Xue an stretched out his hand and stopped him. He said faintly, "don't go there. You can't win this guy by yourself!"

Nezha raised his eyebrows and his eyes were full of evil spirit.

If someone else had blown up so early.

But in the face of Xue an, he can only restrain his anger.

"What should we do? Just stare at this guy and show off in front of us?"

"Of course not!"

Xue an raised her eyes and looked at the arrogant and domineering giant spider in the distance. She looked terrible cold.

"Elder, do you believe in invincibility?"

Nezha glanced, "I don't believe it, I only believe myself!"

"In fact, I believe it, but it is by no means the invincibility that this quadruped boasts. In my opinion, there is only one person who is truly invincible!"



After that, xue'an rushed out like a stray arrow and launched an indiscriminate attack on the giant spider.

Looking at Xue an's back, Nezha was stunned at first, and then smiled.

This guy... Is more proud than himself in some places!

But it's also good. After all, Chinese young people should have such a soul.

At the same time, Yang Fu, who was watching the war outside the crowd, also looked a little moved.

Especially when he saw that Xue an displayed all kinds of martial arts as if he were exhibiting his own strength, and beat the giant spider back and forth, he couldn't help but flash a look of appreciation in his eyes.

This boy... Has a bit of backbone!

If other people didn't dare to do it, they would be paralyzed at that time!

After all, in the face of a huge evil that can be immune to physical and mental attacks at the same time, it's good for ordinary people not to be frightened. How can we talk about doing it.

But... Is such an attack really effective?

Yang Fu is skeptical.

Sure enough.

Just then, the giant spider covered by Xue an's fist and foot suddenly sneered.

"Have you enjoyed it?"

The crowd was stunned, and then heard a loud noise. Xue an was forcibly shocked and flew hundreds of feet away.

Later, people found that after being baptized by Xue an, the giant spider was not only uninjured, but even bigger.

Xue an, on the other hand, was pale and obviously consumed a lot.

"Sometimes I really don't understand what you people are trying to insist on. Knowing that you are not an opponent, you have to go forward and die recklessly. Is this what you human beings call self touching?" The giant spider sneered.

Xue an didn't respond, but the whole person gradually calmed down. Only a pair of eyes were as bright as a piece of burning ice.

"You're wrong!"

"Huh?" The giant spider was a little surprised.

"You think what I have done is futile and self moving, but you are wrong!" Xue an's tone was indifferent, as if he were telling an ordinary little thing.

"You are indeed immune to physical and spiritual attacks, which seems to put you in an invincible position, but the fact... Is not the case!"

The giant spider was shocked, but soon it laughed.

"Giggle! That's funny. It's like you know me very well. What's my weakness?"

The tone was casual and full of sarcasm.

Xue an ignored its provocation, but turned to look at Yi Guyun in the distance.

"Miss Yi!"


This cry awakened Yi Guyun, who was in pain and couldn't extricate himself.

Xue an naturally saw the sadness and hesitation on her face. She couldn't help sighing in her heart, and then raised her hand to point to the giant spider in the distance.

"Miss Yi, are there your people among the people swallowed by this giant spider?"

Yi Guyun nodded, his eyes full of tears and hatred, "yes! My father and people have been buried in this guy's belly!"

"Cluck, cluck, what should I say? That's what I asked. That's right! I've really swallowed this little girl's people, so what?" The giant spider sneered.

But Nai whining, who had not said a word, suddenly brightened her eyes, and then looked at Xue an with strange eyes.

He suddenly asked this, could it be.

The corner of Nai's mouth gradually raised, and she felt that she had understood Xue an's idea.

I couldn't help marveling at Xue an's keen insight.

In contrast, the clamoring giant spider is just like a fool except for the overbearing rules.

Just then, Xue an waved his hand.

Yi Guyun came to Xue an.

"Miss Yi, can I borrow your cloud bow next?"

Without hesitation, Yi Guyun took off his hair and cloud bow and handed it to Xue an.

"Mr. Xue, please take care!"

Yi Guyun is not a fool. Naturally, he knows that if he wants revenge, he can only place his hope on Xue an.

Xue an smiled, turned and left.

At this time, the giant spider is more and more calm.

It thinks that it is already an invincible golden body. None of these people present can escape their control. Therefore, it is not in a hurry to fight. Instead, the old God stands in his place and wants to see how Xue an deals with himself.

When he saw that Xue an borrowed a cloud bow from Yi Guyun, he couldn't help laughing.

"I thought you could come up with some earth shaking ideas, and that's it? Do you know that when I swallowed these guys, they used a cloud bow much more powerful than yours, but it still can't do anything to me!"

Xue an didn't talk nonsense with it at all. He just drew a bow and arrow, and then shot it with one arrow.

The long arrow condensed by the cloud gas shuttled through the air at a very fast speed and hit the abdomen of the giant spider directly.

With a bang, the long arrow was broken, but the giant spider did not move.

"Ha ha ha, Xue an, are you here to make fun of me? It's not even tickling me. Are you going to laugh me to death in this way?" The giant spider laughed wildly.

Xue'an was not moved at all, but read silently in her heart.


Then Xue an opened his bow and arrow again.


Another arrow still hit the belly of the giant spider.


The giant spider snorted coldly, "it seems that you really don't give up! Forget it, aunt, I'm not in the mood to flirt with you again. Go to hell!"

The giant spider's speed is very fast. With four long feet in the air, its huge body turns into an illusion and rushes to Xue an.

That feeling is like a mountain flying straight, full of unspeakable oppression.

Xue an's face was as heavy as water. He stood in place without avoiding, and then stretched his bow and arrow again.


The long arrow stabbed the giant spider in the abdomen, but it still didn't stir up any waves, as if what Xue an did was useless.

Now Shu Jingchu is in a hurry.

"Xue an!"

She thought Xue an was frightened, so she made a sound to remind her.

Xue'an turned his head and smiled at her, and then was swallowed directly by the giant spider the next second.

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