But Xue an didn't give up. Almost when she stepped back, Xue an's eyebrows were as red as stars. She knew the sea and made every effort to launch it. The essence of her mind condensed into a huge palm and fell from the sky, vowing to pat the giant spider into meat cakes.

But the giant spider just breathed out a breath, and then the shocking blow was dispersed like a cloud.

So far.

Sword cultivation, body skill and mind three wave attack are completely ineffective.

Then the giant spider laughed wildly.

"Xue an, what did my sister say before? You can't live today, because now I'm immune to all physical and spiritual attacks!"

"Even the only sword Qi that can pose a little threat to me has failed under my analysis!"

"Now I am truly invincible! What do you take to fight me?"

"Surrender obediently. My sister can let you leave the world in extreme joy and ensure that there will be no pain!"

Many people have a look of despair on their faces.

Because if everything is as the giant spider said, it is invincible.

Immune to all physical and mental attacks, how can we fight this war?

Xue an stood in his place with a heavy face, and his face was a little pale.

Although the earthquake did not hurt him, it also gave him a lot of pressure.

Nezha's face was also ugly, but the war spirit in his eyes was as fierce as fire, and there was no sign of depression.

"Xue an, you have a rest first, and then change me!"

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